It"s a long time since I heard from you in last time. Now I"d like to tell you a impressive story that
happened on the first day of my teaching career.
A boy, Li Ming, whom father died a year ago, was late for school. He stood outside the classroom
quiet. I smiled at him and let him come. After a while, he began to cry. Seeing this, I walked to him and
asked what has happened. He told me his mother was ill but he had to get some medicine for her. At the
same time he apologized to me for his lateness. Moved by his word, I praised him for his deeds and
decided to sing a song was named "Mother" for the students. From then on I began to realize we should
respect our parents and did our best to help them. Do you think so? I"m looking forward to your early
It"s a long time since I heard from you
1. 去掉in 2. an
that happened on the first day of my teaching career.
A boy, Li Ming, whom father died a year ago, was late for school. He stood outside the
3. whose
classroom quiet. I smiled at him and let him come/. After a while, he began to cry. Seeing this, I
4. quietly 5. in
walked to him and asked what has happened. He told me his mother was ill but he had to get some
6. had 7. so/and
medicine for her. At the same time he apologized to me for his lateness. Moved by his word, I
8. words
praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song was named "Mother" for the students. From
9. 去掉was或加that/which
then on I began to realize we should respect our parents and did our best to help them. Do you
10. do
think so? I"m looking forward to your early reply.
B. at all
C. a little
D. much
are still great.
B. But
C. While
D. Therefore
B. much too long
C. long too much
D. too long much
it _______ missed landing on my head.
B. sharply
C. nearly
D. vividly
have to look for new places to live.
B. Yet
C. Thus
D. Though
- 1描述CH3—CH===CH—C≡C—CF3分子结构的下列叙述中,正确的是 ①6个碳原子有可能都在一条直线上 ②6个碳原子
- 2从下表中可以得到的最准确的信息是1951——1965年苏联的社会总产值、国民收入、工业产值的增长速度 单位:%[
- 3【题文】设函数,则的表达式是( )A.B.C.D.
- 4甲乙两人从同一地点出发,同向而行,甲骑自行车,乙步行。如果乙先走12km,那么甲用1h就能追上乙;若乙先走1h,那么甲只
- 5“……就是人类脱离自己所加之于其自身的不成熟状态”,“不成熟状态就是不被别人引导,就对运用自己的理智无能为力”,“要有勇
- 6某同学设计的制取氯气和验证氯气部分化学性质的实验装置如下图甲所示:其中D处放有干燥的紫色石蕊试纸,E处放有湿润的紫色石蕊
- 7阅读下列材料:材料一1940年夏,钱三强与何泽慧携刚足半岁的长女一同回国,他们铭记伊伦·居里“为科学服务,科学为人民服务
- 8下图所示艺术盛行的朝代是[ ]A.秦 B.隋 C.唐 D.元
- 9人体内所必需的下列元素中,因摄入量不足而导致骨质疏松的是( )A.KB.CaC.NaD.Fe
- 10将12g硫酸镁与50g氢氧化钠溶液恰好完全反应,求所得溶液的溶质质量分数.
- 1以下说法正确的是( )A.向手上哈气和向手上吹气手的感觉不同,但涉及的物态变化是相同的B.热的油锅中溅入水滴后油花四溅
- 2内蒙古高原和东北平原的分界山脉是[ ]A.秦岭B.大兴安岭C.太行山D.阴山
- 3反应①②是重要的化工反应,D、E、F、G为单质,D、E、G、H为气体,且只有E为有色气体,F是常见的金属单质,G是空气中
- 4东西经度的起始线是( )A.180°经线B.本初子午线C.赤道D.国际日期变更线
- 5若(x+1)2-1=0,则x的值等于( )A.±1B.±2C.0或2D.0或-2
- 6建筑是凝固的音乐,是造型艺术的主要种类之一,不同地区的建筑具有不同的特点。下列图片所示的建筑物中,和巴黎圣母院具有相同建
- 7(本小题10分)已知抛物线:.点F(1,1).(Ⅰ) 求抛物线的顶点坐标;(Ⅱ) ①若抛物线与y轴的交点为A.连接AF,
- 8下图表示某植物正常体细胞的染色体组成。下列各选项中,可能是该植物基因型的是[ ]A.ABCdB.AaaaC.Aa
- 92007年,我国全年外商直接投资实际使用金额747.7亿美元,对外投资额187亿美元。这表明,我国在对外开放中[
- 10The wrong you’ve done to her is terrible, ____ you should ma