当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间互相修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。删除:把多...
3. 修改格式错误不得分。
The main purpose of newspapers is to provide news. If you examine newspapers closely, you would find that there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, sports, books, etc. The news cover everything what happens to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are news items which are very interested. A news report is usual very short, except for when it is very important, but it has a lot of information. It is also writing in short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in fact summary of the news items. He gives all the necessary information, what, when, where, how, and why.

小题2:sort →sorts
小题4:WHAT/ that
小题5:interested →interesting
小题9:添加a  summary
小题10: He--It

小题1:从前面的if:If you examine newspapers closely,可知要将 would改成will
小题2:考查可数名词复数:all sorts of各种各样的
小题3:考查主谓一致,主语是the news,谓语把cover→covers
小题6:考查副词:修饰very short用usually
小题10:这里是指代the first paragraph,用It
Alison: Excuse me, officer.__小题1:___
Police: Bell Tower? __小题2:__ You can take a subway train.
Alison: Which train should I take?
Police: __小题3:__
Alison: Is there a station near here?
Police: Yes. _小题4:___Take the train in Zhang Jiabu Station
Alison: Zhang Jiabu Station. Thank you.
Police: Remember, the No. 1 train. The uptown platform. __小题5:_
Alison: Thank you very much.
A.You should take the No.1 subway
B.Oh, it’s far away from here.
C.Have a good time.
D.Can you tell me how to get to the Bell Tower?
E. Good luck.
F. The station’s that way.
G. Where are you going?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A. Know your introduction and your conclusion.
B. Channel your nervous energy.
C. Know your audience.
D. Use deep-breathing techniques.
E. Be prepared
F. Select an appropriate topic.
How you calm yourself before giving a speech? Both modern research and centuries of experience from experienced public speakers suggest some practical advice.
Know to whom you’ll be speaking, and learn as much about your audience as you can. The more you can anticipate the kind of reaction your listeners will have to your speech, the more comfortable you’ll be in delivering your message. Be audience-centered rather than speaker-centered.
You will feel less nervous if you talk about something you are familiar with or have some personal experience of. Your comfort with the subject of the speech will be reflected in your delivery.
The better prepared you are, the less anxiety you will experience. Being prepared means that you have researched your topic and practiced your speech several times before you deliver it.
You are likely to feel the most anxious during the opening moments of your speech. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a clear plan for how you will start your speech. Being familiar with your introduction will help you feel more comfortable about the entire speech. If you know how you will end your speech, you will have a safe harbour in case you lose your place. If you need to end your speech ahead of time, a well-delivered conclusion can permit you to make a graceful exit.
One of the symptoms(症状) of nervousness is a change in your breathing and heart rates. Nervous speakers tend to take short, shallow breaths. To help break the anxiety—reduce breathing pattern, consider taking a few slow deep breaths before you rise to speak.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
take place  turn up   as though   day and night
get away with    cut down    keep one’s word
小题1:Tom had thought he could ______________ cheating in the exam, but he was wrong.
小题2:We are working _______________ to complete the task ahead of time.
小题3:He had said that he would take me along to Beijing, but he didn’t ___________.
小题4:Great change__________ in my hometown since 1999.
小题5:She promised to come to my birthday party,but she hasn"t________ yet.
in memory of     earn one’s living   dress up   win back
hold one’s breath  look forward to   have fun with
Hear of    come about   die out      die of     dry up
小题6:They ____________ and went to the dancing hall together.
小题7:He ______________ while the results were announced.
小题8:John hoped to ______________ his father’s trust.
小题9:When life was difficult in the past, she ______________by singing in a club.
小题10:The musuem was built ________________ the famous artist.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
As the high school student, I like to talk with foreigners to practise my oral English but learn more about other cultures. There were two foreign teachers in our school in this term. They often go to the English corner so that we can have a chance to practise the language. I seize every chance talk with them. However, I sometime find they are not so interesting in what I say, and it’s hard for I to choose a suitable topic. I would like some advices about how to communicate proper with foreigners, and what topics to pick..
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There"s an old saying, “You can put more salt in the soup,but once it"s in there,you can"t get it out.”__1__ And your child can help!Here"s an exciting experiment for your child to try:
Start by helping your child to mix salt into the water in the mixing bowl and stirring until it is fully dissolved溶解).
___2__ Make sure that you don"t let any of the salty water into it.
___3__ Then take a small rock,and place it right on top of the center of the plastic wrap,so that all of the plastic leans slightly toward the middle of the bowl where the cup is.
Put the whole setup in full,hot sun,and wait. Within an hour, you should see water droplets begin to form on the underside of the plastic. __4___
Wait, and then take the plastic off. A good amount of water should be in the small cup.
__5__ Guess what? No salt!The water vaporized蒸发)in the heat of the sun,and then returned to its liquid state. Salt doesn"t do that一it stayed behind. You really can take the salt out of salt water!
As it happens,this is an excellent lesson in the way matter can change states.
A.Fresh water is scarcer than ever.
B.Invite your child to taste with you.
C.Water can go from liquid to gas and to liquid again.
D.Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and seal the edges.
E.Then place a cup or a smaller bowl into the center of the bowl.
F.They"ll flow and drip into the center of the bowl,and into the cup.
G..Today, scientists are busy exploring ways to take the salt out of salt water in large quantities.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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