当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同...

1. honest        A. host           B. habit           C. hour            D.husband
2.  watched       A. judged              B. refused           C.worked         D.wanted
3.success       A.official          B.excuse           C.correct      D.exciting
4.  compare     A. company         B.continue        C.common    D.concert
5. raise        A.remain          B.certain           C.mountain      D.bargain

1 -- 5 CCDBA 


66. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of ____ (英雄) who lived long ago.
67. Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were ____ (谋***).
68. A ____ (图书管理员) is a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.
69. My teacher is really very kind. I’ll never forget the ____ (恩惠) he has done to me.
70. The head teacher has made a few minor ____ (调整) to our seats.
71. She likes him, because he is ____ (体贴的) towards others.
72. When I said some people were so stupid, I wasn’t ____ (指) to you.
73. The weather of Xi’an in ____ (一月) is very cold, especially at night.
74. In the ____ (二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.
75. A vast amount of the Amazonian rainforest is being ____ (破坏) every day.
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1. Since 1965, the m_________ leaf has been the centerpiece of the National Flag of Canada.
2. When the white liquid was m ________ with water, it became blue at once.
3. Wal-Mart has many chain stores all over the world and you may find one w______ a short
walk along a busy street in any big city.
4. There are seven c ______ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.
5. There are many tall trees in our city, some m ________ over 20 meters.
6. At daybreak, our ship entered Shanghai __________ ( 海港 ).
7. I like sitting on the top of the hill watching the fields in the ____________ (在远处 ).
8. Some people are t____________( 恐惧的) of heights, so they dare not climb high.
9. The news that there are some people who have died of A/ H1N1 has been ______(确认).
10. Our school lies in the suburbs, and many students like to go _________( 往市区) to buy what they need.
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三. 句型转换 ( 10分)
1. Canada is a country in which many cultures exist together.
Canada is ________ _________ _____________.
2. Rather than take the aeroplane all th way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada.
They ______ ______ fly from China to Vancouver and take the train from west to east across Canada in September than take the aeroplane all the way.
3. The school gave an order.  All the classrooms should be cleaned today.
The school gave an order _____ _____ _____ _____ _______ be cleaned today.
4. The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people.
Many people ________ _________ ________ the fact that ocean ships can go there.
5. His words made a strong impression on us.
We ________ deeply __________ ____________ his words.
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四. 完成句子 (10分)
1. 向东走,你就会看到邮政局了。
_______ _______, and you will see the post office.
2. 娜拉有唱歌的天赋。
Nora ________ _________ ___________ __________ singing.
3. 他和家人安顿下来务商。
He ________ _________ as a businessman with his family.
4. 我们旅游去到泰山那么远。
We travelled ________ ________ __________ Mountain Tai.
5. 我用眼一瞟,看见了她。
I __________ _________ _________ her out of the corner of my eye.
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71. I bought my son an ___________ (改编) for children of a play by Shakespeare.
72. She was always very ___________ (慷慨的) in her charity.
73. You are not ___________ (允许) to smoke here.
74. If we had known of your ___________ (离开), we would have seen you off at the airport.
75. You are fortunate to have such a ___________ (通情达理的) father.
76. I was impressed by her ___________ (处理) of the affair.
77. Your answer to this question is ___________ (错误的).
78. The heavy traffic crawled through the ___________ (狭窄的) tunnel.
79. He made a refusal of her ___________ (邀请).
80. My teacher asked me to ___________ (缩短) the report to one page.
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