A.appreciated | B.approached | C.appointed | D.agreed |
试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. appreciated欣赏,B. approached靠近,C. appointed任命,委派,D. agreed同意,句意:怀特先生是仔细的有经验的工程师,所以他经常被派去完成有挑战性的任务。选C。
A.submit to | B.object to | C.cater to | D.stick to |
It is important to realize that habits are not easy to break. Just because setting your mind to do something does not mean you will be able to change it right away. Sometimes you may find yourself going back to what you’re used to. Don’t let this stop you from making the change you want.
If you aren’t sure where to start or what to change, imagine that you have to explain to someone in authority(权威) what you would need to do to develop or progress. If you have to, write it down and think about what you would say to make someone else believe that you are on the right path. This will help you be clearer about what you want to accomplish.
Figure out what you want to do with yourself. This doesn’t mean that you need to map out your entire life in advance. Consider the next five years. Where do you want to be? What does your life look like? If you evaluate(评价) yourself properly, you can decide on the best course of action to get where you want be.
Learn to value what is the best in your life. When value something, you naturally want to do whatever you can to achieve it. What you value influences the choices you will make in life. So if you value the best in your life, the activities that you choose will work toward achieving the best in your life.
Increasing your personal satisfaction with life is sometimes as easy as learning to give back to the community(社区)around you. Giving selflessly and donating charitably(慷慨地) is an excellent way to increase your own feelings of self-worth. Moreover, giving selflessly is an excellent way of proving your worth in your community.
Hopefully with all of the information you have just learned, you can start taking some serious steps toward your personal development. Remember that it is one thing to want to do something, but it is another thing to actually do it, so trying your best to do what you think is going to be right for you in your personal development goals.
A.damage | B.injury | C.wound | D.ruin |
A.put off | B.put up | C.put down | D.put away |
A.caught on | B.took up | C.set out | D.made for |
- 1遂水中学九(1)班张海同学在网上查阅我国第三次经济普查有关资料时,发现了这样一组数据,请你与他一起分析:项 目1
- 2下列说法正确的是 ( )A.ΔH<0、ΔS>0的反应在温度低时不能自发进行B.N
- 3在锐角△ABC中,三个内角的度数都是质数,且最短边的长为1.则满足这样条件的互不全等的三角形个数为( )A.1B.2C
- 4下列各组仪器中,都能用来加热液体药品的是( )A.试管、量筒、蒸发皿B.试管、集气瓶、蒸发皿C.量筒、蒸发皿、烧杯D.
- 5请画出图中入射光线经过凹透镜后的折射光线.
- 691. ______ finding solutions, it is unthinkable to solve all
- 7榴莲等热带水果不能在北方地区栽种的主要因素是A.温度的高低B.光照的强弱C.雨量的大小D.土质的不同
- 8主族元素单质及化合物在许多性质上都存在着递变规律。下列有关说法不正确的是A.卤化银的颜色按AgCl、AgBr、AgI的顺
- 9的相反数是( )A.B.C.D.
- 10 如图,⊙O的半径为10,弦AB=16,M是弦AB上的动点,则OM不可能为( )A.4B.6C.8D.10
- 1安徽六安双墩汉墓遗址被评为全国“2006年度十大考古新发现”之一。图1到图4所列文物不可能由该墓葬出土的是A.图1铁兵器
- 2生态系统中的能量流动伴随着物质循环,如图是生态系统碳循环示意图。下列有关叙述中,错误的是[ ]A.①表示动物体内
- 3漫画《群众路线教育实践活动》反映了中国共产党①不断增强科学执政、依法执政的自觉性 ②坚持以人为本,积极行使国家职能③
- 4罗马共和国的最高行政长官都由贵族担任,贵族组成的__________________掌握着统治实权,是_________
- 5一位90后的孩子在日记中写了如下一段话:请给我勇敢,改变可以改变的;就给我坚强,接受不可以改变的;请给我智慧,分辨这两者
- 6“春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。”人们最早用这一谚语是在A.商朝B.西周C.春秋时期D
- 72008年11月5日,________赢得足够的选举人票(365票),超过当选总统所需要的270票,当选为美国第44任总
- 8阅读下面的文言文,完成小题:(共34分,共7小题)郑人游于乡校,以论执政。然明谓子产①曰:“毁乡校,何如?”子产曰;“何
- 95月31日是“世界无烟日”,香烟的烟气中含有几百种有毒物质,其中有一种极易与血液中的血红蛋白结合,这种物质是 (
- 10举出中国封建社会史上的四次统一的朝代。_________________________________________