当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > VII短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) One day, I went to the market and find many        ...
One day, I went to the market and find many         76.             
beautiful birds in few cages for sale. I heard            77.             
two young men talked.One said,“I caught eight         78.             
birds like these on last Sunday, but not a single one       79.             
was lively the next morning.” Oh, God! The birds            80.             
are being killed. The number is reducing year after year.   81.             
Birds, like another animals, are our friends. They eat a        82.             
lot of pests and make our nature beautifully.            83.             
So we must do something to prevent them killed.             84.             
We wish that everyone will care for them.              85.             

76.find改为found   77.few前加a    78.talked改为talking    79.on去掉   80.lively改为alive   81.after改为by   82.another   改为other    83.beautifully改为beautiful   84.killed前加being   85.will改为would 或者  wish改为hope

试题【VII短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) One day, I went to the market and find many        】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
At expert in time management was speaking to a group of students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration(演示)those students will never  36  .
Standing in front of the group, he   37   a wide-mouth jar and about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one  38  , into the jar. When the jar was filled to the   39  and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, ”Is this jar   40  ?" Everyone in the class yelled, "Yes" The expert replied, “Really?” He took out a bucket of gravel(沙砾), dumped some gravel in and  41   the jar,   42   pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the   43    between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more, "Is this jar full?"  44   this time the class understood him." Probably not." one of them answered. "Good." He replied. He brought out a bucket of   45  , dumping it in the jar and it went into all of the spaces   46   between the rocks and the gravel. Once again he asked the question, "Is this jar full?” “  47  " the class shouted. Once again he said "Good." Then he began to   48   a pitcher of water in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the   49    of this illustration?" One   50   student raised his hand and said, “ The point is, No matter how full your   51   is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!"
"No," the speaker   52  , “The truth this illustration   53   us if you don"t put the big rocks in first ,you"ll never get them in at all. What are the "big rocks" in your life? Time with your loved ones, your education, your dreams, a   54   cause or teaching others? Remember to put these   55   in first or you"ll never get them in at all."
36.A. forget       B. remember   C. regret     D. make
37.A. took out          B. made out    C. put out          D. gave out
38.A. at the time    B. by the time C. at a time     D. in no time
39.A. bottom     B. top        C. surface       D. middle
40.A. empty      B. small     C. full        D. big
41.A. filled        B. washed       C. blew      D. shook
42.A. ordering     B. making      C. causing      D. realizing
43.A. distance     B. spaces     C. shapes     D. entrance
44.A. In               B. At         C. By         D. On
45.A. sand         B. water     C. earth      D. stone
46.A. remained      B. created       C. saved     D. left
47.A. Yes          B. No         C. Not a little  D. No problem
48.A. pour         B. throw     C. store      D. spread
49.A. possibility     B. point      C. use        D. definition
50.A. worried     B. clever     C. eager     D. anxious
51.A. work        B. jar         C. class      D. schedule
52.A. replied     B. requested    C. reminded    D. required
53.A. orders      B. demands     C. teaches       D. suggests
54.A. common          B. reasonable  C. deeper     D. worthy
55.A. bit rocks          B. gravel     C. water     D. hope
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第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
As students, we had classes from early morning till late afternoon. Therefore, take a ten-minute break between class is definitely important, even is necessary. Otherwise we may feel both physically and mentally tired. During the ten-minute break we do something to get rid of tiredness. That we need is to have a real rest, instead getting more tired. So don’t do anything that will make yourself too exciting. Your ten-minute break is always pleasing. I usually do some simple exercises. Sometime I have free chat with my classmates or just take a walk during the break. When the new class begins, I feel fresh again.               
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. shocked                 A. finished                  B. prevented             C. paused                   D. doubled
2. produce (n.)      A. spot                        B. protective             C. production   D. fault
3. Christian           A. Christ                     B. Christmas             C. patient                   D. suggestion
4. great                  A. scene                     B. steak                      C. weakness    D. seek
5. wonder              A. southern               B. wander                  C. protein                   D. flavour
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根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:61-65的答案涂到答题卡上:E涂成 AB;F涂成AC;G涂成A
A: Oh, you didn’t know how many people there were in the streets when I went shopping last Sunday!
B: No wonder. __61__ The earth will be full of people and there will be standing room only.
A: You said it.
B: __62__
A: Look up into the sky. What can you see?
B: __63__
A: The moon is the satellite of the earth, maybe man will fly to the moon.
B: __64__
A: I mean perhaps the moon will be our home in the future.
B: But man can’t live there because there is no air and no water. No life can live there. __65__
A: In that case, man can’t live there before solving these problems.
B.How can we?
C.There will be more and more people.
D.But I don’t think so.
E.How to solve the problem?
G.Of course I can see the moon and stars.
Can we live there?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.         76.___________
So he decided to make better car himself,                                                77.___________
and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls,                         78.___________
a car maker, was very interesting in Royce’s car, and soon                    79.___________
Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first                       80.___________
model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke                                 81.___________
the world’s record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking                             82.___________
down once. After the drive, it was cost just over £2 to put                                     83.___________
the car back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that                          84.___________
the Silver Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”.                              85.___________
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