The job will be offered to is capable of performing it well.
A.whomever | B.whoever | C.the one | D.anyone |
___we admit that there are still some problems about NMET, we don’t mean that it’s of no use.
A.While | B.Until | C.As | D.Unless |
She is such a lovely girl ____ is liked by everybody.
A.what | B.as | C.that | D.which |
It is difficult for any of us to eat better, exercise more and sleep enough _________ we know we should.
A.despite | B.even though | C.as if | D.unless |
______ you understand it, it’s easy for you to obey it.
A.As soon as | B.Once | C.Unless | D.The moment |
---You won’t go to Mary’s wedding party, will you?
---Yes, ______ invited to.
A.even if | B.if | C.unless | D.though |
- 1据初步统计,2010年浙江省实现生产总值(GDP)27100亿元,全省生产总值增长11.8%。在这里,若将27100亿元
- 2甲、乙两个同学都是近视眼,甲视力0.4,乙视力0.8.则通常情况下,______(选填“甲”或“乙”)眼睛的晶状体更厚;
- 3如图所示,在一根张紧的水平绳上,悬挂有 a、b、c、d、e五个单摆,让a摆略偏离平衡位置后无初速释放,在垂直纸面的平面内
- 4保持双氧水(H2O2)化学性质的最小微粒是A.氧分子(O2)和氢分子(H2)B.水分子C.双氧水分子D.氢原子和氧原子
- 5Written in a hurry,____. How can it be satisfactory? [
- 6 I’m sorry. __________ for my illness, I would have come to
- 7“康师傅”方便面调料中的蔬菜采用的贮存方法主要是A.气体包装B.真空包装C.盐腌D.脱水
- 8读我国油菜开花日期等值线示意图(下图),回答问题。油菜生长需要一定的温度和水分条件,我国北起黑龙江,南至海南,西起新疆,
- 9已知A,B是圆上两动点,点满足,则弦AB的中点轨迹方程为 。
- 10A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a
- 1下图表示某城市4个行政分区的人口数量、功能分区(分A、B、C三类功能区)、地价分布、网格代码。同一行政分区内,若功能区相
- 2— Hello, I ____ you ____ in London, how long have you been h
- 3有长为2cm、3cm、4cm、6cm的四根木棒,选其中的3根作为三角形的边,可以围成的三角形的个数是A.1个B.2个C.
- 4在5m高处以10m/s的速度水平抛出一小球,不计空气阻力,g取10m/s2。(1)小球在空中运动的时间; (2)小球落地
- 5如图为包含某逻辑电路的一个简单电路图,L为小灯泡.半导体光敏电阻R’,下列说法不正确的是( )A.此逻辑电路是非门
- 6阅读理解We can not live a modern life without traveling. The fas
- 7课文《当代诗两首》中两首诗同是写乡愁,说说它们在表达上各有什么特点。答:________________________
- 8Your handwriting is really too bad to read; I can hardly ___
- 9下列图象所表示的变化趋势中,不正确的是( )A.一定量的稀硫酸与锌粒反应B.向稀盐酸中滴加过量的氢氧化钠溶液C.t℃时
- 10下列二次根式中能与3合并的二次根式是( )A.18B.30C.48D.54