当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或中文,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完整的正确形式(每空限填一词)。小题1:His bike is his only means ...
小题1:His bike is his only means of t______.
小题2:I was looking for my handbag, which was b______ under a pile of old newspaper.
小题3:Tom was too s______ to admit that he was wrong and was not willing to change his mind.
小题4:In the aftermath(余波) of the d______, people were too shocked to give a clear picture of what had happened in the earthquake.
小题5:He i______ all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.
小题6:We would be _______ (感激的) for any information you can give us.
小题7:She found it e ______(非常地)difficult to get a job at present.
小题8:How r______(可信的)are the local weather forecasts?
小题9:I have never in my e______  (整个的) life heard such nonsense!
小题10:The police are trying to discover the i______(身份)of the killer.

小题2: buried
小题8: reliable
小题9: entire
小题10: identity 

小题1:自行车是他唯一的交通工具。means of transport交通工具
小题2:我在找我的包,它被埋在一堆报纸下面。Be  buried under被埋在…下
小题8: 当地的天气预报有多么可靠?形容词:可靠的reliable
小题9: 我整个一生没有听到过这么多的废话。形容词:整个的entire
小题10: 警察想发现***手的身份。名词:身份:identity 
试题【根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或中文,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完整的正确形式(每空限填一词)。小题1:His bike is his only means 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
第一节  根据所给词的中文注释和首字母填单词或短语。
小题1:She was really u_____(心烦、不安的) about the way her father spoke to her. 
小题2:Everyone will s______(遭受、受苦) as he grows.
小题3:Write down in your diary about you are g_______(感激的、表示谢意的) for.
小题4:You should b______ (以----为根据、基础)your opinion on facts.
小题5:Thank you for considering my r_________(请求,要求).
小题6:May I _____________(参加、加入) the conversation?
小题7:You should try to _________________(与----相处)them.
小题8:The sports meeting was cancelled _____________(因为、由于) the heavy rain.
小题9:Monitors _________________(在----中扮演角色)in managing class.
小题10:We must do something first to ______________(利用) it.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:There" s a _____ ____  (留言) from Karen on the phone.                   
小题2:. This football game was_____ ____ (播出) live on TV across Europe.           
小题3: They" re going to _____ ____  (庆祝) their victory with music and dancing. 
小题4:The_____ ____  (大多数)of students find it quite hard to learn German.    
小题5:Very few people ______ ____ (成功) in losing weight these days.              
小题6:The book gives a short _____ ____ (描述) of the city.                    
小题7: The doctor _____ ____ (表扬) our daughter for her courage this morning.      
小题8:There were piles of newspapers_____ ____ (到处) in the house.            
小题9:What is your_____ ____  (最喜爱) color?                              
小题10:The little girl is wearing a _____ ____  (粉红色) dress.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
With the college entrance examination drawing near, some students
小题1: in Senior Three suffer from both physical and m________ problems.
小题2: The most common ones are learning anxiety,_______(缺乏) of
小题3: communication and physical exercise. So it’s important to find w_____
小题4: to get relaxed. Taking exercise not only is of benefit to our health _____
小题5: relaxes us a lot. We can also talk with people we trust,for their ___ (安慰)
小题6: may relieve us of worries. Besides, we can read some inspiring s______
小题7: so that we are full of confidence to o_______ any difficulty we encounter.
小题8:   The best way for me to relax is to maintain my sense of humor,____ as
小题9: reading jokes,______(款待)myself to funny movies and so on. As we all
小题10: know, as long as we are optimistic, there is nothing to be _______ of.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:同时      adv.        m_____________
小题2:传统地    adv.        t______________
小题3:围绕,环绕 vt.        s ______________
小题4:怀疑的,不相信的 adj. s______________
小题5:袭击,攻击  vt.       a______________
小题6:评论,话语 n        r______________
小题7:暂时的,临时的 adj.   t______________
小题8:与 ……相似 v.       r______________
小题9:可获得的   adj.       a______________
小题10:保证.   vt.          g______________
小题11:替换的,可供选择的 adj. a______________
小题12:最后;最终   adv.   e______________
小题13:抗议    vi.           p______________
小题14:坚决的 adj .         d______________
小题15:涉及,包括   v.       i______________
小题16:正在增加            _______________
小题17:以为……理所当然     _______________
小题18:达成协议;做成交易  _______________
小题19:培养,养育          ______________
小题20:谋生                 ______________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Fresh air and exercise           (有助于) to good health.
小题2:The origins of the          (宇宙) are still a mystery.
小题3:The government has              (阐明) its position on equal pay for women.
小题4:Her gentleness has given me a deep            (印象).
小题5:She demanded that she be kept             (通知)of developments.
小题6:Most of the factories under          (建设)have been designed by the Chinese designers.
小题7:I don’t mind             (学到)that skill if it is useful.
小题8:Researchers use the terms east and west very             (粗略地).
小题9:When he came to life, he found himself               (包围)by some small people.
小题10:We gave our classroom a ______      (彻底) cleaning before the National Day.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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