当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整,正确。小题1:I’m very grateful for Mr. Johnson’s help with my job...
小题1:I’m very grateful for Mr. Johnson’s help with my job, so I will thank him __________ (personal).
小题2:I must __________ (apology) for not letting you know the plan ahead of time.
小题3:The __________ (perform) of the street artist was so great that it attracted the attention of all passers-by.
小题4:He is looking forward to __________ (admire) the classic music by Beethoven at the concert.
小题5:_________ (confident) is the first step to success.   
小题6:Don’t worry. The problem has been __________ (solve).
小题7:Then the question __________ (arise) at the meeting, but no one knew how to answer it.


小题1:我很感激Mr. Johnson对我的工作的帮助,我要亲自感谢他。考查副词“亲自”: personally。
小题4:他渴望在音乐会上欣赏贝多芬的音乐。Look forward to后面接动名词:admiring
小题7:问题在会议上被提出,但是没有人知道怎么回答。从but no one knew how to answer it.可知用一般过去式: arose 
试题【用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整,正确。小题1:I’m very grateful for Mr. Johnson’s help with my job】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:Western diet c___________ too much fat and sugar in the form of potato chips, butter, cream, coca cola, and chocolate.
小题2:It’s really difficult to stop smoking, because it is believed that smoking is a__________.
小题3:America___________(生产) more cars this year than last year.
小题4:Our school has ___________(采用) a new teaching method.
小题5:___________(复习) for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course..
小题6:We’re always ____________(争论) with each other about money.
小题7:Mark is a headmaster, who is a man of some_____________(影响) in our town.
小题8:Vivaldi _____________(作曲) a large number of very fine concertos(协奏曲) at that time.
小题9:There were more than 100 main ____________(人物、角色)in the novel.
小题10:There’s no enough___________(证据) to prove that the missing airplane from Malaysia has been under terrorist attacks.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1 分,满分10分)
小题1:Everyone is dressed in  i__________clothes such as sportswear or jeans.
小题2:His a_________is to get a master’s degree in Roman and Greek classics.
小题3:It is not polite to i_____a speaker with frequent questions.  
小题4:She h______slightly before answering the teacher’s questions.  
小题5:B________yourself, don’t make a fool of yourself.   
小题6:Heating systems and electricity supply consume a great a_______of energy.  
小题7:I  f_______him for stealing the money.  
小题8:He frequently did v________work during his spare time at university.  
小题9:We will try to make ________with those students who are in need of books in the mountainous areas.   
小题10:There are far more o________for school leavers  than ever before.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The teacher taught us how to a_________ classic literature. We should know the background of the work, its plot, major characters, character development and so on.
小题2:Recently, our school has put forward a new rule that students are p__________ from eating snacks in the classroom.
小题3:He has been living in Britain for many years and has got a___________ to driving on the left.
小题4:Who will be offered the position of manager when it becomes v_________?
小题5:Unfortunately, she has lost the ring which is one of her most treasured p_____________.
小题6:The speaker r_________ to his past experiences in his speech which was delivered on the previous day.
小题7:On the run from the FBI, he made a d___________ attempt to hijack a plane.
小题8:The acts of v__________ at Kunming train station shocked people all over the country.
小题9:The queen is very pretty, but so proud and v__________ that she can not bear that Princess Snow White should be more beautiful than her.
小题10:The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good r____________.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:This article can be d___   ___ into four parts.
小题2:The train c_________ over three hundred passengers over day.
小题3:My kids are a___________ to playing computer games, and they can’t stop it .
小题4:They may not offer me much money. In that c________, I won’t take the job.
小题5:Let"s a_____________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.
小题6:She was o___    _____ about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic.
小题7:The science-fiction film was so wonderful that it a _________  to adults as well as teenagers.
小题8:To their d____   __, their son was admitted into a famous university.
小题9:She s___________ the water out of her wet clothes.
小题10:John slowed the bleeding by a________ pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.
小题11:The shop assistant was dismissed as she was a________of cheating customers.
小题12:Don"t e________________ your skin to the sun or you will be burned.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Be quiet and pay a_________ to what I am saying.
小题2:It’s a real b_________ because you only paid 10 dollars for such a nice necklace .
小题3:After years of struggle , the Indians g_________ freedom at last.
小题4:It is o________ that the little girl is a little nervous before the final exam.
小题5:You must a__________ to your sister for being so rude.
小题6:Pandas are in d________ of dying out.
小题7:Does second hand smoke a_______ the health of all of us? 
小题8:If you want to use my computer, you must ask for my p______________.
小题9:John speaks English like a native, which made all of us a______________ him very much.
小题10:With the problem s________ , the students rushed out to play games.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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