当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 根据背诵原文写出所缺单词补全句意。小题1:As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the groun...
小题1:As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a            blow.
小题2:This will relieve pressure on the trains to some            .
小题3:A great many former            will be attending a farewell dinner in his honor next Thursday.
小题4:Only one or two people have               that the students will drive too fast!
小题5:I took one               , lit it and smoked with satisfaction.

小题4: objected     

小题1:sharp         形容词sharp敏锐的;锋利的;狡猾的,聪明的;尖锐的;构成a sharp blow一击而中;如The boxer knocked out the man with a sharp blow.拳击师猛地一拳便将那人打昏了。
小题2:extent       固定搭配to some extent在某种程度上;名词extent n.程度;长度;广大地域;扣押。
小题3: pupils           名词pupil学生;句义:很多之前的同学将在下周三参加他的告别晚宴。因为前面使用了a great many,该短语用来修饰可数名词复数形式,故使用pupils的形式。
小题4:objected      动词object反对…;句义:只有一两个人反对学生开快车。
小题5: guiltily       副词guiltily内疚地;在句中做状语修饰动词短语took it。
试题【根据背诵原文写出所缺单词补全句意。小题1:As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the groun】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:“_______(失败) is the mother of success” , as an old saying goes,
小题2:Just now, I said a certain student, not ___ (指) to you, was cheating in the test.
小题3:The weather of Xi’an in ______(十月) is a little cold, especially at night.
小题4:The girl has_______(克服) the bad habit of being late for school.
小题5:Having waited for such a long time, the lady got a bit _____ (不耐烦的).
小题6:The People’s Republic of China was _______ (成立) on October 1, 1949.
小题7:Cabbage, carrots and _____ (西红柿) are my favorite vegetables.
小题8:Faced with the pressure of the coming college entrance examination, many students feel ______(精神上) tired.
小题9:Parents should ______(尊重) children’s choices in their future life.
小题10:Every passenger shall take two pieces of______ (行李) on board. 
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The old couple used to live deep in the countryside, without easy ________ to shops.
A.approach B.access
C.transport D.convenience

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小题1:When they heard of her rules they knew it was__________ (没有希望的).
小题2:I could think _________(合逻辑地) and produced quick than any person .
小题3:Atlanta made a_________(讨价还价) with him .      
小题4:I have ever been put into space rockets and sent to        (探索).the Moon and Mars.
小题5:How can the runners enjoy           (比赛) in winter.     
小题6:To my great surprise the ________(入口) to the mine was closed.
小题7:It was a treasure that was        (装饰)with gold and jewels. 
小题8:They were put inside          (木制的)boxes. 
小题9:Mandela was the          (律师) to whom I went for advice .
小题10:        (无论如何) , my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality .
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小题1:The song sounds f_____________, but I just couldn’t remember its name.
小题2:Don’ t disturb your brother, he is t_____________ an important letter now. (打字)
小题3:Daisy loves playing with her dog, but unluckily she was b_____________ by it yesterday.
小题4:It may rain, but I must go to the airport to meet my mother _____________. (无论如何)
小题5:The successful landing of Jade Rabbit announced that the Chinese dream of flying to the moon became a r_____________.
小题6:The BBC b______________ different kinds of news and programs day and night.
小题7:Thanks to WWF, many governments around the world are setting up more and more nature r______________ for wildlife. (保护区)
小题8:Please tell me _____________ what happened instead of talking about details. (简略地)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Scientists are ________ (调查) into the cause of cancer.
小题2:To get the job done, one should be ________(精力充沛) and hard­working.
小题3:As a ______(奖赏)for passing her exams, she got a new bike from her parents.
小题4:Dilma Rousseff, who won 56% of the _______ (选票), was elected President of Brazil.
小题5:The old lady likes          (spy) into other people’s affairs.
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