当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写(每题1分, 满分10分)小题1:The two groups of children have quite different ___________...
单词拼写(每题1分, 满分10分)
小题1:The two groups of children have quite different ___________________ (特点).
小题2:The beauty of the lake is beyond __________________(描述).
小题3:The S_____________ of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.
小题4:She was t_________________ with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.
小题5:He remained___________________(始终如一的) in his opposition to anything new.
小题6:The scientist ____________ ( 分析) the milk and found that it contained too much water.
小题7:The position of the house combines quietness and ____________ (方便).  
小题8:David is very ___________(热情的) about the plan.
小题9:We must take a s_____________________ approach to the problem.
小题10:The teacher was patient with __________________(落后的) children.


小题1:characteristics 名词特点characteristic,该词是由character(特点,汉字)转换而来。
小题2:description 名词描述description,是由动词descripe转换而来。
小题3:Statue 名词塑像statue。该短语 the Statue of Liberty是专有名词,自由女神像。
小题4: thrilled 固定搭配be thrilled with…对…感到兴奋。形容词thrilled感到兴奋的。
小题5:consistent 形容词始终如一的consistent,该词与系动词remain连用,该词系表结构。
小题6:analysed 动词分析analyse,根据后面的contained说明使用过去式。
小题7:convenience 名词便利convenience,是由形容词convenient转换而来。
小题8:enthusiastic 形容词热情的enthusiastic,该词固定搭配be enthusiastic about..对…热情。
小题9: scienticfic 形容词科学的scienfitic,是由名词science转换而来。
小题10:backward 形容词落后的backward,用来修饰名词children构成定语修饰名词的结构。
试题【单词拼写(每题1分, 满分10分)小题1:The two groups of children have quite different ___________】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:I wanted to have a word with her, but she i___________ me and went away.
小题2:As far as I am c________________ ,I don’t agree with what you said.
小题3:Children should spend more time taking exercise o______________ and less time watching TV at home.
小题4:The old man went through many difficulties and s_______________ a lot from them.
小题5:We g______________ get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night.
小题6:__________ ___________ ____________ (为了) improve his English he joined an English club.
小题7:It took her a long time to ____________ ____________(恢复) her heart operation.
小题8:______________ ______________ (因为)missing the last bus, we had to walk home.
小题9:Believe it or not, friends ___________ an important ___________ ___________ our life.(起……的作用)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Did she _________(投票) for the matter?
小题2:The new comer is d____________ the house with flowers.
小题3:In my o________, he should have done it better .
小题4:Trying to ___________(营救)the little boy from drowning(淹死), the young man himself was drowned.
小题5:They ________(惊吓)the white birds away by rising to their feet suddenly.
小题6:He was the most _______(慷慨大方的) one in our city.
小题7:His parents died and left him many v_______ things.
小题8:The bridge wasn’t ________(设计) for such heavy traffic.
小题9:The professor d________ all his life to ________(教育)his students.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
完成句子 (用合适的词组填空,使句子通顺完整。每空1分, 共20分)
小题1:(毫无疑问)________ ______ ______ _______ _______he is an excellent teacher.
小题2:The new president_______ ________ ________(当权) yesterday.
小题3:I’d like to buy you a meal _______ _________ (作为回报)for all your help.
小题4:You shouldn’t _________ __________(丧失信心) even you failed many times.
小题5:The bottle can ____________ __________ (充当)a container.
小题6:On hearing the sad news, the girl burst out crying.(替换句子)
="On" hearing the sad news, the girl ________ ________ ________.
小题7:His father went to Australia _______ ________ _______(为了寻找) gold.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: S________ the environment in exchange for the financial prosperity is the unwisest activity.
小题2: Steven finally got e________ with 2 more votes.
小题3: Some states of America would like to a________ the food tax for the purpose of stimulating
the consumption.
小题4: Rules and r________ contribute a lot to maintaining a peaceful and healthy school environment.
小题5: This well-loved teacher makes every effort to create a d________ class so that every student can get involved in the daily class management.
小题6: Independence and equality among states is a fundamental p_________ of international law.
小题7: S_________ suggest that the population of this country will be double in ten years" time. 
小题8: High street retailers(零售商) reported a m__________ increase in sales before Christmas.
小题9:  Christianity is the d__________ religion in America, with 78% of American adults identifying with some form of the Christian religion.
小题10: Living in an age of globalization, we are b_________ with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
possible  cycle   expect   measure   contribute   recycle  influence  fortunate  invent   home
小题1:These changes became possible because of _______________ such as the steam engine.
小题2:The Human Development index _______________ a country’s achievements in three ways.
小题3:When a sandstorm comes, the air is full of small dust and people have difficulty in walking or _______________.
小题4:The garbage is then taken away and if possible, _______________.
小题5:There is no _______________ that she will marry a doctor.
小题6:When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the life _______________was only 35 years.
小题7:I had wanted to go to the concert, but _______________, I had something else to do that day.
小题8:The flood have killed over 2,000 people, affected 20 million and made some 4 million _______________.
小题9:She is a most _______________ figure in local politics.
小题10:He was remembered because of the ___________ he made to the Chinese economic development.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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