All the workers think it very necessary to safety regulations and workshop
A.campaign | B.inspire | C.confuse | D.observe |
试题【All the workers think it very necessary to safety regulations and workshop】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
.An idea me it was very difficult for a woman to get medical training at that
A.hit to;what | B.hit;how | C.happened to;how | D.hit;that |
We ______ him to stop surfing the Internet, but he wouldn’t.
A.persuaded | B.tried to persuade | C.suggested | D.demanded |
I ______ that we purchase 10 copies of Travel to the Misty Country for the library. (A librarian writes to the head)
A.command | B.decide | C.recommend | D.approve |
– He always shouted and laughed when I was singing in the yard.
-- _______. He’s only playing himself!
A.Watch out | B.Just ignore him | C.Don’t mention it | D.No way |
When realizing the guard of the supermarket had spotted him , the thief the exit as quickly as possible.
A.made for | B.made out | C.made up | D.made into |
- 1Some solid evidence proves that water really exists on Mars,
- 2社会主义最大的优越性就是共同富裕,对共同富裕认识不正确的是 [ ]A.共同富裕是社会主义的根本原则 B.为实现
- 31956年,***提出“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,旨在[ ]A.大力弘扬民族传统文化 B.强调文艺必须为工农兵
- 4【题文】已知是定义在上的函数,且满足时,,则等于
- 5有关我国内流河的叙述,正确的是[ ]A.内流河是指河流只流经一个省级行政区B.内流河河水主要来自高山冰雪融水和山
- 6下列溶液中,能大量共存的离子组是
- 7估测一个密度约为1.5×103kg/m3的液态星球是否存在,科学家的主要根据之一就是它自转的周期,假若它存在,其自转周期
- 8A,B两根外形完全相同的钢条,不知道它们是否有磁性,将它们按如图所示放置,则( )A.若B吸引A,则B一定有磁性,A一
- 9设,且,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 10在实数3.14159,,1.010010001,,π,中,无理数有( )A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个
- 1读下图完成下列各题:小题1:我国800毫米年平均等降水量线大致通过图中山脉甲,该山脉是A.昆仑山B.天山C.武夷山D.秦
- 2下列计算正确的是 [ ]A.a6÷a2=a3 B.(a3)2=a5C.D.
- 3我国最大的航空港是[ ]A、广州白云机场 B、北京首都机场 C、上海虹桥机场 D、香港国际机场
- 4He cooked a great meal to _______ the help of his neighbors
- 5电解水所得到的氢气和氧气的体积比是( )A.1:8B.8:1C.1:2D.2:1
- 6 go, study, have, look after, invite, busy, play, tak
- 7设集合M={x|0<x≤3},N={x|0<x≤1},那么“a∈M”是“a∈N”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充
- 8从某高度处以20m/s的速度水平抛出一物体,经过4s落地,则物体抛出处的高度是多少m?,物体落地点的水平距离是多少m?,
- 9辽宁省阜新市原是一个煤炭工业城市,进入新世纪以后,阜新市煤炭产量锐减,已成为全国第一个资源枯竭型城市经济转型试点市。结合
- 10下列叙述正确的是[ ]A.Fe分别与氯气和稀盐酸反应所得氯化物相同 B.等量的Zn分别与足量的稀硫酸和浓硫酸反应