It seems that creative thinking, which is one of the most___________skills in society, is a matter of habits.
A.high valued | B.high valuing | C.highly valued | D.highly valuing |
试题【It seems that creative thinking, which is one of the most___________skills in so】;主要考察你对名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, But_______.
A.a little did he hear | B.little did he hear |
C.little heard he | D.a little heard he |
Her answer was so confused that the teacher could hardly make any ______ of it.
A.idea | B.sense | C.difference | D.meaning |
Her joke went too far, which was more than I could ______.
A.put up | B.put out | C.put up with | D.put down |
— Jordan scored more than thirty points in each game in this season.
— There’s no doubt that he __________ the title “The Best Scorer”.
A.declares | B.deserves | C.likes | D.confirms |
____the doctors really doubt is____my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.
A.What; whether | B.That; when | C.What; how | D.That; why |
- 1阅读下文,回答问题。梦幻视觉“水立方”
- 2______ many times, but he still couldn"t understand it.A. Th
- 31562年,英格兰人约翰·霍金斯从非洲掳掠了一批黑人运往美洲,以补充当地甘蔗种植园的劳动力。对此表述正确的是 ( )
- 4孩子的性别是由卵细胞与不同类型的精子结合而决定的。因此,孩子的性别是由母亲决定的。 [ ]
- 5玉米种子放在仓库里,一般不会发芽,主要原因是缺乏 [ ]A.阳光B.空气C.水分 D.土壤
- 6在一个由水稻、螟虫、青蛙组成的相对封闭的生态系统中,如果将青蛙***绝,螟虫的数量变化可以用下列曲线图中的哪一个来表示[
- 7日新又新我常新,每个人都是变化发展的,自身的优点和缺点也不是一成不变的,所以我们不断完善自己就要[ ]A.用全面
- 8下列运算正确的是( )A.x2+x3=x5B.(x2)3=x6C.(x-2)2=x2-4D.x•x-1=0
- 9听材料,回答问题。1. What time is it now? A. 10:00. B. 12:00. C. 14:0
- 10在活期储蓄与国债这两种投资对象之间,某投资者如果选择活期储蓄,那么,他看中的是活期储蓄的:[ ]A.流动性强
- 1—Quite a lot of students failed in the math exam. —Exactly.I
- 2已知随机变量ξ~B(6,p),且P(ξ=3)=516,则p=______•
- 3在物理学发展过程中,有许多伟大的科学家做出了贡献。下列说法正确的是A.牛顿在伽利略和笛卡尔工作的基础上提出了牛顿第一定律
- 4如图,开关S闭合,电流表A1的示数是0.6A,电流表A2的示数为1A,电阻R2=15Ω,则电源电压为_______ V,
- 5数轴上表示2的点先向右移动3个单位,再向左移动5个单位,则此时该点表示的数是______.
- 6已知1,2,3-三苯基环丙烷的3个苯基可分布在环丙烷环平面的上下,因此有如下2个异构体。据此,可判断1,2,3,4,5-
- 7北宋削弱相权采取的措施不包括[ ]A.设参知政事分割宰相行政权 B.设枢密使分割宰相军权
- 8已知:a>0,b>0,且a+b=1.求证1a+1b≥4.
- 9费正清在《伟大的中国革命》中说:“如果中国在军事上能够自立于不败之地,他(李鸿章)预言说:‘日本就会依附于我们’,但如果
- 10下列数值不符合实际情况的是( )A.两只鸡蛋所受的重力约1NB.泰州地区夏季的气温可以达到35℃以上C.一名中学生正常