2. families, will, be, robots, in, used
3. many, year, there, a, minutes, how, are, in
4. Li Lei, the, you, know, do, called, boy
5. where, you, bank, tell, could, me, the, is, please
2. Will robots be used in families?
3. How many minutes are there in a year?
4. Do you know the boy called Li Lei?
5. Could you please tell me where the bank is?
试题【连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. looking, you, forward, meeting, we, soo】;主要考察你对连词成句型等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. Peter, be, an American boy
2. he, like, travelling
3. he, often, go to different countries
4. he, will come to Beijing, to watch, the Olympic Games, 2008
2. do, fruit, you, best, what, like
3. in, he, football, does, playing, well
4. the, morning, I, him, sing, heard, song, this
5. an, all, boy, he, we, is, think, honest
2. you, his, feel, do, how, painting, about
3. me, music, makes, want, leave, sad, to
4. we, had, is, party, yesterday, lively, the
5. I, he, me, said, walked, school, to, with
2. soon, are, going, how, on, the, you, vacation
3. wear, I, know, what, job, to, for, don"t, the, interview
4. people, speak, second, English, as, most, a, language
5. the, didn"t, twins, finish, ten, homework, their, until
2. got the had train the when left I station to
3. skirt please the find who girl is a wearing red
4. newspaper is anything there in interesting the
5. answer not you"d us better tell to where the find
- 1我国信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族是( )A.维吾尔族、藏族B.回族、蒙古族C.藏族、蒙古族D.维吾尔族、回族
- 2在五千多年的发展历程中,中华民族形成了以_______为核心的伟大民族精神。A.爱国主义B.开拓创新C.民主法制D.严谨
- 3如图所示,经过精确校准的电流表A1、A2的读数分别为1A、2A.若两电流表的内阻相等,且不是远小于R1、R2的阻值,则可
- 4 When a close friend dies, it often forces you to conside
- 5下列关于电势高低的判断,正确的是( )A.如果将负电荷从P点移到M点,电场力做负功,则电势能增加,P点电势较低B.如果
- 6一列横波沿直线传播,在传播方向上有P、Q两点,相距0.4m,当t=0时,P、Q两点的位移正好均达到正向最大,且 P、Q之
- 7用不等式表示“x的2倍与y的差小于5”:______.
- 8下列工业部门中,不适宜在香港发展的是A.电子电器B.服装加工C.钢铁工业D.玩具制造
- 9读“北极俯视图”,图中阴影部分为7月6日,非阴影部分为7月7日,完成题。 小题1:甲地的时间为( )A.9时B.21时
- 10材料一:“太宗皇帝真长策,赚得英雄尽白头。” ——唐人赵嘏材料二:“天下英雄人吾彀中矣。(人彀:被收罗笼络的意思)——
- 1基础写作 最近你对你们学校高三学生的体育锻炼情况做了一次调查,结果如下: .
- 2下列反应中,不属于分解反应也不属于化合反应的是( )A.碳酸钙高温氧化钙+二氧化碳B.木炭+氧气点燃二氧化碳C.甲烷+
- 3在一个标准大气压下,1kg冰在0℃时吸收336kJ的热量后变成同温度的水,外界同时对系统做了11kJ的功,阿伏伽德罗常数
- 4图所示区域内夏季容易发生森林火灾。读图完成小题。小题1:图中火灾地主要的森林植被类型是A.针阔混交林B.常绿阔叶林C.常
- 5如图所示,水平地面上方矩形区域内存在垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场,两个边长相等的单匝闭合正方形线圈I和Ⅱ,分别用相同材料、不同
- 6Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick and light golden i
- 7设、为双曲线的两个焦点,点在此双曲线上,,如果此双曲线的离心率等于,那么点到轴的距离等于 .
- 8下列有关生物变异的说法中,正确的是[ ]A.在自然界中,有很多生物根本不可能发生变异B.所有变异,都能产生新的生
- 9(13分)如图10所示,在光滑的水平面上有一辆长平板车,它的中央放一个质量为m的小物块,物块跟车表面的动摩擦因数为μ,平
- 10如图,点A,B,C,在⊙O上,∠ABO=32°,∠ACO=38°,则∠BOC等于[ ]A.60°B.70°C.1