[ ]
B. as
C. so
D. but
试题【We didn"t have enough chairs, _____ some of the students had to sit on the floor】;主要考察你对连词等知识点的理解。[详细]
— I hate to have to say this, _____ I have _____ at all.
[ ]
B. yet; nothing
C. but; none
D. however; quite a little
[ ]
B. while
C. or
D. and
As a middle school student of Senior Three, I do sports one and two hours a day, such as doing morning
exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. I think it is very helpfully to me. Take exercise
makes me even more healthier so that I won"t be ill very often. What"s more, I also get myself relaxing in
different kinds of sports. Only in this way I do a better job in my study in high spirits. For doing physical
exercise, I"m becoming stronger and more confident than ago. I did think it is necessary for everyone to spend
some time on sports every day so people"s health is important in modern life.
wasn"t on her.
[ ]
B. once
C. when
D. as if
B. on, across, when
C. with, through, when
D. on, across, while
- 1近年来,国家加大了国有资本调整和国有企业***力度,推进国有资本向关系国家安全、国民经济重要行业和重大基础设施等六大领域集
- 2下列哪些设备没有用到电磁波技术的是( )A.无线电广播、电视、雷达B.微波炉C.移动电话D.电饭锅
- 3下列关于巴黎公社革命的表述,不正确的是( ) A、是世界历史上实行无产阶级专政的第一次尝试 B、巴黎公社的创举丰富和
- 4人们把20世纪90年代的美国经济称为新经济时代的原因是 [ ]A、美国经济在这一时期高速发展 B、美国经济持续保
- 5下表是1913——1937年苏联工业总产值及重要工业产品在欧洲和世界所占地位。(1913年的数字是按1939年9月17日
- 6直角三角形纸片的两直角边长分别为6,8,现将△ABC如图那样折叠,使点A与点B重合,折痕为DE,则CE:BE的值为(
- 7已知奇函数f(x)=1+m4x+1.(1)求m的值;(2)讨论f(x)的单调性,并加以证明;(3)解不等式f(x-1)+
- 8The price of goods kept ______. We had to cut the expenses i
- 9阅读下列材料,回答相关问题。(15分)材料一 新华社2011年1月14日 春运被西方人称为“全球最大的时段性人口迁移”,
- 10如图,数轴上点A、点B分别表示数a、b,则a+b______0(选填“>”或“<”).
- 1当人体吸气时,肋间肌收缩,膈的顶部回升。[ ]
- 2国际互联网上报道“目前世界上将近有20亿人患有缺铁性贫血”这里的“铁”是指( )A.铁元素B.铁分子C.铁原子D.铁单
- 3Right in the middle of the town are some long ponds(水池). The
- 4Please help!Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for co
- 5以“阅读”为话题仿写句子。阅读化育气质,_______________,_______________。
- 6中国登山协会为纪念我国首次攀登珠穆朗玛峰成功50周年,再次组织攀登珠峰活动.阿旺扎西等一行登山运动员于今年5月21日13
- 7图中河蚌身体的前端在______端(填A或B),判断方法是______.蚯蚓身体的前端在______端(填A或B),判断
- 8【题文】根据语境,补全下面横线处的对话内容,要求语言得体,每句不超过20字。(4分)母亲带着自己4岁的儿子陪着她的老父亲
- 9如图所示,平行四边形ABCD的周长是18cm,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若△AOD与△AOB的周长差是5cm,则边AB
- 10听材料,回答问题。1. Which teams will play in the coming football mat