当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 校创业俱乐部成员Bob、Olga、Scott、Ann和David正筹划在同学中开展“青少年创业”的宣传活动。请根据他们各自的兴趣(61~65),阅读下面某杂志上...
小题1:Bob: How to make use of part-time job experience to secure a position in a big company?
小题2:Olga: How to take advantage of family tradition and build a new brand?
小题3:Scott: How to discover market needs and build an online business?
小题4:Ann: How to run a business based on creativity and inventions?
小题5:David: How to start a small business based on special skills?
James Murray Wells founded Glasses Direct, which is now the biggest online seller of eyeglasses in the world. It sells a pair of frames every few minutes and employs 70 people in its two offices.
This English entrepreneur was still in college when he saw a great business opportunity. He saw that there was no UK online shop selling eyeglasses. He used his college loan money to start just such a business and it was successful enough to earn over $1 million during its first year in operation.
Richie Stachowski, 11, of Moraga, Calif., went diving with his dad during a vacation in Hawaii. Richie was disappointed he could not talk underwater about the many colorful and amazing things he saw.
When Richie got home, he started work on the equipment that would allow him to talk underwater. His invention — the Water Talkies — is basically a phone that allows sound wave to travel about 15 feet underwater. Water Talkies are now offered at toy stores around the country.
Fraser Doherty is an example of a young man with a more old-fashioned approach to business. At the age of 14, Fraser Doherty began making jams from his grandmother’s recipes (制作法) and selling them door-to-door in Edinburgh, Scotland. Developing the recipes and coming up with a name for his product, Doherty quit school at age 16 to work on Super jam full time. Now Super jam has an estimated worth of over $2 million based on current sales of $1 million annually.
Richard is an example of developing and using his skills to earn money. At the age of 15 he learned leather craft at a summer camp. He then made small items he could sell at the only shop in his village.
Because he was determined to produce the highest-quality work, his fame and his profit grew. Soon Richard could buy larger quantities of leather, which he made into handbags and purses. These he sold in a larger shop in the neighboring village.
Dorothy started her business at the age of 14, selling stick-insect eggs by mail order. Less than 20 years later, she is Great Britain’s biggest breeder (繁殖者) of stick insects. Because she had experience with insects and knew she wanted to make a career in the insect business, Dorothy studied applied biology at a university, designing the right kind of insect houses and researching proper feeding facilities for her insects. This greatly increased her ability to supply the whole package to her customers.
Ben’s family helped him turn an after-school job — cleaning swimming pools and mowing lawns — into a successful and valuable service. Because of the skills he developed through hard work, he landed a position with a large company, which paid his college fees, provided him training in a career and guaranteed him a job after graduation.
The company was not looking for a high-powered businessman; it wanted someone who had learned financial knowledge and the value of customer satisfaction — all very important entrepreneurial skills.



It is surprising in ________ that people in ________ twenties wore such kind of clothes.
A.1960s; theirB.the 1960s; /C.1960; /D.the 1960s; their

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I never get tired climbing the mountain.                       小题1:________________
He wants to know that the Smiths will come to his party.  小题2:_________________
Women play important part in the world.                  小题3:________________
She asked me whether those books were my or his.           小题4:________________
People like Tom is not honest at all.                      小题5:________________
After work, my mother went to the shoes store.            小题6:________________
It looked as a place from another time.                  小题7:________________
I could remember visiting to the zoo.                    小题8:_______________
Good teachers always return back the homework quickly.  小题9:________________
Respect for teachers is considered very importantly.          小题10:________________
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         people study Latin today than 50 years ago, and still          people
study Greek.
A.A fewer;a fewerB.Fewer;a fewer
C.Fewer;fewerD.A fewer;fewer

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On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, student from Class Three,           小题1: ____
Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and do some voluntary           小题2:___
work. On their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warm welcomed,                小题3:_____
and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.            小题4:________
Then, they started working once, cleaning the windows and the floor.                小题5:________
Everything done, they sat in the yard chatted with the elderly people.        小题6:________
When there was time for them to leave, the elderly people thanked             小题7:______
them their kindness. They said it was so beautiful a day that they             小题8:_____
would remember forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.             小题9:____
How they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.           小题10:_____
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The changing food of early humans
Some people believe that greed and selfishness has become the basis of modern society, and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?
In this fast-paced world, many values are undergoing major changes. While people traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbed and self-concerned.
Modern people act selfishly to survive the harsh competition of life. They say that it is a jungle out there. To survive, you have to fight with whatever means that come handy. Obviously greedy and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas. In a company, employees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position, even at the cost of colleagues. We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct. It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to outside influences.
In spite of common practice, it is hard to conclude that modern society is built on greed and selfishness, both of which are not newly invented vocabulary. In ancient times people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were more condemned then. But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively more isolated life and faced less pressure compared with their modern counterparts.
Are we happier to share with others and be generous to them? There is no fixed answer either. Some people take great pleasure helping and giving to others while others feel happy doing the opposite. But I personally think that people should not be too selfish. Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.
In conclusion, modern people appear to be more self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure. However, we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and to build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.
Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish?
Main comparisons
__小题1:_ are changing
In the past people put caring, sharing  and generosity in the first __小题2:___.
Nowadays, people seem to be more __小题3:___about themselves.
_小题4:__are changing too.
People in the past appeared to be modest and self-effacing(谦让的).
People may strive to achieve their own _小题5:__ at the price of their coworkers.
The author’s  understanding
___小题6:____ for the changes in author’s eyes
Fierce 小题7:__ and great _小题8:___on modern people may be responsible for the changes.
The author’s __小题9:___towards topic
A relationship which can ___小题10:__ two sides should be established.
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