26. Would you please speak ____ a loud voice? I didn’t catch what you said, with all the noise going on.
A.in | B.on | C.of | D.To |
试题【26. Would you please speak ____ a loud voice? I didn’t catch what you said, wi】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
4. Luckily, Chinese medicine is making a difference ______ the disease.
A.from | B.of | C.with | D.Against |
26.If you want to succeed ,you must work hard and ____you should be sure of success.
A.after all | B.above all | C.in all | D.all in all |
23. His interests extended _____ the fine arts to international politics and philosophy.
A.across | B.through | C.over | D.beyond |
22. You have no idea how she finished the relay race ______ her foot wounded so much.
A.for | B.when | C.with | D.While |
17. -- My mother always tells me to try my best _______ many difficulties.
-- I can’t agree any more. _______ you put your heart into work, you can overcome them.
A.because of / As far as | B.due to / As soon as |
C.in spite of / As long as | D.despite of / As much as |
- 1补写出下列文学常识或名篇名句中的空缺部分。 (8分)小题1:《水浒传》中号称“黑旋风”的是_______,该人力大如牛,
- 2穆罕默德到中国旅游后,感慨地说:“中国真大啊!几天之内,在没有登高的情况下,就让我感受到一年四季…”。他来中国旅游最可能
- 3下表反映了我国1961年至1962年农业、轻工业、重工业产值之间的比例关系,表中数据的变化趋势主要反映了[ ]A
- 4下面的句子在用语上有两处错误,请加以更正。虽然我们的生活很平凡,因此只要我们用心去生活,就可以让生活充满丰富多彩。⑴__
- 5同学们听到老师说话的声音,是通过______传播的;发出较强声音的喇叭能使它前面的“蜡焰跳舞”,说明声波能传递_____
- 6“十二五”期间,我国将“民富”目标摆上更加突出的地位,实施“富民”政策,使发展成果惠及全体人民,这是
- 7下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是 ( )A.为纪念辛亥革命百年,孙中
- 8下列反应中符合下图图像的是 ( )。A.N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g) ΔH=-Q1 kJ·mol-1(Q
- 9“要防止滥用权力,就必须用权力来约束权力,形成一种能联合各种权力的政体。”孟德斯鸠在此主张[ ]A.中央和地方分
- 10 They succeeded in killing pests which came from the foreign
- 1与直线3x+4y+1=0垂直,且过点(1,2)的直线l的方程为( )。
- 2问答。(1)读成语,加拼音给下列成语中的加粗字注音。朝夕相处( ) 语重心长( )(2)辨成语,改错字下列成语中有两个
- 3What time ______ your best friend go to school?A.is
- 4下列不是细菌特征的是( )A.个体微小,细胞内没有成形的细胞核B.细胞内没有叶绿体,靠现成的有机物生活C.能产生孢子,
- 5下列几组都属于内分泌的一组是[ ]A.垂体、甲状腺、肝脏、胰腺 B.垂体、胰岛、甲状腺、卵巢C.垂体、胰岛、
- 6— Can you see _____? — No. Let"s go and have a look. Maybe w
- 7要使含K+、Ba2+、Al3+、Fe3+、Ag+的硝酸盐混合溶液进行分离并制成各自阳离子的硝酸盐溶液,现设计如下分离过程
- 8The radio is too noisy. Would you please __________ a little
- 9读地球公转示意图, 完成下列要求。(8分) (1) 在图中用箭头标出地球公转的方向。(2)当地球位于③位置时,太阳光直射
- 10如图,在直三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC=a,D,E分别为棱AB,BC的中点,M为棱AA1上