. He has never travelled out of his hometown, _______ to a foreign country.
A.leave out | B.let out | C.let alone | D.leave alone |
试题【.. He has never travelled out of his hometown, _______ to a foreign country.A.le】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
Alice was_________the letter from Tom, but it didn"t reach her for some reason.
A.expecting | B.waiting | C.waiting for | D.expected |
Whenever I think of my childhood, I"ll always feel that the period of free time seem to have passed ________
A.for ever | B.by and by | C.little by little | D.in a flash |
At first, his teacher couldn’t’ realize that Lang Lang had a ________ for music though he said he wanted to learn the piano so much.
A.knowledge | B.present | C.gift | D.desire |
Too much drinking and smoking ________ his early death. Which of the following keys is wrong?
A.resulted in | B.led to | C.contributed to | D.brought with |
— Would you mind accepting me as your member?
— Of course not. We ___ anyone if he obeys our rules.
A.bring in | B.result in | C.turn in | D.take in |
- 1如图甲所示,是测动滑轮机械效率的示意图。它用弹簧测力计拉动绳子自由端,将质量为200g的钩码从A位置匀速提升到B位置,同
- 2函数与不等式:已知直线y=kx(k≠0)与直线y=-2x+b相交于点A(-2,3).(1)求两直线的函数解析式;(2)画
- 3如图所示是原子核的核子平均质量与原子序数Z的关系图像,下列说法正确的是 [ ]A.如D和E结合成F,结合过程一定
- 4注:目前物价还是在高位运行,物价上涨的压力仍然比较大。材料一:2011年前三季度,由于高耗能行业增长较快,能源消费量大幅
- 5某研究性小组在室外测得一日内的气温如下表: 时刻2点8点14点20点气温(℃)571513
- 6美元与人民币的共同点是( )①都能充当衡量商品价值大小的尺度 ②它们的面值和购买力都是由国家规定
- 7(6分)小林、小军和小明在实验室用如图装置做CaCO3受热分解的实验,加热一段时问后,他们对试管内固体的成分进行探究。【
- 8阅读《简约主义的先秦史》:盘古说:我开;共工说:我撞;女娲说:我补:夸父说:我追;精卫说:我填;后羿说:我射;仓颉说:我
- 9He found very difficult the math probl
- 10按要求写出下列反应的化学方程式: (1)镁条在氧气中燃烧
- 1You can eat food free in my restaurant ______ you like.A. wh
- 2生活中的数学小题1:小明同学在某月的日历上圈出2×2个数(如图),正方形方框内的4个数的和是28,那么这4个数是
- 3—How do you like the story?—Interesting, _______ the end of
- 4滨海市的电话号码将由六位升至七位,参照下表的内容,试用尽量简洁的文字说明升位的方法。 原电话号码 3××××× 4×××
- 5听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. Why did the animals come together?A. To s
- 6下列现象中,能反映原始农耕时代文化特征的有①定居生活②建造房屋③饲养家畜④制造陶器⑤使用打制石器⑥用耒耜耕地[
- 7如图等腰梯形线框从位于匀强磁场上方一定高度处自由下落,当导线框下落到如图位置时,导线框 做匀速运动。已知下落过程两平行边
- 8请你在图中标出通电螺线管的两极和磁感线的方向.
- 9He ____ much food ____ the poor family.A.provided toB.provid
- 10蛋白质分子能被肽酶降解,至于哪一个肽键被断裂则决定于肽酶的类型。肽酶P能断裂带有侧链R4的氨基酸和相邻氨基酸的羧基基团之