A.valid | B.convenient | C.temporary | D.secure |
A.smoothes | B.functions | C.pays | D.measures |
A.ignored | B.inspected | C.expanded | D.defended |
A.drown | B.accumulate | C.settle | D.announce |
A.mostly | B.rarely | C.nearly | D.merely |
A.actually B.suddenly C.impact D.fitness E.memories
F.imaging G.responsible H.implications I.boost J.encouraging
If you want to 小题1:_ your child"s results at school, you could do a lot worse than ensuring that they do plenty of exercise.Scientists have already shown that physical activity can make you cleverer.A team in America has used scans to show that an important part of the brain _小题2:_ grows in children who are fit.These youngsters tend to be more intelligent and have better _小题3:_ than those who are inactive.
Scientists also found that one of the most important parts of their brains was 12 per cent larger than those of unfit youngsters.They believe that _小题4:_ children to take exercise from a very young age could help them do better at school later.Researchers from the University of Illinois, in the U.S., studied the brains of 49 children aged nine and ten using a magnetic resonance _小题5:_ scan, a technique which provides very detailed pictures of organs and tissues in the body.
They also tested the _小题6:_ levels of the children by making them run on a treadmill.The scientists found that the hippocampus(海马体), a part of the brain _小题7:_ for memory and learning, was around 12 per cent larger in the fitter youngsters.
Professor Art Kramer, who led the study published in the journal Brain Research, said the findings had important _小题8:_ for encouraging individuals to take part in sport from a young age."We knew that experience and environmental factors and socioeconomic status all _小题9:_ brain development," he said."If you get some lousy(坏的) genes from your parents, you can"t really fix that, and it"s not easy to do something about your economic status.But here"s something that we can do something about.
- 1实数a在数轴上对应的点如图所示,则a、-a、1的大小关系正确的是[ ]A.-a<a<1 B.a<-a<1 C.1
- 2任务型阅读。
- 3下列工业部门中属于技术指向型的是 [ ]A、电视机装配 B、甘蔗制糖 C、家具制造 D、飞机制造
- 4下列词语中划线字的读音,每组都相同的一项是( )A.荷塘/负荷乘凉/乘风破浪 点缀/拾掇偕老/诙谐B.氓隶/流氓 守
- 52013年1月3日,某市一辆警车停靠在有禁停标志的路边,车上贴了一张市民模仿交管部门罚单格式、完全手写的罚单。经查,这辆
- 6下列关于北京的说法正确的是( )A.位于华北平原北部边缘B.气候以亚热带季风为主C.位于天津市东侧D.东侧濒临东海
- 7①2x=5x﹣21②2(x﹣5)﹣1=2﹣4(2﹣3x)③④2﹣
- 8请用一句精练的话概括下面文字的主要内容。 据介绍,全球气候变暖,导致我国灾害的发生越来越频繁,强度越来越大,造成经济财
- 9阅读图,回答下列问题。(1)说出图中铁路建设的自然障碍因素以及该铁路建设的重要意义。__________________
- 10右图的人物是A.后燕太医B.汉族地主C.汉族儒生D.鲜卑贵族
- 1如图所示,用小锤打击弹性金属片,A球沿水平方向抛出,同时B球自由下落,改变小球距地面的高度,多次实验均可观察到两球同时落
- 2制度创新是人类社会发展进步的一个重要体现。阅读下列有关我国古代政治制度的材料,回答问题。材料一 周文武所封子弟周姓甚众,
- 3如图,在△ABC和△A′B′C′中,已知AB=A′B′,∠A=∠A′,AC=A′C′,那么△ABC≌△A′B′C′.说理
- 4设为第三象限角,试判断的符号.
- 5家兔消化道的特点是( )A.消化管较短B.盲肠发达C.消化腺发达D.小肠较短
- 620世纪中国经历了三次历史性巨变,其中第二次是指 [ ]A.辛亥革命的胜利和中华民国的成立 B.新民主主义革命的
- 7高速公路养护小组,乘车沿东西向公路巡视维护,如果约定向东为正,向西为负,当天的行驶记录如下(单位:千米)+10,-8,+
- 8下列物质属于纯净物的是( )A.加碘盐B.雪碧C.酱油D.干冰
- 9小华同学利用假期时间乘坐一大巴车去看望在外打工的妈妈,出发时,大巴的油箱装满了油,匀速行驶一段时间后,油箱内的汽油恰剩一
- 10关于连通器,如下的几种说法中正确的是[ ]A.连通器里的液面一定是相平的 B.连通器内各处的压强相等 C.连通器