当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 第二节:阅读下面短文,第61至65题表述了Anna、Smith、Wilkins、Crick和June在自己的生活及学习中遇到的问题,他们需要你的帮助,请从A、B...

61.Anna: I get really frustrated easily, and sometimes I end up yelling at people I love.I"m not very sure why it happens, but I have no control over it.How can I stop?
62.Smith: Some kids are making fun of me because I"m doing very well at school.Isn"t that something to be proud of? I need advice.
63.Wilkins: I can"t sociaize.I am really shy, and I am already a freshman in high school. I have some new friends, but I am still shy to the cool kids.Can you help me, please?
64.Crick: I always say what I feel immediately and without thinking.Sometimes I get in trouble for it or feel sorry about it later.Is speaking your mind a good or a bad thing?
65.June: I love to read! But I don"t have any time to read because of all of my activities.I don’t want to quit anything.What should I do?
Instead of feeling upset, you should definitely be proud of yourself.Intelligence is a quality that everyone wants, and as you get older it"s going to be what people love and respect about you.Still water runs deep.I"m sure as time goes by, some of those kids making fun of you might realize how cool you actually are.
Everyone has to leam how to adapt to society and mix socially with others.No man is an island, as the saying goes.To become a sociable person, you must be naturally friendly.Besides, do something for a social situation.A teacher once gave me this great advice: Prepare a conversation in your head before going into an uncomfortable social situation.It sounds like a lot of work, but it"s easy and it works! Get involved in activities that interest you and you will make new friends fast.
Always keep a book with you so that you can read during pockets of free time.Turn some of your TV or computer time into reading time.Read for a little while right before bed, and find time to read on weekends.Also, talk to your parents about your schedule.You might not want to quit anything, but you might need to find more free time in order to have a happy balance in your life.
That feeling is your conscience, and it"s telling you that you need to confess what you did.Be brave and tell your parents.Even if they get upset when they hear about it from you, they would be even more upset to hear about it from your friend"s mom.So pick a quiet time and say.Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something, but I"m afraid.Then spill the beans.No matter what they say, you"ll be relieved not to have this secret any more.
First, identify what is frustrating you, then learn to calm yourself down.The next time you start feeling frustrated, stop what you"re doing and breathe deeply.Count to ten.Get up and walk around.Clear your mind before you come back to the frustrating task.If you keep a cool head, you"ll be less likely to snap at others.And if you do yell at someone, apologize and admit that it"s not that person"s fault.Then calm down and try again.
Speaking your mind can be a really good thing.Far too many people don"t, except when talking about someone behind that person"s back.However, there are times when honesty does more than good like when a girl asks if she looks fat.So in situations in which there"s no real good, you are better off keeping your thoughts to yourself.In situations in which that is not the case like when your brother asks if his breath stinks feel free to tell the truth.Just be prepared to take it in return.

61—-155 EABFC


I was frightening on my first day of classes at an American university.It was my first time to sit with so many Americans in a classroom.Unlike many other classmate, I sat quietly by myself.My teacher spoke fast and I had a hard time understanding him.English, without a doubt, is the hardest thing I experienced so far.Though I"m a Chinese student, communicate fluently with Americans can be really difficultly.Therefore, I have to struggle to understand that is being said in class.Reading and writing is equally as important as listening and speaking.When my classes started to get busy, the readings got longer.The papers also got harder, and that"s when real disaster struck.
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请阅读下面应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请将答案填涂在答题卡上标号为56~60的相应位置上。(若选E,涂AB; 若选F,涂CD)
Taking care of yourself is not being selfish. By caring enough to treat your body well, you will be in better shape to take care of those around you. No one can take care of your health except yourself.
Believe in yourself and your ability. Have a “can-do” attitude. Make a list of successful changes that you have made in the past. It is easier to achieve a goal when you are optimistic. Use humor and laugh off occasional lapses(过失).Have confidence that you can get back on track with your healthy routine.
Seek out a friend or co-worker who will make you feel comfortable. You will find out making friends is a happy thing in the world. Regular phone calls, emails or visit over coffee could help you keep a good contact with them. Perhaps your cheerleader could become your exercise buddy(密友).
Reward yourself as you make simple changes that in the end will result in achieving your overall goal. Celebration is part of successful change. Create a list of incentives(动机) that will keep you motivated.
Adopt eating and physical activity habits that can become part of your lifestyle. Have a backup plan for those days when your plans to eat well and be active are challenged. If you can’t walk due to the weather, have an exercise video to use. If you have no time to pack a healthy lunch, choose a small fast food sandwich and side salad.
Go on a trip. Work and family are two most important things in people’s lives. People try to tackle the two things at once, but most of them fail. Just as an old saying goes: People who know how to rest know how to work. Go out with your family and have a good time.
56. Tommy, a computer engineer, doesn’t believe his working capability. Though he works hard, he never gets praise from his boss.
57. Jack dislikes going home after a full day’s work. He says that it makes him feel lonely.
58. Linda, a house wife, spends most of her time cooking and looking after babies. She is worn out now.
59. Bob, a businessman, doesn’t care much about his success and has lost his struggling motivation.
60. Cathy worked continuously for two weeks without rest. Now she is worried about her family, especially her five-year-old daughter.
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第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The most sought-after tickets of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games, are priced as high as 6,800 yuan, exceeding that of the Beijing Olympic Games, announced the GAGOC(Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee) on Wednesday afternoon. “The prices are fixed,   31   (basis) on the pricing of previous games and the buying power of the locals,” said Ms Yuan Yue, Deputy Director of the Marketing Department of the GAGOC.
The ticket price of the Beijing Olympics, of which the highest is 5,000 yuan, is   32   exception, claimed Ms Yuan. “The highest price of the Athens Olympics, for example, is roughly 10,000 yuan, so we think 6,800 yuan is a   33   (reason) price. Another factor we   34   (consider) a lot is the buying power of the locals. The PRD(Pearl River Delta) is one of the richest regions of China and there is a huge demand   35   the tickets of the Guangzhou Asian Games.”
Nevertheless, about 87% of the games’ tickets   36   (sell) from10 to 400 yuan,  37  will make the tickets affordable to ordinary citizens. The average ticket price will be 200 yuan.
Organizers have divided tickets sales into three stages and the first will start in January 2010. GAGOC may adjust the launch time of   38   stage subject to the competition schedule. Tickets can be purchased   39   the Official Ticketing Website of the 16th Asian Games, at ticket outlets   40   at venue-based ticket booths during the Games. GAGOC will reserve some tickets for school students and youth athletes through an educational initiative to further the development of the Olympic Movement among youngsters.
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56. An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. Shortly afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, aiming at the dove. The ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot. In pain the birdcatcher shouted, and the noise made the dove take wing.
57. Two men were travelling together, when a bear suddenly met them on their path. One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and pretended to be dead as much as he could. The bear soon left him, for he will not touch a dead body. When he disappeared, the other traveller descended from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the bear had whispered in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” his companion replied. “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.”
58. A prince had some monkeys trained to dance. Being naturally good at learning, they showed themselves excellent pupils, and in their rich clothes and masks, they danced as well as any of the courtiers. Their performance was often repeated with great applause, till on one occasion a courtier, bent on mischief, took from his pocket a handful of nuts and threw them upon the stage. The monkeys at the sight of the nuts forgot their dancing and became (as indeed they were) monkeys instead of actors. Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts. The dancing spectacle thus came to an end in the laughter and ridicule of the audience.
59. A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he noticed something shining in the straw. "Ho! ho!" said he, "that’s for me," and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. It turned out to be a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard. “You may be a treasure,” signed the cock, “to man, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn.”
60. An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around him to give them some parting advice. He ordered his servants to bring in a bunch of sticks, and said to his eldest son: "Break it." The son tried hard, but with all his efforts was unable to break the bundle. The other sons also tried, but none of them was successful. “Untie it,” said the father, “and each of you take a stick.” When they had done so, he called out to them: “Now, break,” and each stick was easily broken.
A.Not everything you see is what it appears to be.
B.One man’s pleasure may be another’s pain. / One man’s meat is another’s poison,
C.Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.
D.One good turn deserves another.
E. Union gives strength.
F. Precious things are for those that can prize them.
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A.Sea kayaking in Turkey
Enjoy beautiful scenery on Turkey’s Turquoise Coast. The water is clear and calm with temperatures of 25º–28º in July and August. You don’t need any previous kayaking experience to enjoy this trip. However, you do need to be quite fit, as you will be on the water for 4–6 hours a day.
B.Diving holidays in Kenya
Experience diving and sailing in the Indian Ocean in March and April. Enjoy warm, clear water and white, sandy beaches. Spend all of your stay on one of our yachts (游艇) with first-class service and excellent food. Explore remote and unspoilt reefs, and see a wonderful range of underwater sea life.
C.Swimming with dolphins in The Azores Islands, Portugal
Would you like to discover the underwater world of the dolphin? Join us in July or August in the clear waters around the Azores. You will receive training from expert guides to gain confidence in the water with the animals. We often see eight different species of dolphin during our trips.
D.Gulfoss Waterfall in Iceland
Come to Iceland in summer to see the biggest waterfall in Europe. Gulfoss, the ‘Golden Waterfall’ is a truly spectacular sight. The water from the River Hvítá and water from glaciers come together and fall 32m in two stages. You can follow a path quite close to the falls, which provides wonderful opportunities for photos and videos. Warm clothing is essential.
E. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia (克罗地亚)
Set in a National Park, the lakes are Croatia’s most popular tourist attraction. The beauty of the region comes from the 16 lakes, waterfalls, and areas of woodland, where deer, wolves and bears can be found. The park is open all year. There are several walks for all levels of fitness. You can also see the park by boat or bus.
F. Lake Balaton, Hungary
If you enjoy nature, you will love Lake Balaton. Much of the area around the lake is part of a protected National Park. We have expert guides with knowledge of local plants and animals. That will take you on long walks around the park. The marsh area of the lake is home to a wide number of bird species.
56. Jonny is crazy about plants and animals in different parts of the world. He travels a lot and each summer he goes to a different place to learn about the local plants and wildlife.
57. Leo and his family have already done different water sports in Europe and so want to travel further abroad. They would like to try a new sport and they don’t mind working hard. They are not free to travel until the summer.
58. Ellen enjoys being near water but she doesn’t want to do any water sports and she doesn’t like the cold. Walking long distances is rather difficult for her, but she likes being outside and seeing wildlife. She has already been to Hungary. She can travel at any time between November and January.
59. Amy and Eric are retired but they are still very active. They enjoy walking and looking at scenery. They would like to go somewhere cool this summer where Amy can take a lot of photos.
60. Will is a student of marine biology. He is also a very good swimmer and an experienced diver. He’s looking for a summer holiday where he can learn about animals and help people. He wants to stay in Europe.
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