. He has bought a _____________ house.
A.beautiful wooden small old | B.wooden old small beautiful |
C.small old beautiful wooden | D.beautiful small old wooden |
试题【. He has bought a _____________ house.A.beautiful wooden small oldB.wooden old s】;主要考察你对形容词等知识点的理解。[详细]
. Many people think that it is ____________making such an experiment.
A.worthwhile | B.worth | C.worthy | D.valuable |
The storm is moving slowly____________.
A.eastern | B.to eastern | C.to eastwards | D.eastwards |
— How was your job interview?
— Oh, couldn’t feel ______. I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.
A.better | B.easier | C.worse | D.happier |
A.missed | B.broken | C.gone | D.disappeared |
Many people hope to have a _____ job, especially during the financial crisis.
A.professional | B.premier | C.primitive | D.permanent |
- 1 We were greatly amused by ________.A.what you have told us
- 2如图所示,重力不计的带正电粒子水平向右进入匀强磁场,对该带电粒子进入磁场后的运动情况,下列判断正确的是:( )A.粒
- 3【题文】秦朝建立了一套完备的中央政权组织,其中地位最高的三个官职是A.丞相、奉常、卫尉B.御史大夫、郎中令、太尉 C.丞
- 4水的比热容为4.2×103J/(kg•℃),则1kg水温度升高1℃吸收的热量为______,水的比热容较大这一特点,在实
- 5下列哪一项不是小肠作为主要吸收部位的主要原因? [ ]A.小肠内表面积大 B.小肠绒毛内有毛细血管C.小肠绒毛壁
- 6The smell of these flowers _______ the memory of my childhoo
- 7(9分)工人用如图所示的滑轮组提升重物,在l0s内将240N的物体匀速提升2m.已知工人的拉力为l 00N(不计绳重与摩
- 8合金是一类用途广泛的金属材料.下列物质属于合金的是( )A.钢B.铜C.金刚石D.四氧化三铁
- 9一个钢球冲到一张竖直的木板上,由于钢球的动能,木板上出现了一个裂痕.钢球是怎样获得这个动能呢?(1)请你设计一个情景,表
- 10阅读下列作品,完成小题。﹙14分﹚是谁扼***了哀愁 迟子建①现代人一提“哀愁”二字,多带有鄙夷之色。好像物质文明高度发达
- 1— When will you come home for dinner? I"ll prepare it for yo
- 2阅读理解 On a PC (个人电脑), having to fill out a form and type
- 3(本题满分14分)如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,PA底面ABCD,DAB为直角,AB‖CD,AD=CD=2AB,E、F分
- 4有一位朋友请你给他新开的书店写一条格言,作为横幅挂在店内醒目处。你写道:________________________
- 5For many young people, having to attend school with a parent
- 6目前,人类已经发现的非金属元素除稀有气体元素外共有16种,下列对这16种非金属元素的判断不正确的是[ ]①都是主
- 7如图为某班学生上学方式统计图,从中所提供的信息正确的是[ ]A.该班共有学生50人B.该班乘车上学的学生人数超过
- 8 在我们的日常生活和学习中,经常会遇到一些常用字写错的现象,请找出下列词语中的错别字,填入表格并改正。
- 9读下图,回答1—2题。1、“五原春色归来迟,二月垂柳未挂丝。即今河畔冰开日,正是长安(今西安)花落时。”诗歌中描述
- 10 下列各句中,没有语病的一项是 ( )A.所谓“皮革奶”