A.measure | B.break | C.merely | D.easy |
A.exciting | B.magazine | C.listen | D.biscuit |
A.separate | B.marry | C.machine | D.many |
A.herb | B.hour | C.honor | D.exhibition |
A.loose | B.cook | C.good | D.foot |
小题1:That lovely cottage by the seaside has been in the (拥有)of their family for more than eighty years.
小题2:July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never. (交谈)from memory.
小题3:He give us an (描述)of what happened.
小题4:He is leading an (独立的)life. He lives on his own.
小题5:There office is on the (第九)floor.
小题6: (相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important.
小题7:Have you h ad any (冒险的)experience?
小题8:Your advice at present is (有价值的)to me.
小题9:On (平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.
小题10:Young people usually have more (能量)than older people.
A.adopt | B.noble | C.observer | D.astronomy |
A.reward | B.appearance | C.target | D.forward |
A.procedure | B.concern | C.associate | D.correction |
A.distinguish | B.lemon | C.brand | D.pond |
A.breath | B.birthplace | C.southern | D.healthy |
小题1:We can get a ____________ (打折) on Christmas.
小题2:I’ve _______________ ( 受益) a lot from his lecture.
小题3:Put an a_______________ in the local newspaper to sell your car.
小题4:F___________(幸运地), he was saved by a soldier.
小题5:We made a __________ (航行) to Qingdao.
小题6: The total ___________ (产量)of grain for the whole nation was over 490 million tons.
小题7:In the early_____(二十)century, Australia was a “new world” society.
小题8: ___________ speaking (一般来讲),parents care more about their children`s health .
小题9: Few students in my class can ___________ (付得起)a trip to New Zealand .
小题10:One of the great treasures was a gold box full of __________(珠宝,首饰).
小题1:My uncle suffered from a serious disease. Luckily he has r_____ now.
小题2:We must be c_________ before danger.
小题3:There is a ball(舞会) this evening. I think you had better take your p_____ along.
小题4:Mrs Brown always gives me a hand when I am in trouble. I am really g_____ to her.
小题5:I said hello to her , but she i_____ me completely!
小题6:She likes him all the better for his _____ (流利的) spoken English.
小题7:He seems to be doing nothing, but _____ (实际上) he is waiting for his time.
小题8:In India, English is the _____ (官方的) language.
小题9:_____________ (新加坡) is a beautiful country.
小题10:Give your _____ (命令) in a loud, confident voice.
小题1:thunder ________ 小题2: swap _________ 小题3: command ________
小题4: prefer ________ 小题5:stubborn _______
- 1冰块在熔化过程中,不断吸收热量,温度 ______;水在沸腾过程中,不断吸收热量,温度 ______(选填“升高”、“不
- 2已知全集,集合则( )A.B.C.D.
- 3进入初中后,你认为在学习过程中应该特别注意的是[ ]A.逐步摆脱对父母和老师的依赖,学会自主学习B.喜欢的科目就
- 4已知一个物体由x个相同的正方体堆成,它的正视图和左视图如图所示,那么x的最大值是[ ]A.13B.12C.11D
- 5右图中相连的两个圆里的物质在一定条件下可以发生反应.下列四组选项中,符合该图要求的是( )①②③④⑤ACuOCOCa(
- 6法国史学家马克——布洛赫在《为历史学辩护》中指出:“在进行历史研究时,人们往往迷恋于寻找单一的原因,便错误地将原因归结于
- 7Inside the pleasingly fragrant café, So All May Eat(SAME) in
- 8《神宗实录》记载:“吴民生齿最繁,恒产绝少,家杼(zhu)轴而户纂组。机户出资,机工出力,相依为命久矣。”史料中的“机户
- 9【题文】读世界某区域1月和7月海平面气压(单位:hPa)和风向图,①~⑥处的箭头表示风向,据此回答下列问题。【小题1】从
- 10下列关于左右两肺的组成,叙述正确的一项是[ ]A.左肺两叶,右肺三叶 B.左肺、右肺均为两叶
- 1在圆筒的不同高度处开三个小孔,当筒里灌满水时,各个小孔喷出水的情况如图所示。这表明水对容器的________有压强,而且
- 22014年6月10日,国务院新闻办发表了《“一国两制”在香港特别行政区的实践》白皮书。白皮书指出,宪法和香港基本法规定的
- 3关于电场中的下列说法正确的是( )A.某点电势高,说明该点电势能大B.电场力做功为零,说明该运动电荷一定是沿着等势面移
- 4写作。 放眼古今中外,有多少人放弃物质财富而苦苦追寻精神领域的自由。屈原“苏世独立,横而不流”,追求的是清醒而又不随波
- 5多选关于物体运动的速度、速度变化和加速度的关系,下列说法中正确的是( )A.物体运动的速度越大,则加速度也越大 B.
- 6(10分)在我国,公民的权利是法定的、神圣的、不可非法剥夺的。因此,只有确保公民享有各项权利,公民才能履行义务。如何评析
- 7设Sn是等差数列{an}的前n项和,若,则等于( )A.B.C.D.
- 8不等式4x﹣9>0的最小整数解是( ),不等式组的解集是( )。
- 9掘井导致草原破坏的原因是A.过度樵采B.过度放牧C.过度开垦D.水资源利用不当
- 10某物体静止在水平面上,它的质量为m,物体与水平面之间的动摩擦因数为μ。设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力。现用平行于水平面的力