当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释提示,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)76. Nowadays...
单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
76. Nowadays women are still struggling for true _________ (平等) with men.
77. He is strongly _______ (反对的) to your going abroad.
78. I am very proud of this plan and I _______ (真诚地) hope it will succeed.
79. Sorry, sir. We only say that this medicine can only make _______   (暂时的) relief from pain.
80. Please keep me ______ (通知) of the latest news.
81. The boy’s _____ (缺席) from school made his head teacher very angry.
82. Every citizen in our country should obey the law _________(无条件地).
83. If offered red or white wine, I’d choose the ______ (后者).
84. Many people came to the hospital to ____ (捐献) blood when the patient needed an operation.
85. The newly-built laboratory has been ______ (配备) with the most advanced instruments.
76. equality   77. opposed   78. sincerely  79. temporary  80. informed
81. absence    82. unconditionally  83.latter   84. donate    85. equipped

试题【单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释提示,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)76. Nowadays】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]

第四部分:写作 (共三节,满分45分)
76.They were proud of their children’s ______ (成就).
77.______ (具备) with new scientific farming methods, farmers are able to use less farmland.
78.It was ______(星期三)when we first met each other.
79.The government has banned the use of ______ (化学的) weapons.
80.The boys amused themselves by ______ (滑行)down the ladder.
81.Music is quite______ (不同) any other art form.
82.This is a perfectly ______ (保存) 14th century house.
83.I feel astonished by the fact that Peter, a 16-year-old boy, wears ______ (假的) teeth 3 years.
84.Most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometers of the USA ______(国界).
85.______ (不幸地), France lost its last match against South Africa and went home early.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Part Two: Exercises
I. Write out the proper words according to the initial letters or the Chinese given.
1.    Have you got an a         suggestion?
2.    Do you take seriously his p          of a government defeat?
3.    Nowadays we r        increasingly on computers for help.
4.    Gardening is a form of r         .
5.    He underwent open-heart s        .
6.    I can d         tell you what I will be doing after school.
7.    America is rich in natural r       .
8.    All the             (犯人) have been arrested.
9.    He wanted to find out what young people think about the future of          (城市) life.
10.       There is always a          (界限) to what others can do for you.
11.       Her          (命令) were quickly obeyed.
12.                 (最终) he was tired of the life there.
13.       After the transplant his body             (拒绝) the new heart.
14.       He has lost the         (能力) of speech .
15.       Clouds of different           (形状) made the sky especially beautiful.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

III. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.
1. The chimps show love in their family by feeding or touching each other. (    )
2. Without any university training, she has achieved what she wanted. (    )
3. She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest. (    )
4. She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment. (    )
5. She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her work. (   )
6. She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in. (    )
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

I 根据课文大意和首字母完成下列短文
A philosopher is a great person who is good at studying and using philosophy. In a__________ China, there are many i_________ philosophers. Confucius, w_______ teachings influenced Chinese s________ for more than 2000 years, stressed the i_________ of kindness ,duty and order. Mencius had the same teachings as Confucius .He was once given an important p_________ in the g________ of a state and then became an a________ to another ruler. He held the b______ that people were more important than r__________ and man was b________ good. He spent his last years p_________ a book called “The book of Mencius ”.Mozi is another great p_________ ,of whom the teachings are s________ to those of Confucius in some ways. He was famous for his unusual clothes and b_________ .He believed that all men were e______ and taught people to look after those who were w_________ than ourselves . He hated the i______ of war. These three philosophers made great c________ to ancient China and their teachings have great e______ on Chinese history.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

II    根据首字母或汉语意思在空格中填入单词,使其句意完整。
1 .In the meeting , we agreed on the program without much further _________(争议).
2. Wealth and ________(地位)is not the most important thing for him.
3. He is a very _________(有影响的)man in the company, so everybody would like to follow his advice.
4 .He held the ________(信仰)that all man are equal.
5. ________(诚实) is one of the important human qualities.
6 .We should work hard in order to make great_________(贡献)to the cause of socialism.
7. As we all know, there are four important i________ in ancient China.
8. Pythagoras was one of the earliest Greek p_________.
9. He works hard and has a strong sense of r_________.
10. Working hard is one of his p_________ in life.
11. People respect the judge for his j______ in the work.
12 .He devoted himself to research work and made a lot of d_________ all his life.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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