--- _______.The roads are too crowd as it is.
A.All right. | B.Exactly. | C.Go ahead. | D.Fine. |
试题【 ---People should use public transport instead of their own private cars. --- __】;主要考察你对副词等知识点的理解。[详细]
.I’m not sure exactly how much money you’ll receive, but it will __________ cover your major expenses.
A.firmly | B.roughly | C.relatively | D.urgently |
.As is _______ known, a good knowledge of basic physics helps us better understand natural phynomenons.
A.universally | B.specifically | C.adequately | D.completely |
Jim is old enough to look after the pet dog ______.
A.correctly | B.rightly | C.properly | D.accurately |
The old man lives alone on an island, and his home is not accessible ______ by boat.
A.rather than | B.or rather | C.other than | D.no less than |
On almost all the buses in our city, there are seats ______ reserved for disabled and elderly passengers.
A.particularly | B.in particular | C.especially | D.specially |
- 1用“沉甸甸”造两个句子,要求:一用本义,一用引申义。__________________________________
- 2下列词语中划线的字,读音有误的一组是A.脑髓(suǐ)给予 (jǐ )乞骸骨(hái)遥岑远目 (cén)B.孱头 (c
- 3读图,甲图为“某日光照示意图”,乙图为“地球公转示意图”,回答下列问题。(10分)(1)在甲图中画出太阳直射光线。(2)
- 4计算:sin245°-cot60°•cos30°+tan45°=______.
- 5将物体竖直向上抛出,设空气阻力大小不变,则物体上升到最高点所需的时间及加速度与由最高点落回原处所需时间及加速度相比较:A
- 6Lady Gaga has put off her concerts because of the difficulti
- 7I think I can help you repair your typist tomorrow. ________
- 8【复】下列各选项中解释正确的一项是:( )A.师道之不复,可知矣。《师说》(恢复)B.复道行空,不霁何虹?《阿
- 9圆柱的表面展开图是( )(用语言描述).
- 10蘑菇是由 构成的 细胞个体。地下部分由 构成其作用
- 11862年成立的___________是洋务派创办的第一所新式学堂。1905年在日本东京成立的_____________
- 2【题文】下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一句是 &
- 3左宗棠收复新疆采用的战术是[ ]A.“分进合击”B.“南北对进”C.“声东击西”D.“缓进急战”
- 4It"s Saturday today. Jack"s _____ are all at home.[ ]A.
- 5下列说法正确的是( )A.内能是分子动能和分子热能的总和,所以它是机械能B.物体运动越快,物体的动能越大,内能也越大C
- 6下列各组句子没有错别字的一组是( )A.自从落进了陷阱,他的书店就风光不在,以至一蹶不振。B.我多想驾着银鹰,翱翔
- 7阅读图文资料,回答问题:材料一:2011年3月11日,日本仙台港以东太平洋附近海域(约北纬38.1°东经142.°)发生
- 8呼吸作用分解的有机物是光合作用的产物.______.(判断对错)
- 9阅读理解。 I love to write! Ever since I was a five-year-old
- 10下图是患甲病(显性基因A隐性基因a)和乙病(显性基因B,隐性基因b)两种遗传的系谱图,据图回答问题:(已知Ⅱ1不携带致病