— .For years to come it will be beyond what movies can achieve.
A.Hopefully | B.Extremely | C.Exactly | D.Surprisingly |
试题【—The film Avatar made by James Cameron is fantastic.Don’t you think so?— .F】;主要考察你对副词等知识点的理解。[详细]
23. Our train was two hours ______ because of strong winds and heavy rains.
A.late | B.later | C.latest | D.Lately |
24. ---By the way, what’s your opinion about that, Jack?
---To be practical, I prefer to live in the country farming ______ stay in the city living poorly.
A.rather than | B.would rather | C.more than | D.had better |
9.You can depend on it that she will come to the wedding. ______, she’s accepted your invitation.
A.Above all | B.After all | C.What’s more | D.That’s to say |
18. – Students should devote most of their time to studying rather than playing computer games.
– ________. No pains, no gains.
A.Really | B.Obviously | C.Actually | D.Exactly |
106. The stone steps up to the mountain temple had been worn ______ by centuries of visitors from every part of the world.
A.smooth | B.smoothly | C.old | D.Broken |
- 1医院一般不用作消毒剂的是 [ ]A. 酒精溶液 B. 双氧水 C. 烧碱溶液 D. 高锰酸钾溶液
- 22010年1月19日,中央电视台“焦点访谈”栏目播放了一个感人的 故事:在天津南开大学读书的哈萨克族女孩阿依努尔被确诊为
- 3“雷锋传人”郭明义在生活中不仅助人为乐,而且安贫乐道,一家3口人住的仅仅是40平方米的房子。在工作中,他谢绝矿里配的巡检
- 4【题文】已知集合,,则为( )A. B. C. D.
- 5在△ABC中,已知∠ABC=50°,∠ACB=60°,BE是AC上的高,CF是AB上的高,H是BE和CF的交点. 求∠A
- 6如右图所示,用皮带输送机将物块m向上传送,两者间保持相对静止,则下列关于m所受摩擦力的说法正确的是( )A.皮带传动的
- 7—Who taught _______ Japanese?—I learned it by _______.[
- 8Cheektowage Central Middle School can be a lot of fun. It ha
- 9《安徽省应对气候变化方案》提出,安徽省应对气候变化面临巨大挑战,必须加快推进产业结构优化升级,转变经济发展方式。下图表示
- 10若抛物线y=x2+(m-2)x+(m+5)的顶点在y轴上,则m=______.
- 1某中学研究性学习小组在研究现代世界政治格局时,收集了以下历史照片。如果要为这些图片拟定一个恰当的探究主题,应该是A.美国
- 2【题文】 下列港口与所濒临海域相符合的是( )A.马赛—大西洋B.鹿特丹—
- 3下列各代数式中,符合代数式书写规范的是( )A.a÷2B.3ΧaC.4aD.312a
- 4 You want to tell me, and I have no objection ______ it.A.to
- 5在演奏二胡前,需要调整琴弦的松紧程度,这样做的目的是调节琴弦发声时的( )A.振幅B.响度C.音调D.音色
- 6Our industry makes use of what farmers throw away a
- 7(-2)2001+(-2)2002等于[ ]A.-22001B.-22002C.22001D.-2
- 8选出下列各句中字形错误的一项:()A.煽情潦倒委婉诠释B.咀嚼鄙邑倜傥萧瑟C.上瘾蔓延归咎戮穿D.蒙眬倔强侥幸佝偻
- 9选出填入下列空白处最恰当的一项是:( ).《民用航空法》规定,当民用航空器遇险时,机长首先要组织旅客安全离开,崐未经机长
- 10函数f(x)=x3-3x2+2在区间[-1,1]上的极大值是[ ]A、-2 B、0 C、2 D、4