当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。artistsinjuredactiveattachcame i...
came into being
in search of
concerned about
The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days, and it was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best ________ about ten years to make.
Many kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta, but when they heard of her rules they knew it was ________.
Anyhow, my ________ is to provide humans with a life of high quality, and I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race.
Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans ________ and their future seemed secure at that time.
Many young people often dream of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, and, to be honest, a lot of them ________ great importance to becoming rich and famous.
If your friend comes to school very upset, tell him that you are ________ him and you will meet after class and talk then.
India has a very large number of ________ English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947, and English became the language for government and education.
I am fond of my sister Wang Wei but she has one serious ________ — she can be really stubborn.
On July 28, 1976, the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province was hit by a terrible earthquake and the number of people who were killed or seriously ________ reached more than 400,000.
It was in 1952 that Elias went to Mandela for legal advice, and Mandela was ________ with his time, for which Elias was very grateful.

小题4:came into being   
小题6:concerned about  

小题1: artists    名词artist艺术家;句义:这让这个国家的艺术家花了10年的时间才完成。
小题2: hopeless  句义:很多国王和王子都想娶Atlanta,当他们听说规则的时候,都知道他们没有希望了。本句的关键在于连词but表示上下文之间的转折关系,说明他们认为自己没有希望了。
小题3:goal     句义:我的目标就是给人们通过高质量的生活。本句中不定式在句中做表语,表示具体要做的事情。
小题4:came into being  固定搭配come into being形成,产生,出现;在人类出现之前,恐龙已经在地球上生活了很多年。本句要注意的是时态。
小题5:attach 固定搭配attach importance to重视…;句义:他们中的很多人过于重视名利。
小题6:concerned about  固定搭配:be concerned about…担心…;句义:如果你的朋友来到学校,很难过,你要告诉他/她你很担心他。放学以后会和他好好地谈谈。
小题7: fluent   形容词fluent流利的;通常用来修饰语言。
小题8:shortcoming  句义:我很喜欢我的妹妹王蓓,但是她又一个很大的缺点—她可能太固执了。过于固执正是人的一个缺点。所以使用名词shortcoming。
小题9: injured  形容词injured通常表示的是在事故里受伤。句义:去世和受伤的人数达到40多万。本句的injured与killed形成呼应。
小题10:. generous 形容词generous慷慨的。根据第二句for which Elias was very grateful.可知Elias心存感激,说明Mandela花了很多时间帮助他,所以Mandela对于时间很慷慨。
试题【根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。artistsinjuredactiveattachcame i】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
We hope your suggestion will ______ solving the problem. 
A.contribute toB.relate toC.attend toD.devote to

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Many people experience feelings of sadness, and depression in winter.    小题1:   
Make a plan
The winter months can often seem quite dull, many of us spending the majority of our time indoors. A good way to get rid of this feeling is to break out of your routine and create something to look forward to.  小题2:   Whatever your plan, make sure it is something you feel excited.
Get creative about fitness
    小题3: However, many of us find our workout routine takes a hit when the cold weather sets in. To stay inspired to exercise, try searching for something new like an unusual sport.
Cheer up your social life
As people retreat more indoors to the warmth of their homes, it can feel as though your social life has gone into hibernation.(冬眠)  If you want to improve your social life, it’s time to get active. Pick up the phone and make plans to s 小题4:   spend time with friends and family.
To improve your happiness over the winter, it is important to make time for those little things that improve your mood. Make a list of the day-to-day things that make you happy——such as having a catch-up with a friend, or listening to your favorite song. Planning regular treats not only gives you something to look forward to, it can also improve each day.
A.Treat yourself
B.Get an indoor hobby
C.Different people have different hobbies, so try to find one everyone can join in.
D.Exercise is a great way to beat the blues as it will leave you looking great.
E. However, spending time with others can be one of the greatest mood supporters.
F. This could be a night out or weekend away, or something ongoing like a new fitness challenge.
G. If the winter blues are starting to set in, check out these ways to improve your happiness this winter.  
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My mother used to tell me when I was a child, “Don’t take things that ______ to you”.
A.aren’t belongedB.aren’t belongingC.don’t belong D.won’t be belonged

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Nowadays, teachers should give less homework to students in order to ______ the amount of pressure they have.

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— Alice, have you heard that the grocery store down the street was ______, and nearly all the things there were stolen?
— God! Really? That’s horrible!
A.broken downB.broken upC.broken intoD.broken out

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