65. After having failed many times, the young man refused to try it .
A.again and again | B.once more |
C.less | D.over and over again |
67. The young man _____ forgot that his girl friend’s birthday was drawing _____ .
A.nearly; nearly | B.near; nearly | C.nearly; near | D.near; near |
68. Yesterday my friend and I went to the supermarket nearby. We found that there were _______ nothing worth buying.
A.almost | B.nearly | C.near | D.About |
69. In order to keep fit, the retired women, whether rain or shine, go _____ for plenty of exercise early in the morning.
A.outdoor | B.outdoors | C.outing | D.Indoors |
70. These books are _____ written for those who learn how to use computer. It’s an ABC of computer learning.
A.particularly | B.specially | C.especially | D.Peculiarly |
71. Such a small man can’t _____ reach the balloon one metre higher than he.
A.possibly | B.impossible | C.possible | D.Impossibly |
- 1 Is it a wonder that ____little cells can store much ener
- 2据报道,自中央发出《关于严禁公款购买印制寄送贺年卡等物品的通知》后,不少地方出现了台历挂历退单潮。“以前是接订单接得手软
- 3下列激素中,对全身细胞都起作用的是[ ]A.促甲状腺激素释放激素B.促甲状腺激素C.甲状腺激素D.抗利尿激素
- 4武平梁野山素有天然氧吧之称,其险峻的高山、飞流的瀑布令人叹为观止。依瀑流而建的木栈道蜿蜒至山脚,长约4km,高度差约90
- 5如果(2x+2y+1)(2x+2y﹣1)=63,那么x+y的值是 .
- 6关于中国海军赴索马里海域护航,下列说法正确的是 [ ]①护航扬我国威,但有损他国主权②中国的综合国力与国际地位日
- 7物体作匀加速直线运动,初速为10米/秒,加速度为2米/秒2,则第4秒末的速度为______,前4秒内位移大小为_____
- 8下列反应的离子方程式中,错误的是( ) A.向苏打溶液中加入稀盐酸:CO32-+2H+=CO2↑+H2OB
- 9一只标有“220V 10A”字样的电能表,220V表示______,10A表示______,最多可容纳总功率为____
- 10遣词造句:根据图片和提示词,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。(10分)小题1:enjoy, collect小题2:What
- 1下列说法中正确的是A.电场并不是客观存在的物质B.电场对放入其中的电荷有力的作用C.描述电场的电场线是客观存在的D.描述
- 2已知⊙O的半径是3,圆心O到直线l的距离是3,则直线l与⊙O的位置关系是( )。
- 3材料一:中共十六届五中全会在北京举行,此次全会的一个重要议题是讨论“十一五”规划的《建议》。与以往的五年计划相比,“十一
- 4To learn English well you must learn about yourself. You mus
- 5下列哪种氨基酸为含硫氨基酸[ ]A.Trp B.Thr C.Phe D.MetE.Pro
- 6DLearning English has a powerful effect on the type of job y
- 7已知,那么 .
- 8把下列划线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(1)闻河南守吴公治平为天下第一,故与李斯同邑而尝学事焉,乃征为廷尉。 译文:_____
- 9一瓶固体经化验只含有一种元素,则该固体是( )A.一种单质B.单质与化合物的混合物C.一种化合物D.既可能是一种单质,
- 10(26分)转方式、调结构,我国经济社会发展稳中求进、稳中求好。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 2010~2013年我国国内