A.the ones | B.those | C.ones | D.these |
试题分析:我们过去错误的认为重的物体比轻的落下来更快。这里需要代词指代objects,因为是泛指“轻的物体”,所以用ones泛指可数名词的复数,the ones是特指“可数名词复数”,those特指“可数名词复数”,these“这些”,所以选C。
A.have finished | B.had been finished | C.will be finished | D.was finished |
A.was working | B.has worked | C.had been working | D.had worked |
A.occurred it | B.it did occur | C.did it occur | D.it occurred |
Sadly, people nowadays seem to have totally lost interest in this activity. Children are busy with computer games, 小题5: adults use their cell phones or computers to search for information. 小题6: seems that people have forgotten 小题7: importance of reading. Anybody can use the Internet to look for information, but the sources are 小题8: as reliable as a book.
To open a book is always beneficial! Don’t spend all your spare time on the computer screen or cell phones.
A child’s eating habits can develop right from childhood. As we know, a baby cries out if he doesn’t get milk at the usual time of the day. However, sometimes parents immediately stick a bottle in a child’s mouth without trying to find out if the child is really hungry. In fact, children may cry for other reasons. Even as children grow up and start going to school, parents sometimes give them a chocolate bar if they become really unhappy. As the children further grow up, they may become used to having a snack whenever they’re upset or low.
Therefore, they’d like to eat an emotional snack when they have the feeling of unhappiness and boredom. Even when they don’t get high grades, aren’t popular at school or made fun of by others, they will want something to eat. After having the snack, they feel a lot better.
Emotional eating in young children is a thing that needs to be taken seriously. To protect your children from emotional eating, you should satisfy your child’s emotional needs in the best possible way. This includes spending time with your child every day, taking an interest in his school work, helping your child study, providing a health environment without tension at home, etc. Don’t make the child lose face by scolding him. Develop confidence in your child. Make your child eat enough once in a while. Reward him for his achievements.
All this will help your little one develop a healthy eating habit. And always remember love and care is the key to help you child out of trouble and grow up happily.
Title: 小题1: in Young Children
小题2: | Eating for feeling good instead of for 小题3: . |
Causes | forming the habit when 小题4: feeling 小题5: feeling 小题6: and getting low grades being made fun of by others |
小题7: | staying with your child for some time every day being 小题8: in your child’s studies and help him study providing a healthy environment without tension at home avoiding 小题9: to make him ashamed making your child 小题10: in himself giving your child enough to eat once in a while giving your child reward for what he has achieved |
Conclusion | Love and care helps children out of trouble. |
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- 4A. 选择正确答语填在括号中。A. Never mind. B. Not at all.
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