A.consisted | B.allowed | C.approved | D.informed |
试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. consisted 组成,B. allowed允许,C. approved同意,批准,D. informed通知,句意:玛丽从不做父母不同意的事情,为了不让他们不高兴。Approve of sth同意,选C。
试题【Mary would never do anything that was not _________ of by her parents in order n】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.As for | B.In addition to | C.Except for | D.In spite of |
A.emotions | B.principles | C.regulations | D.opinions |
--It’s his plans. You can’t imagine what it’s like to feel that all your plans for the future have _________.
A.set down | B.turned down | C.put down | D.broken down |
My childhood was less than ideal--in fact, I was the only girl in my family who did not run away from home during adolescence.
小题1: . Coming from a blue-collar family and an easy rural high school to a white-collar university that gave a “C” for work that would be a “B” at another school, I felt like a misfit financially, culturally, and educationally.
Somehow I made it through my freshman year, and headed back for the second year. 小题2:.
Barb seemed the exact opposite of me. 小题3: . One day I watched Barb draw while waiting for class to start. I sighed, thinking how Barb could do anything she wanted to: draw, paint, sing, and play the guitar.
小题4: . “I wish I was artistic,” I replied.
“Mary,” she said in amazement. “You ARE artistic!”
I figured she was just being nice, but if Barb thought I was artistic, there must be something to it, even if I thought my only artistic abilities were with words. Thanks to her, I learned to recognize my artistic abilities.
This summer I wrote to Barb and reminded her of that conversation. 小题5: . I had removed a closet in my bedroom for more space, and needed to choose colors and wall hangings. I felt quite upset. Just as I was about to give up, I heard Barb’s voice in my memory, “Mary, you ARE artistic!” With her words ringing in my head, I found the perfect color for the walls and the perfect pictures for the walls.
Thanks, Barb, for believing in me all those years ago.
A.It was 1990 when Barb said those words for me. |
B.Barb heard me sigh, and asked what was wrong. |
C.I let her know her words are still working their magic. |
D.I’d been writing poems and short stories since I was 12. |
F. I’m so glad I went back, because that was the year I met Barb.
G. After high school I moved 300 miles away for college, but quickly had second thoughts about whether I belonged there.
A.promised | B.improved | C.promoted | D.motivated |
- 1综合性学习(4分)大自然是个丰富多彩的物质世界,有千姿百态的山川溪流,种类繁多的花草、树木、庄稼、鸟兽、鱼虫,它们以自然
- 2(12分)如图,在棱长为1的正方体中,(I)在侧棱上是否存在一个点P,使得直线与平面所成角的正切值为;(Ⅱ)若P是侧棱上
- 3读下图,回答问题。根据下列经纬网图,回答下列问题。(1)写出A、B、C、D的经纬度:A.___________,____
- 4阅读《鼎湖山听泉》片段,完成文后题目(12分)入夜,山中万籁俱寂。借宿寺旁客房,如枕泉而眠。深夜听泉,别有一番滋味。泉声
- 5阅读下面的文字,完成后面的问题。联想与审美童庆炳有些理论家和艺术家力主用联想来解释审美体验,并不认为有什么纯粹的音乐、绘
- 6某商场家电销售部有营业员20名,为了调动营业员的积极性,决定实行目标管理,即确定一个月的销售额目标,根据目标完成情况对营
- 7质量为1 kg的物体在离地面高5m处自由下落,正好落在以5 m/s的速度沿光滑水平面匀速行驶的装有沙子的小车中,车和沙子
- 8在一定条件下,下列转化不能 由一步反应实现的是( )A.CO→CaCO3B.H2CO3→CO2C.CuSO4→CuD.
- 9若直线, 当 时.
- 10绿色植物通过光合作用贮存能量,几乎是所有生物的能量源泉,它在生物圈中的作用不包括( )A.、可以防风固沙B.绿色植物是
- 1阅读《于园》,完成小题。(共12分)于园在瓜州步五里铺,富人于五所园也。非显者刺,则门钥不得出。葆生叔同知瓜州,携余往,
- 2火车和轮船的发明距今约有[ ]A.一百年左右B.二百年左右C.三百年左右D.四百年左右
- 3抛物线y=2x2的焦点坐标为 [ ]A.(0 ,1) B.C. D.
- 4(6分)(1)化学用语是学习化学的重要工具,是国际通用的化学语言。请用化学用语填空:(1)①铝元素 ;②五
- 5下列命题中,为真命题的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 6细胞融合法是将性质不同的两种细胞融合起来,培养出新细胞的生命科学技术。现用A、B两种细胞融合制得C细胞。其性质比较如下表
- 7为建设美好泰州,广大人民群众积极参与丰富多彩的精神文明创建活动。下列活动符合弘扬中国优秀传统文化的是① 寻“泰州红色文化
- 8(本小题共13分)设数列的前项和.(Ⅰ)证明数列是等比数列;(Ⅱ)若,且,求数列的前项和
- 9人类发射的探测器已飞出了太阳系,如果探测器所受外力全部消失,那么探测器将[ ]A.落回地球B.飞向太阳 C.绕地
- 10在“描绘小电珠的伏安特性曲线”实验中,用导线a、b、c、d、e、f、g和h按下图所示方式连接好电路,电路中所有元器件都完