respond gift punish inspire devote unwilling legal |
小题2:He committed a crime, so he was put in prison as a _________.
小题3:I wrote to the manager, but there was no _________ to my complaints.
小题4:The president’s speech was so ________ that all the people present were highly motivated.
小题5:Henry decided to _______ his life to helping the poor in the world.
小题6:After a long struggle, the clerk had to accept the requirements of his boss _________.
小题7:The school offers special training courses for the __________ children who show talents in art.
小题6: 句意:努力了很长时间后,职员不情愿的接受了老板提出的要求。用unwilling的副词:unwillingly
When the Nintendo Wii went on sale, people around the country stood in line for hours to get one. The popular video-game system isn’t just for fun and games. People such as Billy Perry, 64, are using Wii games to recover from pain and injuries. Perry plays Wii boxing and he says the game is helping him regain strength and feeling in his left arm. It is actually helping him recover from a stroke he had last year. A stroke is the sudden loss of consciousness and voluntary movement caused by a blocked artery (受阻碍的动脉)in the brain.
Across the country, hospitals are having patients try their hands at the Nintendo Wii. Playing the games can improve a patient’s strength and coordination (协调能力). It is especially useful for people who are trying to recover from strokes and broken bones. The Wii console (控制台)has a unique wireless controller. The controller requires players to move their bodies to play Wii games such as tennis, golf and baseball. Experts say the arm and hand movements Wii players make are similar to traditional exercises performed in physical therapy (treatment).
Physical therapy is often painful. Some medical experts say playing games on the Wii takes patients’ attention away while giving them the exercise they need. Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C., offers Wii games for soldiers injured in the war. Doctor Daugherty says the practice is great for young soldiers who are interested in video games. “They think it’s for entertainment, but we know it’s for therapy. ”she says. Some experts want more proof that the Nintendo Wii helps the injured recover. Researchers in Minneapolis are doing a study to measure patients’ functions before and after using a Wii.
小题1:What is the Nintendo Wii? (不多于4个词)
小题2:Who might be able to benefit most from Wii games? (不多于8个词)
小题3:Why isn’t playing Wii games so painful as physical therapy? (不多于6个词)
小题4:What is the main idea of the whole passage? (不多于7个词)
A.turns to | B.takes apart | C.belongs to | D.devotes to |
A.made of | B.made up | C.made from | D.made sure |
小题1:毫无疑问, 这些箱子被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡。从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。
There is no ______ that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. After that, _________ happened to the Amber Room ___________ a _________.
Only athletes who have _________ the agreed ________ for their event will ________ ___________ as competitors.
After I was__________ by an ___________ who used cars ________ holes, I could “think” __________ and produce an answer quicker than any person.
小题4:这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过, 我还是想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。
It_______ the importance of wildlife __________, but I" like to help ______ the WWF _______.
To be ___________, a lot of people ________ great importance ________ ___________ rich and famous.
- 1已知向量,,若与共线,则的值为 A B C D
- 2下表为我国黑龙江、黄河、长江、珠江四条河流的长度、结冰期、径流量和含沙量情况。据此完成1—3题。1、表中四条河流中代表长
- 3—The skirt is too expensive; its color too dark, and…. —____
- 4“好兄弟,好伙伴”,这是胡锦涛主席2010年2月16日上午在坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆就中非关系发表演讲时,对于中非关系的
- 5如图,在△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AD⊥BC于D,若AB=3,AC=4,则sin∠DAC的值为[ ]A.B.
- 6下面漫画《热潮》给我们的哲学启示是[ ]A、以发展为第一要务,充分发挥主观能动性B、坚持以人为本,促进经济又好又
- 7在平直公路上用50N的水平力拉着重为500N的车前进10m,则拉力做的功为 ____ J,重力做的功为____J.
- 8给下列一则新闻加上恰当的标题,最准确的一项是(2分) ( )为加速明月山旅游升级,推进富民增收工程建设,明月
- 9如图所示的电路中,当电键K由断开变为闭合后,图中的电流表A和电压表V的示数变化情况是( )A.A的读数变小B.A的读数
- 10阅读下面语段,完成文后各题。雨中游曲江褚向群身居西安,早就知道曲江遗址公园对外开放,但一直无暇前往。2008年11月中旬
- 1下列哪一种生物必须用电子显微镜才能观察清楚?( )A. 草履虫B. 衣藻C. 噬菌体D. 酵母菌
- 2(8分)某固体混合物可能含Al、(NH4)2SO4、MgCl2、A1Cl3、FeCl2、NaCl中的一种或几种,现对该混
- 3党的十七大报告用了相当的篇幅论述文化,强调要加强“文化软实力”的建设。之所以要加强“文化软实力”的建设是因为A.文化建设
- 4如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB=10,AC=8,以AC为直径作圆与斜边交于点P,则BP的长为______.
- 5【题文】明朝万历中期河南巡抚钟化民奏:“臣见中州沃壤,半檀木棉,乃棉花尽归商贩,民间衣服率从贸易。”这反映了①经济作物种
- 6【题文】设偶函数,则不等式f(x-2)>0的解集为 ( &
- 7【题文】下列各句中的标点符号使用恰当的一句是( ) A.李小二道:“这个差使又好似天王
- 8北魏孝文帝改革规定:“诸男夫十五以上授露田四十亩,妇人二十亩……老免及身没则还田。……男夫给二十亩,课种桑五十株;桑田皆
- 9有下列物质:①洁净空气,②冰水混合物,③五氧化二磷,④木炭,⑤臭氧,⑥氢氧化钠.其中属于氧化物的是______(填序号)
- 10在棱长为1的正方体中,若点是棱上一点,则满足的点 的个数为 .