2. Football plays in most countries of the world.
3. Why did the letter send to the wrong address?
4. A garage is a place where cars repair.
5. Where are you born?
6. How many languages are speaking in Switzerland?
7. Somebody broke into our house but nothing stolen.
8. When was invented the bicycle?
2. Football is played in most countries of the world.
3. Why was the letter sent to the wrong address?
4. where cars are repaired in a garage.
5. Where were you born?
6. How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
7. but nothing was stolen.
8. When was the bicycle invented?
Their classroom _____ often _____ by them after school.
2. Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week . (同上)
A new pen _____ _____ _____ Tom last week .
3. A lot of people in China can speak English now . (同上)
English ______ ____ ______ by a lot of people in China now.
4. I have learned English for about two years. (同上)
English _____ _____ _____ for about two years.
5. They will publish these story-books next month. (同上)
These story-books _____ _____ _____ next month.
A. am not allow
B. not allow
C. don"t allow
D. am not allowed
B. be allow
C. allow
D. are allowed
B. can"t
C. shouldn"t
D. shouldn"t be allowed
2. Laundry services are available. Students who do their own laundry _______
(must)use the laundry room.
3. Guests are allowed but ________(must) leave before 11:00 p.m.
4. TVs and radios ________ (permit).
5. The back parking lot only ________ motorcycles. Not the front parking lot.
- 1等腰三角形的腰长为10,底边长为16,则这个等腰三角形的面积是[ ]A.24B.48C.60D.96
- 2由美国的次贷危机引发的金融危机,在短时期内迅速演变成一场全球性的金融和经济危机,使世界各国,不管是发达国家,还是发展中国
- 3在数列中,,.(1)设,求数列的通项公式;(2)求数列的前项和.
- 4“如果给他什么东西,他就对你好;不给他什么东西就对你不好,这样的朋友千万别交。”对这段话理解错误的是[ ]A.要
- 5三台四季变化明显.位于( )A.热带B.温带C.寒带D.温带和寒带
- 6火箭推进器中盛有强还原剂液态肼(N2H4)和强氧化剂液态双氧水.当它们混合反应时,即产生大量氮气和水蒸气,并放出大量热.
- 7将鱼肋骨浸入10%的盐酸中,过15min左右,取出肋骨观察现象,下列说法正确的是( )A.变得脆硬,易碎B.全部溶解在
- 8下列粒子在相应条件下可大量共存的是 [ ]A.常温常压下混合气体:H2、F2、NO、O2 B.碱性
- 9在同一面内,不重合的三条直线的公共点数个数可能有[ ]A. 0个、1个或2个 B. 0个、2个或3个C. 0个、
- 10宪法和法律规定公民必须履行的,我们叫他A.道德义务B.来自亲情的义务C.法定义务D.来自纪律的义务
- 1计算:﹣(﹣2)+(﹣|﹣2|)﹣(﹣22)+(﹣2)2.
- 2名著阅读。(6分)(1)英国作家 的《格列佛游记》中,格列佛第一次出游,发现小人国是以______
- 3(本小题满分12分)已知函数.(1)讨论函数的单调性;(2)若函数的图象在点(2,f(2))处的切线的倾斜角为,对于任意
- 4阅读下表,判断: 著作作者 体例主要内容《三国演义》罗贯中长篇历史小说描绘了三国时期大规模的政治军事斗争《水
- 5家兔中黑色(B)对褐色(b)为显性,短毛(R)对长毛(r)为显性。某兔与黑色短毛兔(BbRr)交配产仔26只,其中黑色短
- 6曲线的极坐标方程化成直角坐标方程为( )A.B.C.D.
- 7命题“相等的角是对顶角”的条件是______,结论是______.
- 8人们有时要利用惯性,有时要防止惯性.下列属于防止惯性带来危害的是( )A.拍打衣服,把灰尘拍去B.汽车上的安全气囊C.
- 9对某校七年级1000名学生的身高状况进行考察,从中抽查了100名学生的身高,下面的说法正确的是[ ]A.总体是1
- 10(本小题9分)设直线3x+y+=0与圆x2+y2+x-2y=0相交于P、Q两点,O为坐标原点,若OPOQ,求的值.