当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 第六部分:请根据首字母提示进行课文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)注:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。(1)  As Polly o______...

(1)  As Polly o____________(86) the passengers on the train, she s______________(87) that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat. At last the train arrived at Green Park station. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she g______________(88) at the faces around her. The tall man was nowhere to be seen.
(2)  An advertisement p____________ (89) information and uses p_____________(90) language and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea. Billboards, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio and television are the most c_____________(91) places to find advertisements.
(3)  This proposal will give you some information about RealCline: how it works, why it is better than o_________________(92) cinema, and how it can be used in other ways. I believe you will be a______________(93) by the RealCine experience, and will agree that this is an e____________________(94) technology that must be d______________(95) further.

86. observed          87. sensed       88. glanced    89. provides    90. persuasive
91. common      92. ordinary    93. amazed    94. extraordinary  95. developed

试题【第六部分:请根据首字母提示进行课文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)注:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。(1)  As Polly o______】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
66. He became a top sportsman at some ________(牺牲)to himself, for example, by training very hard, giving up many pleasures, etc.
67. They say such unkind things about you just out of ______________(嫉妒)。
68. Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their _________(潜力).
69. On _______(平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.
70. He ______(按下)the button and the doorbell rang.
71. It is said Yogo is of great b___________ to human health.
72. I washed and _______(剃须), then hurried out of the house.
73. The thunder is a natural _____________________(现象).
74. The local c       is francs(法郎)
75. Those who wanted to enter the USA must go through both m        and physical tests.
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一、Translate the following into English.
1. (某人)冒充……
2. 结识,与……相见
3. 惊愕地
4. 一般来说
5. 就……来说,从……角度
6. 带……进来
7. 几天前
8. 带走,取走
9. 需要
10. 逐渐模糊
11. 给某人派任务
12. 避雨
13. 一把,一大捧
14. 透露身份,显露(本来面目)
15. 伪装, 乔装
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二、Complete each sentence according to the Chinese given.
1. Eliza is a poor flower girl who has _________ (雄心勃勃) to improve herself
2. It is raining heavily and Eliza is ____________ the storm (躲雨).
3. The man makes notes , ___________ (一边观察) people’s use of language and reaction
4. Excuse me , ____________________? (你有零钱吗?)
5. Who’s hurting you, you silly girl. __________________________? (你把我看成什么人啦?)
6. _____________________(一个便装警察) came into the supermarket and caught the thief stealing some goods.
7. You come from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove __________ (如果我没有搞错的话).
8. Eliza______________________________(谋生)by selling flowers.
9. Professor Higgins believed that one”s speech could show one”s social status. “People _____________________(透露自己的身世)every time they open their mouths”
10. “Her terrible English will___________ (使她注定为市井小民)to the end of her life,” said Professor Higgins.
11. The waiter _______________________to the beggar(用打发人走的口吻说) and demanded he leave the restaurant at once.
12. Once educated to speak properly, the girl could ____________ (冒充成女公爵) at an ambassador”s garden party.
13. We are only___________________(点头之交).In fact I don’t even know his full name
14. _______________(走着瞧).I am determined to become a great success.
15.The little boy picked up___________ (一把沙子)and began to build a cstle
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

三. Choose an appropriate word or phrase in its correct form to complete each sentence.
A、old ; elder; elderly
1. She is an _________ friend of ours.
2. I was much happier in my ________ job.
3. Mary often quarrels with her  _________ sister.
4. He is very active for an ____________man.
5. I feel pretty _________ when I see how the younger generation behaves.
B、some day; one day; the other day
6. I promise I will come back and marry you___________________.
7. _______________I  will get my revenge(愤怒).
8. I remember seeing him somewhere____________.
9 .__________I just feel like quitting my job. But I need the money so I can’t.
A、in disguise; in return; in the flesh; in time; in common; in amazement
10. What can e do ______________for your kindness?
11. I don’t think they’ve got much____________ with their neighbours.
12. He often went out ___________ to avoid the ever-present journalists.
13. They were shaking their heads____________.
14. It was a pleasure to finally meet him____________.
15. I want to be home ________for tea.
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四. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets
1. Asking me ___________ (compare) Shakespeare and Darwin makes no sense; it’s like___________  (compare) apples and oranges. They are totally different.
2. The disc, digitally _________ (record) in a studio,  sounded fantastic at the party that night.
3. Sarah, hurry up . I’m afraid you won’t have time to get _______ (change) before the party.
4. It shames me to say it ,but I told a lie when __________ (question) at the meeting by my boss.
5. ________________ (separate) from other continents for millions of years , Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.
6. ______(lose) in the mountains for a week , the two students were finally saved by the local police.
7. _______________(cause) a lot of damage to this area, the storm finally moved out to sea.
8. ______ (put) into use in April2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.
9. All the things ___________ (consider), his proposal is of greater value than yours.
10. He had his leg _________ (break) in the match yesterday.
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