Management theories are ____ but the method of doing business is different.
A.the same pretty much | B.much pretty the same |
C.the same much pretty | D.pretty much the same |
试题【Management theories are ____ but the method of doing business is different.A.the】;主要考察你对形容词等知识点的理解。[详细]
I was surprised to see how much ____ she was looking with her new hairstyle.
A.good | B.well | C.better | D.best |
Pain is now considered the fifth _____sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature , breathing rate and pulse in determining a person’s health.
A.original | B.vital | C.unique | D.vivid |
Financial markets will be disturbed as ______ business adjusts its working approaches and policies from an assumption of 3-3.5% potential output growth.
A.compulsory | B.conventional | C.contradictory | D.contemporary |
If a web page asks for some personal information, you need to find out if the page is __________ or not.
A.familiar | B.certain | C.secure | D.similar |
The patient is not out of danger. He is ________ than he was yesterday.
A.no better | B.worst | C.not worse | D.not more |
- 1下表为2002年我国四个地区的相关数据,据此完成1—2题。 1、四个地区中人口老龄化趋势最显著的是[ ]A、①
- 2下列标点符号使用正确的一项是( )(2分)A.我国月球探测工程将分三步实施:一是“绕”,即卫星绕月飞行;二是“落”,即探
- 3已知圆的极坐标方程为ρ2+2ρ(cosθ+sinθ)=5,则此圆在直线θ=0上截得的弦长为( )。
- 4∠ACB的两边是( )A.射线AC、BCB.射线CA、CBC.线段AC、BCD.线段CA、CB
- 5如图所示是物体在某段运动过程中的 v-t图象,在t1和t2 时刻的瞬时速度分别为v1和v2,则在t 1到 t 2 的时间
- 6下列说法中正确的是A.把调准的摆钟,由北京移至赤道,这个钟将变慢,若要重新调准,应增加摆长B.振动的频率越高,则波传播一
- 7在如图所示的电路图中,当滑动变阻器的滑片移动时,发现电流表的示数变小,则下列判断正确的是A.电压表的示数也变小B.滑动变
- 8 is a good of exercise for both the young and the old.A
- 9(1)解二元一次方程组5x-3y=163x-5y=0(2)现在你可以用哪些方法得到方程组5(x+y)-3(x-y)=16
- 10国家气象局每天的天气预报卫星云图主要使用了:①遥感技术 ②地理信息技术 ③全球定位技术A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①②③
- 1水果店王阿姨到水果批发市场打算购进一种水果销售,经过还价,实际价格每千克比原来少2元,发现原来买这种80千克的钱,现在可
- 2不透明的布袋中,装有红、黄、白三种只有颜色不同的小球,其中红色小球有8个,黄、白色小球的数目相.为估计袋中黄色小球的数目
- 3I was a single parent of four small children, working at a l
- 4已知函数与函数的图象大致如图.若则自变量的取值范围是( ).A.B.C.D.
- 5下列哪些措施是为了防止静电产生的危害?( )A.在高大的建筑物顶端装上避雷针B.在高大的建筑物顶端安装电视公用天线C.
- 6下列说法正确的是( )A.曲线运动一定是变速运动B.平抛运动一定是匀变速运动C.匀速圆周运动是速度不变的运动D.只要两
- 7 Let’s keep to the point, or we ______ any decisions.A.will
- 8根据所学知识,请回答下列有关生态系统的问题:(1)碳在生物群落与无机环境之间的循环主要以____的形式进行。驱动整个生态
- 9以下对洋务运动的评价,不正确的是 [ ]A、是一次失败的封建统治者的自救运动 B、引进了西方先进的科学技术 C、
- 10用如图所示的实验装置观察光的薄膜干涉现象.图(a)是点燃的酒精灯(在灯芯上洒些盐),图(b)是竖立的附着一层肥皂液薄膜的