36. --- I don’t know whether I should accept the invitation to join Microsoft or get my master degree first.
---- Don’t hesitate _______ will you get such an opportunity.
A.and never again | B.or never again | C.and where | D.or where |
试题【36. --- I don’t know whether I should accept the invitation to join Microsoft or】;主要考察你对副词等知识点的理解。[详细]
88. Lying in bed, he was _______ awake with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.
A.wide | B.open | C.deep | D.Clearly |
89. He was so tired that as soon as he lay down he fell _______ asleep.
A.fast | B.very | C.much | D.Deep |
28. ----Are you content with what Jim has done?
----Not in the least. It couldn’t be ____.
A.so bad | B.much better | C.any worse | D.the best |
147. --- Where does Jack work?
--- I’m not sure, but he worked at Motorola when I last met him, _____.
A.however | B.though | C.yet | D.Anyhow |
188. He found it dull to be kept in the same class with other students, for his English was _____ above the beginners’ level.
A.obvious rather | B.obvious much | C.obviously well | D.obviously fairly |
- 1下列事件中能直接体现现阶段我国社会主要矛盾的是[ ]①按年收入水1300元的贫困线标准,我国有近8000万人口生
- 2—I"m new here. I don"t know how to get to the hospital.—___
- 3小浩做探究“液体内部压强与哪些因素有关”的实验时,得到的几组数据见下表:(1)比较序号为1、2、3的实验数据得出的实验结
- 4以下说法正确的是A.当分子间距离增大时,分子间作用力减小,分子势能增大B.某固体物质的摩尔质量为M,密度为ρ,阿伏加德罗
- 5要避免盲目从众现象,青少年应该[ ]①努力学习知识 ②要有独立思考的能力 ③要有自主判断能力 ④要有明辨是非能力
- 6Don"t shout at him. He is unable to hear you because he is
- 7依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )莫言本名管谟业,1955年2月出生于山东高密县河崖镇大栏
- 8材料一:一战发生后,毒气、坦克等新式武器不断被使用,造成了重大的人员伤亡,为防止伤员伤口感染,英国著名细菌学家弗莱明发明
- 9A. 根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子。小题1:—I can’t stand it any more. The comp
- 10在其他条件不变的情况下,下列说法中能判断消费水平在提高的是 ①收入水平提高;②物价水平降低;③消费结构更合理;④发展资料
- 1阅读下面一首宋词,完成小题。夔州歌十首(其九)杜甫武侯祠堂不可忘,中有松柏参天长。干戈满地客愁破,云日如火炎天凉。小题1
- 2如图,AD是已知△ABC中BC边上的高。P是AD上任意一点,当P从A向D移动时,线段PB、PC的长都在变化,试探索PB-
- 3若角α终边上有一点P(12,5),则cosα=( )A.1213B.-1213C.-513D.513
- 4下列四组动物中,都属于昆虫纲的是( )A.蝴蝶、蝗虫、蚂蚁B.螃蟹、蜘蛛、蜈蚣C.蜘蛛、蝴蝶、螳螂D.蝎子、蜈蚣、对虾
- 5下图是2008年四川广元柑橘大实蝇事件有关的部分图解,请回答(6分)(1) 大实蝇属昆虫,它的翅和足都着生在
- 6住房关乎民生。近年来,我国房价上涨过快已严重影响了人们的生活。针对部分城市商品房价格过快上涨的情况,我国加大了对楼市的调
- 7如图,直线l过正方形ABCD的顶点B,点A、C到直线l的距离分别是a和b,则正方形的边长是( ).
- 8读图填空(1)海洋 A: B: (2)
- 9把下列各数填入相应的大括号内:-13.5,2,0,0.128,-2.236,3.14,+27,-,-15%,-1,,26
- 10.John is the only one of the students in the class that neve