31. Due to circumstances ____ our control the performance has had to be cancelled.
A.above | B.within | C.beyond | D.over |
试题【31. Due to circumstances ____ our control the performance has had to be cancelle】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
22. Jason didn’t turn up yesterday, because he was out on business. We all felt sorry ___ him.
A.without | B.For | C.except | D.To |
23. Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horse that lived around _____ food. _____ time, people began to catch and raise animals .
A.for; Through | B.as; During | C.for; Over | D.on; Over |
28. The Norman invasion of England had great influences ______ the English language.
A.to | B.of | C.on | D.For |
A.in memory of | B.in honour of | C.in the shape of | D.in the name of |
You have no idea how she finished the relay race _________ her foot injured so much.
A.for | B.as | C.with | D.Despite |
- 1On May 30th, 2005, one bowl in the Ming dynasty(朝代)________a
- 2三个学校分别有1名、2名、3名学生获奖,这6名学生要排成一排合影,则同校学生相邻排列的概率是( )A.130B.115
- 3根据原文填空: (1)《迢迢牵牛星》形象地表现了有情人难成眷属的痛苦的句子是:_____________________
- 4阅读下面语段,按要求回答问题:依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①井冈山.遵义.延安和西柏坡,是中国革命的几处
- 5香港最大的转口贸易伙伴是:A.祖国内地B.英国C.美国D.澳门
- 6将一些半径相同的小圆按如图所示的规律摆放:第1 个图形有6 个小圆,第2 个图形有10 个小圆,第3 个图形有16 个小
- 7读下列某地月平均气温材料,分析该地所在地区可能为( )月份123456气温(℃)-20.1-15.8-6.05.8
- 8一位下岗工人在多次再就业碰壁的情况下,卖起了海鲜,结果生意红火,成为市场中“一道亮丽的风景线”。这一事例告诉我们( )
- 9对正常人的体细胞中的染色体下述正确的是[ ]A.常染色体和性染色体两类。常染色体与性别决定无关,性染色体与性别决
- 10【题文】读我国太阳年辐射总量分布局部图。下列四个城市中,太阳年辐射总量最丰富的城市是( )A.兰州B.海口C
- 1如图,∠A=35°,∠B=∠C=90°,则∠D的度数是( )A.35°B.45°C. 55°D.65°
- 2用秦九韶算法计算函数当时的函数值,其中= .
- 3单细胞生物对人类有害无益______.
- 4设的等比中项,则的最大值为
- 5阅读理解。 It is Saturday afternoon. You and your friends are
- 6下列地理现象的发生,与地球自转无关的是( )A.长江三角洲的发育B.日月星辰的东升西落C.昼夜现象D.我国乌苏里江上朝
- 7如图甲所示,是某研究性学习小组自制的电子秤原理图,它是利用电压表的示数来指示物体的质量.托盘、弹簧下端和滑动变阻器滑片固
- 8正方形是中心对称图形,它绕它的中心,旋转一周和原来的图形重合______次.
- 9根据短文内容,从短文的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Every boy and every
- 10_____ any evidence that Tom ______ games recently? A.Is t