respond gift punish inspire devote unwilling legal |
小题2:He committed a crime, so he was put in prison as a _________.
小题3:I wrote to the manager, but there was no _________ to my complaints.
小题4:The president’s speech was so ________ that all the people present were highly motivated.
小题5:Henry decided to _______ his life to helping the poor in the world.
小题6:After a long struggle, the clerk had to accept the requirements of his boss _________.
小题7:The school offers special training courses for the __________ children who show talents in art.
小题6: 句意:努力了很长时间后,职员不情愿的接受了老板提出的要求。用unwilling的副词:unwillingly
When the Nintendo Wii went on sale, people around the country stood in line for hours to get one. The popular video-game system isn’t just for fun and games. People such as Billy Perry, 64, are using Wii games to recover from pain and injuries. Perry plays Wii boxing and he says the game is helping him regain strength and feeling in his left arm. It is actually helping him recover from a stroke he had last year. A stroke is the sudden loss of consciousness and voluntary movement caused by a blocked artery (受阻碍的动脉)in the brain.
Across the country, hospitals are having patients try their hands at the Nintendo Wii. Playing the games can improve a patient’s strength and coordination (协调能力). It is especially useful for people who are trying to recover from strokes and broken bones. The Wii console (控制台)has a unique wireless controller. The controller requires players to move their bodies to play Wii games such as tennis, golf and baseball. Experts say the arm and hand movements Wii players make are similar to traditional exercises performed in physical therapy (treatment).
Physical therapy is often painful. Some medical experts say playing games on the Wii takes patients’ attention away while giving them the exercise they need. Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C., offers Wii games for soldiers injured in the war. Doctor Daugherty says the practice is great for young soldiers who are interested in video games. “They think it’s for entertainment, but we know it’s for therapy. ”she says. Some experts want more proof that the Nintendo Wii helps the injured recover. Researchers in Minneapolis are doing a study to measure patients’ functions before and after using a Wii.
小题1:What is the Nintendo Wii? (不多于4个词)
小题2:Who might be able to benefit most from Wii games? (不多于8个词)
小题3:Why isn’t playing Wii games so painful as physical therapy? (不多于6个词)
小题4:What is the main idea of the whole passage? (不多于7个词)
A.turns to | B.takes apart | C.belongs to | D.devotes to |
A.made of | B.made up | C.made from | D.made sure |
小题1:毫无疑问, 这些箱子被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡。从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。
There is no ______ that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. After that, _________ happened to the Amber Room ___________ a _________.
Only athletes who have _________ the agreed ________ for their event will ________ ___________ as competitors.
After I was__________ by an ___________ who used cars ________ holes, I could “think” __________ and produce an answer quicker than any person.
小题4:这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过, 我还是想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。
It_______ the importance of wildlife __________, but I" like to help ______ the WWF _______.
To be ___________, a lot of people ________ great importance ________ ___________ rich and famous.
- 1酒精的热值是3.0×107J/kg,一只酒精炉燃烧100g酒精放出多少热量?
- 2数学模型是用来描述一个系统或它的性质的数学形式,关于种群增长的数学模型有曲线图和数学方程式。下列关于种群的“J”型增长叙
- 32008年9月25日晚21:10,万众瞩目的“神舟七号”飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心升空.(1)火箭点火后,发射台附近产生了大
- 4无土栽培就是用人工配制的营养液培育植物的方法.配制植物营养液是根据( )A.光合作用需要水的道理B.植物生长发育过程需
- 5已知平行四边形ABCD的顶点A(-2,1),B(-1,3),C(3,4),则顶点D的坐标是
- 6如图,在三角形ABC中,AC=BC,若将△ABC沿BC方向向右平移BC长的距离,得到△CEF,连结AE. (1)试猜想,
- 7江苏沿岸和渤海沿岸的海岸类型是 A.基岩海岸B.淤泥质海岸C.红树林海岸D.砂质海岸
- 8若a,b是非零向量,且a⊥b,|a|≠|b|,则函数f(x)=(xa+b)(xb-a)是( )A.一次函数且是奇函数B
- 9已知⊙O1与⊙O2是等圆,相交于A、B两点,若∠AO1B=60°,O1A=1cm,则O1O2的长是( )。
- 10在商品生产中,商品的价值量与社会劳动生产率成反比。因此,社会劳动生产率越高,同一劳动在同一时间内创造的单位商品价值量 ,
- 1下列现象,属于学习行为的是: [ ]A.鱼的生殖洄游 B.飞蛾扑火 C.手被针扎后急速抽回 D.幼
- 2的相反数是 [ ]A.B.5C.-5D.-
- 3用水平力F,推着重100牛的物体在水平地面上匀速前进了10米,推力做功为200焦,则推力的F的大小是( )A.10牛B
- 4北下列关于地球上存在生命的条件说法错误的是A.位于安全稳定的宇宙环境B.有生物圈存在 C.日地距离适中D.体积质量适中
- 5就业有利于( )①社会生产顺利地运转 ②促进经济发展 ③促进人的全面发展 ④社会劳动力的再生产A.①B.
- 6下列关于等高线地形图说法错误的是( )A.同一条等高线上的点高度相等B.等高线比较密集的地方坡度较陡C.等高线比较稀疏
- 7“战士双脚走天下,四渡赤水出奇兵。乌江天险重飞渡,兵临贵阳逼昆明……”这首歌曲描绘了红军长征的壮美画卷。长征途中召开的党
- 8把地球绕太阳公转看作是匀速圆周运动,轨道平均半径约为1.5×108km,已知万有引力常量G=6.67×10-11N·m2
- 9在“验证力的平行四边形定则”的实验中:(1)在实验过程中某同学的部分实验步骤如下,请仔细读题并完成有关空缺部分内容:A.
- 10地球上最大的生态系统是( )A.海洋生态系统B.森林生态系统C.城市生态系统D.生物圈