当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 完成句子(共8小题,每空0.5分,满分10分)小题1:这幅画稍远点看更漂亮。The picture looks more beautiful _________...
The picture looks more beautiful _________ _________ _________.
_______ _______ other student, Mike is more diligent.
An ugly building _________ _______ _________ ______ _______ the window.
The earth is 49 _____ the ______ ______ the moon.
As a young boy, he _______ _______ ________ ______ playing basketball.
His suggestion is that no one ________ _______ _______ smoke in the office.

小题1:at a distance
小题2:comparing with
小题3:blocked out the view from
小题4:times, size of
小题5:had a gift for
小题6:be allowed to

小题1:at a distance是固定用法,意思是在远处。
小题4:表示倍数:“倍数 + the size of ...”
小题5:根据“As a young boy”,故用一般过去时,have a gift for 对……有天赋。
小题6:在表语从句中,当主语是表示“计划,建议,要求,命令”的词,如suggestion, advice, order, demand等时,表语从句的谓语动词常用“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。
试题【完成句子(共8小题,每空0.5分,满分10分)小题1:这幅画稍远点看更漂亮。The picture looks more beautiful _________】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
Living in a foreign country is fun, but it isn’t always easy. There are many differences between cultures and although some of these differences are unimportant, they can cause a lot of embarrassment. I spoke to a few foreign friends about how they experienced culture shock in China.
Aubin arrived two months ago from Europe to take part in a language programme in Shanghai. Before he left, he was actually taught the differences between European and Chinese cultures, including everything from table manners to classroom behavior. However, some things have still taken him by surprise. For example, he couldn’t understand why waiters did not want to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants. I had to explain to him that people don’t usually tip in China and that this comes from the Confucian idea that one must avoid accepting any undue(不适当的) income.
Another friend, Julia, came to Guangzhou from London to teach at a language school. After a month, she told me that she was really let down by her students. I asked her why and she told me that they were so quiet that she was the only person talking in class and it felt like the children were punishing her by making her talk to the walls! I explained to her that the children were simply respectful, but she said that it would be more respectful if they answered her questions.
And it is not only the West and the East that have cultural differences. Even Korea and China, two countries that are very close to each other, have differences too. “I thought Chinese and Korean people were similar in some ways,” said my friend Ji-Hyun in perfect Chinese, “but I was wrong. In ancient times the Chinese used to take their shoes off before entering a house. They don’t do that anymore, but Korean people still do! I keep getting that wrong even though I’ve been here for five years!”
Luckily, whether we take our shoes off or not, or leave unnecessary tips, the world still runs perfectly. In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen as a way of making life interesting. Imagine how boring it would be if we all did everything in exactly the same way! Learning to understand and respect differences is, after all, what life is all about.
Living with differences
People will meet a 小题1:_____ culture while living in a foreign country, which can make them feel 小题2:_____.
小题3:_____ of foreign friends in China
Aubin couldn’t understand why waiters 小题4:_____ to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants.
Julia felt really 小题5:_____ because no one talked in class except herself and thought that if the students 小题6:_____ her, they should answer her questions.
Ji-Hyun believed there were some 小题7:_____ between Chinese and Korean people and thought it was wrong that people 小题8:_____ their shoes when they entered a house.
We should 小题9:_____ cultural differences as a way to make life interesting.
We would be 小题10:_____ with life if we did everything in the same way.
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______________________________________________________is the loud noise.
Before writing an essay,________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________due to his outstanding achievements.
_______________________________, you will be punished.
We are delighted to see ________________________________________________________
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Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. concentrated   B. possible    C. revised     D. applications   E. figures
F. connect       G. benefits     H. global     I. contribute     J. tops
More than two million people in Europe now have fiberbroadband(光纤宽带)direct to their home, suggests a survey. The latest __1__ on superfast broadband delivered by fiber to the home (FTTH) show 18% growth over the last survey compiled in late 2008.
The continued growth suggests that the __2__ economic decline has not hit plans to build fiber networks. Sweden __3__ the list of nations applying the technology, with 10.9% of its broadband customers using fiber. Karel Helsen, president of Europe’s Fiber-To-The-Home Council, said the growth matched predictions that were __4__ when the credit crisis started to make itself felt. “The numbers in 2009 are in line with the latest forecasts,” said Mr. Helsen.
By 2012, the FTTH Council expects that 13 million people across 35 European nations will have their broadband delivered by fiber. Such services would start at a speed of 100 megabits per second (mbps), said Mr. Helsen. Around Europe more than 233 projects were underway to lay the fibers that would __5__ homes or buildings to the net, said Mr. Helsen. Many of those, he said, were being operated by local governments or smaller net firms. Local governments were interested in FTTH because of the economic and social __6__ it brought in its wake, said Mr. Helsen.
The low delay in high-speed fiber networks made __7__ new uses of broadband, he said. “No delay is very important,” he said, “specifically if you talk about __8__ that are time-dependent such as personal communications, conference calls or video calls where delays cause a lot of trouble.” While early FTTH services were __9__ in cities, said Mr. Helsen, many more were reaching out to rural areas for e-health and e-learning projects.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. Factors that influence reactions to pollutants
B. Possible sources of indoor air pollution
C. Ways to identify diseases with similar symptoms
D. Long-term effects after repeated exposure                            
E. A commonly-ignored health threat
F. Immediate symptoms and regular treatment
小题1:Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health, but many do not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant health effects. Environmental Protection Agency studies indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants may be of particular concern because most people spend about 90% of their time indoors.
小题2:There are many sources of indoor air pollution in any home. These include combustion sources such as oil, gas, coal, wood, and tobacco products; building materials and furnishings as diverse as deteriorated asbestos-containing insulation, wet or damp carpet, and cabinetry or furniture made of certain pressed wood products; products for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies; central heating and cooling systems and humidification devices; and outdoor sources such as radon, pesticides, and outdoor air pollution.
小题3:Immediate effects may show up after a single exposure or repeated exposures. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable. Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating the person"s exposure to the source of the pollution, if it can be identified. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity and fever, may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants.
小题4:The likelihood of immediate reactions to indoor air pollutants depends on several factors. Age and pre-existing medical conditions are two important influences. In other cases, whether a person reacts to a pollutant depends on individual sensitivity, which varies tremendously from person to person. Some people can become sensitized to biological pollutants after repeated exposures, and it appears that some people can become sensitized to chemical pollutants as well.
小题5:Certain immediate effects are similar to those from colds or other viral diseases, so it is often difficult to determine if the symptoms are a result of exposure to indoor air pollution. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the time and place the symptoms occur. If the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes. 
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Li Ming and Li Juan study very hardly. They do extremely well all the subjects. Li Juan decides to attend in Sichuan University while Li Ming preferred Beijing University. It makes them differ from the most students is that they don’t go to school. In fact, they have never been to school. Since kindergarten, we have studied at home. Neither of them feels they have missed anything by taught at home all the time. Like many people received home schooling in Chengdu, and they feel they are lucky.
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