the black lawyer 2. ________ ________ he went for advice. Mandela was generous with his time, 3.________
_________ Elias was grateful.
Elias had very little education. The school 4. ________ Elias studied for only two years was three kilometers
away. The reason 5.________ he had to leave was that his family couldn"t continue to pay the school fees and
the bus fare. After trying hard, Elias got a job in a gold mine. However, this was a time 6.________ one had
got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. Elias didn"t have it and worried about whether he would be out
of work.
The day 7.________ Nelson Mandela helped him was one of his happiest. When Mandela organized the
ANC Youth League, Elias joined it as soon as possible. Mandela said," The last thirty years have seen the greatest
number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage 8.________ we have
almost no rights at all. We were put into a position 9.________ ________ we had either to accept we were less
important, or fight the government..." Elias never forgot how kind Mandela was.
试题【根据短文内容用适当的关系代词或副词填空。 The time l. ________ Elias first met Nelson Mandela wa】;主要考察你对代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
A. after which
B. for which
C. with which
D. at which
A. the way
B. the way for which
C. the way which
D. the way of which
A. for which
B. with which
C. of which
D. to which
B. whose
C. when
D. where
[ ]
B. where
C. what
D. that
- 1学会学习就是要能运用已有知识,通过分析、推理、归纳、总结等方法来获取新的知识. 例如:根据已有经验和我们熟悉的空气,可以
- 2I often a red swimsuit when I swim. [ ]A. pu
- 3仿照下面的示例,另写三句话,要求内容贴切,句式与示例相同。 没有理想的人,他的生活如沉寂的死水,平平淡淡,没有新意;没
- 4用一张已除去表面氧化膜的铝箔紧紧包裹在试管外壁(如图),将试管浸入硝酸汞溶液中,片刻取出,然后置于空气中,不久铝箔表面生
- 5下列各句中,没有语病且语意明确一句是( )(3分)A.“蛟龙”号载人深潜器每年会有近5个月的时间执行深海资源勘察、环境勘
- 6以原点为圆心,且与直线x+y-2=0相切的圆的方程为( )A.x2+y2=2B.x2+y2=2C.x2+y2=4D.x
- 7如图,在直角坐标平面内,函数(x>0,m为常数)的图象经过A(1,4),B(a,b),其中a>1,过点B作轴
- 8已知a,b,c是三条直线,α,β是两个平面,b⊂α,c⊄α,则下列命题不成立的是( )A.若α∥β,c⊥α,则c⊥βB
- 9倒在杯子里的开水,过一段时间后,水变凉了.其主要原因是:水蒸发______热,并通过______的方式减少了水的内能.
- 10某温度时,KNO3饱和溶液的溶质质量分数为20%,则该温度时KNO3的溶解度是[ ]A、20gB、25gC、30
- 1提取下面一段话的主要信息,写出四个关键词语。(4分)徽班这一名称早在明代中叶就开始流传于世,这与中华文化重心南移,安徽人
- 22011年3月5日, 温总理在《政府工作报告》中,首次就稳定房价、违法拆迁、农民进城、医疗改革等人民群众最关心的问题做了
- 3Fans still ___ Michael Jordan though he doesn’t fight for th
- 4[2012·大纲全国卷]若函数f(x)=sin(φ∈[0,2π]) 是偶函数,则φ=( )A.B.C.D.
- 5读某国2°E经线附近气温、降水量分布图,读图回答下列各题。小题1:图中 A.乙地由于地形因素影响,年降水量高于甲和丙B.
- 6化工生产中可用稀盐酸除去铁制品表面的铁锈。实验课上,小强将生锈铁钉放入稀盐酸中,观察到铁锈逐渐溶解,并伴有少量气泡产生,
- 7向水面某点扔一块石头,和这点距离相等的岸边的人、鸟和鱼,最先听到声音的是( )A.人B.鸟C.鱼D.同时
- 8声音是由物体的______产生的,声音传播要依靠______,真空______ (填“能”或“不能”)传声.
- 9湛江市东坡荔枝园环境优美,种植了大量的果树,为了增加产量,果农给果树的茎做环状剥皮,这可以有效地( )A.防止害虫的侵
- 10阅读下面的文段,完成问题。 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” 曾子