当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写(共10小题;81-90每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子所给汉语意思或单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词或词组的正确形式。(将单词写在答案页本题的横线上)...
1. It’s quite o________ that he isn’t telling the truth because his face becomes red.
2. An old lady was killed in the hotel ,so nobody there was allowed to leave without p_________.
3. Zhao Benshan’s h__________ words made every audience present laugh.
4. We cannot e              without food as well as water.
5. Diets are most effective when they are _______(结合) with exercise.
6.Whether there is life in outer-space remains a mystery,          (使困惑) many scientists.
7. __________(恐惧) of the terrible scene, the girl ran away in terror.
8. I will never forget the __________(给人深刻印象的) speech he made. 
9. She seems g____________ (真诚的) ,but I still don’t know whether I should trust her.
10. Smoking  m___________(增加) the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.
1.obvious  2. permission  3. humorous  4.exist  5.combined  6. puzzling     7. Terrified  8.impressive  9. genuine   10. multiplies

1. dusty        A. pollution       B. struggle        C. useful         D. bury
2. magazines    A. suppose        B. increase        C. consumer      D. pleasure
3. shower       A. shadow        B. unknown       C. knowledge     D. drown
4. discussed     A. designed       B. insisted        C. finished        D. included
5. understood    A. goose         B. choose         C. smoothly       D. football
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根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)
小题1:.. Of all the subjects, ________ (地理) is little John’s favorite.
小题2:.. When he was very young, the boy dreamed of becoming a ________ (飞行员).
小题3:.. Now more and more people are _______(开始) to understand the importance of good health.
小题4:. I have been ________ (深深地) impressed by a number of experiences in her life.
小题5:. When I entered the room, I found the old man ________ (坐) himself in the armchair.
小题6:.. It’s reported that several ________ (欧洲) countries have been involved in that country’s civil war.
小题7:.. Mr. Green managed to fasten the suitcase with ________ (钉子).
小题8:.. When you’re enthusiastic about something, you’re ________ (可能) to do whatever you can to get it.
小题9:.. Father suggested that Li Lei ________ (刮) off his beard immediately.
小题10:.. Many people now make it a rule to buy cards for their friends before ________ (圣诞节).
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1. There was a sign in the window of his restaurant: “C______ are God!”.
2. His English was so l ______ that he couldn’t even tell the foreign friend where he was from.
3. To be honest, I was not on the_____(现场) when the accident happened.
4. As far as I know, he has a g_______ for business.
5. Because of the _____ (到场) of the famous football star, everyone cheered up.
6. The disease is s__________ quickly, so we must do what we can to stop it.
7. At first she didn’t like English but g__________ she is interested in it.
8. What she saw t____________ her and she had bad dreams every night after that.
9. The US President Obama said he was_____(给......极深地印象))at the Great Wall.
10. You run first and I can easily catch up with you w_______ 50 meters.
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1. The photo r__________ her of her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept.
2. Children are c_____________ about everything.
3. She tries to b__________ home life and work.
4. We are currently s__________ (寻求)new ways of expanding our membership.
5. They have successfully c___________ the old with the new in this room.
6. The s_________ (场面)of that film was very moving.
7. He a_____________ to me for being late for the party.
8. It was o__________ to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
9. I don’t mind at all. I_________, I would be delighted to help.
10.Teaching children with special needs requires p____________(耐心) and understanding.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10 分)
1.He greeted the guests with a w________ of the hand
2.Keep the camera  ____________ ( 平稳 ) while you take a photograph.
3.Now learning English becomes more ___________( 分布广泛的 )
4.Please c____________ my best wishes to your family.
5.I’m a northerner, so I am not a___________ to the kind of food that southerners often eat.
6.Who will be ___________ (任命)to the chairmanship when Mr. Bell leaves?
7.I was a____________ about the children when they didn’t come back home from school.
8.The __________ (潜在的)side effects of the drug are unknown.
9.It is all agreed that a good education doesn’t __________(保证) a good job.
10.On b__________ of our group I’d like to give a brief summary of our discussion.
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