B. portrait
C. impression
D. effect
试题【The serious ________ that the earthquake has on people"s lives can be seen every】;主要考察你对名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. bargain
C. amount
D. value
B. replies
C. consultation
D. contracts
— Why not stop and enjoy the cool air?
B. shadow
C. picture
D. scene
1. What do you know is the________(主题) of the newlybuilt park in our city?
2. Young people prefer to show their________(个性) in the modern society.
3. Experts encourage________(欣赏) should be more widely used in educating young generation.
4. The newlyelected prime minister mainly ________(聚焦) on increasing the living conditions
of the weak.
5. Shen Zhou ________(承担) the China"s first wandering in outer space.
6. The scientists applauded ________(立刻) they saw Zhai Zhigang walk out the spacecraft successfully.
7. He is a ________(稳定) fellow, not drink, regular in his hours, and we may rely on him.
8. "________(调节) yourself, and have another try!" said the coach.
9. Filled for the moment with extraordinary________(力气) the rescue team saved the wounded
from the ruins completely.
10. The old man was celebrating his ________(八十) birthday in his house after being immigrating
here last month.
B. scope
C. range
D. boundary
- 1— Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? — That"
- 2---- Do you _________ he is an excellent student? ----Of cou
- 3自选题:如图,显示的填数“魔方”只填了一部分,将下列9个数:14,12,1,2,4,8,16,32,64填入方格中,使得
- 4用焦距为10cm的放大镜观察邮票,邮票与放大镜的距离应______10cm(填“大于”“小于”或“等于”);看到的像是_
- 5阅读理解 This is a picture of the twin brothers, Li Lei an
- 6人们生存发展的第一需要是 [ ]A.物质生活B.精神生活C.交往D.接受良好的教育
- 7生物兴趣小组的同学在清扫学校的仓库时,发现墙角潮湿的拖布和扫帚下面有许多鼠妇,当他们拿起拖布和扫帚时,鼠妇迅速爬走。
- 8如图所示,某学生分别将浸过食醋的钢丝绒、浸过水的钢丝绒和干燥的钢丝绒放入大小相同的试管A、B、C中,测得玻璃管中水上升的
- 9将高岭土[Al2Si2O5(OH)4]改写为氧化物的形式:______.
- 10选择以下合适粒子的序号填写下列空格(①分子②原子③中子④电子⑤质子):(1)不显电性的粒子有 ; (2)
- 1阅读下面的文字,完成以下小题。两种理梁漱溟①人类之视一般动物优越者,实为其心思作用。心思作用,是对于官体(感官器官)作用
- 2【题文】(28分)阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 早期国家的官制是建立在亲贵合一的基础上的,血缘亲族是任官的先
- 3图中所示的电路中,家庭电路正常发光的三盏灯突然全部熄灭,经检查保险丝完好,用试电笔插进插座的两孔,氖管均发光。造成这一现
- 4无论m取什么实数,点(-1,-m2-1)一定在( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限
- 5小丽为小明表演了一个“水火相融”的小魔术。她先用一块透明的薄玻璃板,将桌子分割成甲、乙两个区域后,用一块不透明的挡板将乙
- 6下列命题错误的是 ( )A.四边形内角和等于外角和B.相似多边形
- 7The water was now two feet deep, making it difficult, if not
- 8仔细阅读下面语句,选出排列正确的一项[ ]①如果开窗正对着白色墙壁,太单调了,给补上几竿竹子或几棵芭蕉。②诸如此
- 9英汉互译。1. go to college2. be famous3. get/receive an education
- 10“西湖春色归,春水绿于染”这句诗描写的是________植物;“明月松间照,清泉石上流”描写的是_________植物。