How much you earn is not very important.It is how you earn the money that _____.
A.values | B.counts | C.minds | D.means |
试题【How much you earn is not very important.It is how you earn the money that _____.】;主要考察你对名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
The police have offered a large _______ for information leading to the robber’s arrest.
A.prize | B.compensation | C.price | D.reward |
. --- I’d like to make a __________ to Paris on the 25th.
--- Just a moment, please. Let me check for you.
A.reservation | B.conversation | C.revolution | D.conversation |
The most important _____ of his speech at the G20 summit was that we should all unite to fight against the financial.
A.element | B.spot | C.view | D.point |
A.furniture | B.fortune | C.possessions | D.treasure |
We found some _______of rice near the hole . The mice may have stored a lot of____in the hole.
A.grain;grain | B.grain;grains | C.grains; grains | D.grains;grain |
- 1现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分)戏剧需要激情余秋雨 戏剧需要激情。列·托尔斯泰对“艺术”下了一个简单明确的定义:“作者所
- 2对一定质量的气体,若用N表示单位时间内与器壁单位面积碰撞的分子数,则( )A.当体积减小时,N必定增加B.当温度升高时
- 3Nowadays, we still see some ________ begging for money in th
- 4如图,有一圆柱体高为10cm,底面圆的半径为4cm, AA1、BB1为相对的两条母线,在AA1上有一个蜘蛛 Q,QA=3
- 5I don"t know the homework ______ today. [ ]A. onB. inC.
- 6潜水艇中常用过氧化钠与二氧化碳反应制取氧气,以供潜水员正常呼吸.请计算,若要制取4.8kg的氧气,需要过氧化钠的质量为多
- 7小明的父亲饭后出去散步,从家中走20分钟到一个离家900米的报享看10分钟报纸后,用10分钟返回家里面,图中能表示小明的
- 8Tom is _____ that I can tell him my secrets and worries. [
- 9抛物线y=x2+x+2上点(1,4)处的切线的斜率是________,该切线方程为________________.
- 10【题文】林语堂说,古代中国乡民之间的纠纷往往有村中长老,不是由衙门或法庭解决。不能解释该现象的原因是( )A
- 1如图,已知AC=BD,要使△ABC≌△DCB,只需增加的一个条件是( )
- 2阅读理解。 Sleeping in anything other than a completely dark
- 3把铜粉放入装有浓氨水的试管中,塞紧试管塞,振荡后发现试管塞越来越紧,且溶液逐渐变为浅黄色(近乎无色)溶液,打开试管塞后,
- 4构建社会主义和谐社会面临许多新情况、新问题、新矛盾,必然会出现许多新事物、新思想、新做法。下列属于新事物的有[
- 5为完成下列任务,你认为可用普查方法的有( )①了解你班学生周日的起床时间;②了解我国初三学生的体重;③了解灯泡的使用寿
- 6已知a=(1,-1,1),b=(-2,3-11),则|b-a|=______.
- 7China may be the world"s most populous country ,and it won t
- 8下列说法正确的是 (
- 9下列属于物质的化学性质的是A.食盐易溶于水B.澄清石灰水遇二氧化碳会变浑浊C.酒精易挥发D.二氧化硫有刺激性气味
- 10改正下列病句。(1)为了今后避免不再发生类似事情,老师教育他一定要遵守纪律。