— It wasn"t! You did it ____.
B. by chance
C. by mistake
D. by accident
试题【— I"m sorry I stepped on your shoe; it was an accident. — It wasn"t! You did it 】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. with; in
C. in; in
D. in; with
B. for; to remember
C. on; remembering
D. with; remembering
2. All over the world many people are speaking English ____ a second or foreign language.
3. We all know that English has also changed a lot ____ time.
4. Up to now nobody can come ____ with a good answer to the question.
5. From what you told us, he sounds ____ a nice person.
6. In China, more and more people can communicate with foreigners ____ perfect English.
7. The reason ____ the changes of language is that the world is changing, too.
8. We will have learned about 3,000 English words ____ the end of this term.
9. The English of that time became closer ____ the present English.
10. With cultures communicating ____ each other, languages change little by little.
B. on
C. behind
D. over
B. about
C. in
D. about
- 1下列各句中,没有语病的一句是 [ ]A.神七载人航天的圆满成功,进一步激发了中华民族开创美好未来、实现伟大复兴
- 2“志士惜日短,愁人知夜长。”每逢新年来临,多愁善感者会“念天地之悠悠,独怆然 而涕下”;而有识之士则“心光常注
- 3That such a great number of families are still so badly off
- 4有人说:“要想从俄罗斯带些本国生产的日常生活用品给朋友很不容易”这句话说明俄罗斯的___________行业不发达。[
- 5(1)某实验小组利用下面装置制取二氧化碳气体,请根据装置回答:①欲制取一瓶二氧化碳气体,应选用装置是______,有关化
- 6. When he was working there he caught a serious illness fro
- 7在古代雅典的民主政权机构中,拥有立法权的是A民众法庭 B五百人议事会 C公
- 8把a mol H2和b mol C2H4混合,在一定条件下使它们发生反应生成w mol C2H6,将反应后的混合气体完全
- 9已知函数f(x)=x2-2,g(x)=xlnx,,(1)若对一切x∈(0,+∞),2g(x)≥ax-5-f(x)恒成立,
- 1089. Every child is _____ to it parents. A.preciousB.possible
- 1---Bob has got his trousers dirty again!---Don’t be angry wi
- 2部分氧化的FeCu合金样品(氧化产物为Fe2O3、CuO)共5.76 g,经如下处理:下列说法正确的是A.滤液A中的阳
- 3“缺少有力的监督,权力就可能会被滥用。”这句话表明[ ]A.有了监督,权力就一定不会被滥用B.加强监督是我们一切
- 4“多一次经历,就多一件本领。”这说明[ ]A、只要实践就能获得知识和本领B、实践对认识具有决定作用C、实践具有客
- 5印度独立 (1)背景:____沦为英国的殖民地一直没有放弃反抗英国殖民者的斗争。初期,亚洲民族独立运动高涨。(2)时间:
- 6下列等式成立的是( )A.a+b=a+bB.a-b=a-b(a>b)C.a2-b3=a-b(a>b)D.a•b=ab(
- 7.It is in this very village ___________ she will bulid her f
- 8价值规律要求,商品的价值由社会必要劳动时间决定,商品交换要以价值量为基础实行等价交换。这里的“等价交换”A.只存在于交换
- 9“始知李太守,伯禹亦不如。”李太守的历史功绩是A.建立了我国历史上第一个国家B.治理黄河水患C.主持修建都江堰D.统一六
- 10请看下图,回答相关问题。 图一 图二