B. said
C. is said
D. saying
B. worried, worry
C. worry, worry about
D. worry, be worried
B. was chosen
C. was chosen to
D. has chosen to
B. allow to
C. be allowed
D. allow
B. are told
C. will tell
D. are telling
1. The report shows that some animals can _____ (train) to work for people.
2. Those dried flowers _____ (not sell) as well as the fresh ones.
3. Where is Jim? I"m afraid he _____ (forget) the visit to the museum.
4. The passengers were told that the plane _____ (take) off in two hours because of the bad weather.
5. —It is reported the police searched the whole building yesterday but nothing unusual was found there.
—Really? I _____ (think) the thief had already been caught.
6. In order to complete the task, all the club members had no choice but _____ (stay) up late.
7. He failed the math exam again because the bell _____ (ring) before he finished the rest half of the
8. Many scientists are always trying to devote themselves to _____ (study) in different areas.
- 1下页图中①~⑤代表五种运输方式,纵坐标1~5代表各种运输方式(除管道外)四项指标的从优到劣顺序。在世界经济贸易中,下列物
- 2通过下列科学家的研究成果,认识脑的功能,并以此指导我们的生活.研究成果一:切除小白鼠的大脑,小白鼠失去知觉,但心跳和呼吸
- 3在多项式①+b2;②﹣m2+14mn+49n2;③a2﹣10a+25;④ab2+2a2b﹣1;⑤y6﹣2y3+1中,不能
- 4“桑条无叶土生烟,箫管迎龙水庙前。朱门几处看歌舞,犹恐春阴咽管弦。”从诗句中可以看出( ) A.价值判断和价值选择具有
- 5下列家庭厨房中发生的变化,属于物理变化的是A.食物腐败B.水沸腾C.天然气燃烧D.牛奶变酸
- 6阅读表达。(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分。)[1]Compared to people with bad attitu
- 7材料一:当古代希腊、罗马文明在西欧封建社会初期的黑暗中消逝的时候,东方的中国却呈现出科技文化蓬勃发展的壮丽景象。材料二:
- 8若2x=3y,则2x23y2等于( )A.1B.23C.32D.96
- 9150℃时,1L混合烃与9L氧气混合,在密闭容器内充分燃烧,当恢复到150℃时,容器内压强增大8%,则该混合烃的组成是[
- 10某同学用图所示的装置,通过半径相同的A、B两球的碰撞来验证动量守恒定律.实验要证明的是动量守恒定律的成立,即m1v1=m
- 1下列哪项不是生物的活动影响生存环境的实例[ ]A.植物蒸腾作用增加了空气的湿度B.蚯蚓的活动改良了土壤C.草履虫
- 2如图所示,顶面带有光滑凹槽的轻质杠杆AB可以绕支点O转动,杠杆的A端用细线沿竖直方向连接在地板上,OB=0.5m,在杠杆
- 3用配方法解一元二次方程的过程中,下列配方正确的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 4下图为一个生态系统中某些生物的相对数量关系,这些生物构成了一条食物链。在这条食物链中物质和能量流动的方向是[ ]
- 5爱因斯坦提出了光量子概念并成功地解释光电效应的规律而获得1921年的诺贝尔物理学奖.某种金属逸出光电子的最大初动能与入射
- 6下列措施中与遗传病的监测和预防无关的是[ ]A.遗传咨询B.计划生育C.产前诊断D.禁止近亲结婚
- 714克铁与足量稀盐酸混合充分反应,消耗多少克HCl?生成FeCl2的物质的量为多少?标准状况下最多可以收集到多少升气体?
- 8下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.高考前的学习无疑是紧张的,这就需要我们有很强的心理调适能力。难道我们能否认高考
- 9单词填空。根据句子内容和所给首字母填入适当的单词。1. Mike usually goes to school by b
- 10The Chinese film, ___ the Tang Dynasty, is well received by