Tips on how to save money
It’s important for you teenagers to know how to save money. You know that the money you save can be for rainy days and be used to pay through your college education. If you think it’s a difficult task and don’t know how to do it, please do as the following.
My dad always tells me that if one doesn’t respect money, it will never respect you. Hence, it’s important that you keep a record of your daily expenses. Make it a habit to write down all that you have spent. And when you find out the total expenses at the end of the month, you will realize what you have spent more money in doing. ___小题2:___
Open a savings account.
Opening a savings account is a better way to save money. You can set a goal; say (for example), the money is for a new notebook or for college, and then save, until you have enough money to buy a notebook or until you go to college. ___小题3:___
Do not carry much cash.
Do you have the habit of not leaving a store without buying anything? The only way to stop that is carrying less money around with you. Go to the store with the minimum amount of money, which will not even help you buy a drink. ____小题4:____
Save the changes.
Save the changes that you get back. If you have gone to a shop to buy something and get back some changes, then do not spend them. ___小题5:___ And you’ll be surprised at the huge amount of money after days.
Follow these tips above, and thus you can save a lot of money. And surely, they’ll help you to be more responsible in your life.
A.Keep a record of your daily expenses. |
B.After a few days, you’ll get rid of this habit. |
C.Instead, you can save them in your piggy bank. |
D.By that time, you will realize the importance of saving money. |
F. Next month, you will automatically try and save more in that part.
G. Nowadays in the developed and developing countries, people are all working for the sake of earning money.
试题分析:文章介绍怎样让 学会存钱,记录日常开销,带很少的钱去商店可以戒掉坏习惯,零花钱可以存在储钱罐等等。
小题1:考查上下文和句意理解:根据下文;Hence, it’s important that you keep a record of your daily expenses.可知要记录日常开销:答案是A
小题2:考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文;And when you find out the total expenses at the end of the month, you will realize what you have spent more money in doing.可知下个月你就会努力攒下那个部分的钱:答案是F
小题3:考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文;until you have enough money to buy a notebook or until you go to college.可知到那时你就会意识到存钱的重要性:答案是D
小题4:考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文;Go to the store with the minimum amount of money, which will not even help you buy a drink.可知:几天后,你就会戒掉那个坏习惯,答案是B
小题5:考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文;Save the changes that you get back. If you have gone to a shop to buy something and get back some changes, then do not spend them.可知:这些零花钱可以存在储钱罐里面,答案是C
试题【根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。ETips on how to save moneyIt’s importan】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.was, should see | B.should be, saw | C.were, had seen | D.should be, see, |
A. endure | B. constructed | C. chosen | D. specialized | AB. adaptable |
AC. survive | AD. increasingly | BC. accumulate | BD. financially | CD. mass |
Many kinds of stones are used as building materials. Stones and marbles are ____小题3:__ for important monuments because they are not burnable and can be expected to __小题4:____. Stone architecture was often blended with stone sculpture. The use of stones has declined, however, because a number of other materials are more ____小题5:__ to industrial use.
The complexity of modern life calls for a variety of buildings. More people live in ____小题6:____ housing and go to work in large office buildings, send their children to many different kinds of schools, and when they are sick they go to ___小题7:___ hospitals and clinics. All these different types of buildings ____小题8:____ experiences needed by their designers.
By the middle of the 20th century, modern architecture, which was influenced by new technology and mass production, was dealing with ___小题9:__ complex social needs. Important characteristics of modern architectural works are expanses of glass and the use of reinforced concrete. Advances in elevator technology, air conditioning, and electric lighting have all had important effects.
A. Tricks of dishonest advertisers |
B. Types of advertisement readers |
C. Customers’ opinions on advertisers |
D. Functions of advertising |
AB. Interactions between the advertisers and the customers |
AC. Benefits one may get from reading honest advertisements. |
When you see a clever advertisement in a newspaper, do you say to yourself, “Ah, that’s good. I’d like to have one of these”? Or do you say, “What lies are they telling this time? It can’t be very good or they wouldn’t have to advertise it so cleverly”? Both of these people exist: the fist are optimists; the second pessimists and realists.
Advertisements can be extremely useful if they are honest: if, let us say, you have broken you pen and you want to buy another, the first thing to do is to look at as many advertisements for pens as you can find. That will help you to choose the model, color and price that suits you. Advertisements save a lot of time and trouble in a quick and simple way. If the advertisements are true and accurate, the customers will be satisfied and will probably buy from the same firm nest time and advise their friends and acquaintances to do the same.
Some advertisers hope to sell his goods quickly and to make a large profit on them. They know that no customers will buy from them a second time or recommend the products to their friends. Other advertisers make claims for their products which they know perfectly well to be incapable of verification, like advertising that a certain toothpaste contains a particular substance knowing that this substance is in fact neither beneficial or harmful to the teeth. Such advertisements do not tell downright lies, but their advertising is deliberately misleading.
If there was no advertising, fewer goods would be sold, so the cost of each article would be higher. The more you advertise, the more cheaply you can afford to sell your products. Advertising also encourages makers to improve their goods continually. One manufacturer of soap-power claims that his products does not harm housewives’ hands, and quotes the opinions of prominent doctors to prove this. All other soap-powder manufacturers are forced to make their products harmless too.
As advertisers become more and more expert at their work, they appeal to all the human emotions in the effort to increase sales: love of a bargain, fear of ill health, the desire to show off and many others. But more and more customers are also becoming suspicious of and resistant to high-powered advertising. This is producing a deliberately modest advertisement that is intended to disarm the customers’ suspicions by giving an impression of absolute sincerity, or even of deliberate understatement.
A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. Mirrors have a very particular function. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a physical mirror serves as the vehicle to reflection, so do all of the people in our lives.
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it"s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I"m with that person.” That simply translates into “I"m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it"s as if we"ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
Just as the “mirror” or other person can be a positive reflection, it is more likely that we"ll notice it when it has a negative connotation. For example, it"s easy to remember times when we have met someone we"re not particularly crazy about. We may have some criticism in our mind about the person. This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend less time.
Frequently, when we dislike qualities in other people, ironically, it"s usually the mirror that"s speaking to us. I began questioning myself further each time I encountered someone that I didn"t particularly like. Each time, I asked myself, “What is it about that person that I don"t like?” and then “Is there something similar in me?” in every instance, I could see a piece of that quality in me, and sometimes I had to really get very introspective. So what did that mean?
It means that just as I can get annoyed or disturbed when I notice that aspect in someone else, I’d better reexamine my qualities and consider making some changes. Even if I"m not willing to make a drastic change, at least I consider how I might modify some of the things that I"m doing.
At times we meet someone new and feel distant, disconnected, or disgusted. Although we don"t want to believe it, and it"s not easy or desirable to look further, it can be a great learning lesson to figure out what part of the person is being reflected in you. It"s simply just another way to create more self-awareness.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS).
小题1:Everyone we meet is our mirror because ________________________________.
小题2: _________________________ is the reflection of our loving others.
小题3:How can we benefit from a person who has the qualities that we don’t like?
小题4:What can we do to develop our self-awareness when we meet someone new and feel distant, disconnected or disgusted? _______________________________________________________
A.consist of | B.get away from | C.concentrate on | D.come up with |
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