1. calm A. half B. altogether C. false D. talk
2. recover A. recent B. prevent C. fever D. convenient
3. lack A. dance B. exact C. cigarette D. courage
4. chest A. chemistry B. machine C. cheese D. Christmas
5. ink A. singer B. change C. exchange D. danger
1---5 AB BCA
试题【.第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. c】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.half | B.altogether | C.false | D.talk |
A.recent | B.prevent | C.fever | D.convenient |
A.dance | B.exact | C.cigarette | D.courage |
A.chemistry | B.machine | C.cheese | D.Christmas |
A.singer | B.change | C.exchange | D.danger |
小题1:Children sat happily on (坐垫) on the hard floor.
小题2:The between the two cities is 600 miles. (距离)
小题3:They are on a across the Atlantic Ocean.(航海航行)
小题4:Many dead fish are seen _______(漂浮)on the river.
小题5:They travelled by ____________ (气球)over the ocean.
小题6:Jack took a deep __________________ (呼吸) and then dived into the water.
小题7:He’d like to live in the (城市商业区的) area.
小题8:He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the ___________ (烟囱).
小题9:Because there is no food, the people are _________(挨饿)
小题10:The _________(商人)of Arab are doing their things all of the world
小题1:This v________ became active last year with a series of eruption.
小题2:Motorists are warned to slow down and take extra care in f _______ conditions.
小题3:How can a responsible father d ______his wife and two children and be here alone?
小题4:To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. And no one can r_____ you in my heart.
小题5:His writings have been_________ (影响) by his mother.
小题6:Your v______ is too small; you need to learn more words.
小题7:Why do I always become the t_____ of the thief?
小题8:The performance of the host, i_______ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with cold silence, however.
小题9:I didn’t dare to speak aloud or even w________ to her what was in my mind.
小题10:Even the best doctor in the country can not c_____ him of his disease .
小题1:和其他危险相比较而言, 人类遭受鲨鱼攻击的几率其实是很小的.
The chance of being attacked by a shark are very small ______ _______ other danger.
小题2:1066年, 诺曼人征服了英国并控制了整个国家.
In 1066, the Normans conquered England and ______ _______ of the country.
The Chinese language _______ _______ many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.
_______ ________ for silk, China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.
It’s _______ ________ smoking is related to lung cancer.
第II卷(非选择题 共23分)
62. It wasn’t a good thing; on the c____________ it was a big mistake.
63. Ms Wang gave b____________ to a baby last year.
64. It is bad m_____________ to talk with your mouth full.
65. We must ___________ (限制) our expense since we don’t have enough money.
66. I easily s___________ him in the crowd because he was very tall.
67.A friend in need is a friend i____________.
68. It is unwise to a___________ too much importance to this information.
69. Can you _____________(提醒) me what I should do next?
- 1原子论和分子学说的主要观点是:物质是由____和____构成的,________的破裂和_________的重新组合是化
- 2已知函数y=2x-3,当x______时,y≥0;当x______时,y<5.
- 3给下面的形近字注音并组词。①淳( )________ 谆( )________②纯( )________ 钝(
- 4不能用于鉴别NaOH溶液和盐酸溶液的是( )A.紫色石蕊溶液B.无色酚酞溶液C.NaCl溶液D.pH试纸
- 5已知方程组x+y=-7-ax-y=1+3a的解x为非正数,y为负数.(1)求a的取值范围;(2)化简|a-3|+|a+2
- 62011年春运工作从1月11日正式启动,2月19日结束,为期40天,其中春节前15天,节后25天。据国家发改委、铁道部等
- 72010年10月,“嫦娥二号”探月卫星成功发射。若卫星绕月球运行时轨道是圆形的,且贴近月球表面。已知月球的质量约为地球质
- 8一辆汽车正常行驶时,突然发现前面有行人横穿马路,立即紧急刹车,做匀变速直线运动,在5s内速度从15m/s减小到零,规定刹
- 9下列图像能正确反映对应变化关系的是A.向一定量的二氧化锰中加入过氧化氢溶液B.加热一定量的高锰酸钾固体C.向两份完全相同
- 10当今世界有五大都市圈:纽约都市圈、北美五大湖都市圈、东京都市圈、巴黎大都市圈、伦敦都市圈。如下图所示,据此回答下列问题。
- 1(1)青海玉树地震的救人英雄黄福荣舍身成仁,港府已向授勋委员会推荐,追封他金英雄勋章。请你参考下列相关链接,为黄福荣写一
- 2阅读下文,完成1~4题。自主创新铸就科技奥运谷歌 ①再过几十天,第29届奥运会的圣火,在国家体育馆“鸟巢”点燃。世人瞩
- 3读图回答:(1)写经纬度: A______________ ,B_______________ ,C_______
- 4食物所含营养物质中的糖类的主要作用的( )A.构成细胞的主要成分B.调节新陈代谢C.为人体生命活动提供能量D.人体的备
- 5如果12n是整数,则正整数n的最小值是______.
- 6阅读下面的文字,完成IH 小题文化创新要有世界眼光“海纳百川,有容乃大。”历经社会变迁,中国文化之所以能有气象万千的格局
- 7(1)如图所示,当S闭合时,小磁针沿逆时针方向偏转,请画出电源的正负极。(2)如图所示,要以最省力的方式拉动汽车,请画出
- 8已知两直线的方程分别为:x+ay+b=0,:x+cy+d=0,它们在坐标系中的关系如图所示,则( ) 0 A
- 9若双曲线上横坐为的点到右焦点的距离大于它到左准线的距离,则该双曲线两条渐近线所夹的锐角的取值范围是___________
- 10起重机将质量为m的货物以a的加速度加速升高h,则在这段高度内(重力加速度为g)( )A.货物的重力势能一定增加mahB