class | twin | China | America | teacher |
小题2:此题考查名词,班级的第一字母要大写。Class 2
小题3:此题考查名词,twin sister表示孪生姐妹
小题4:此题考查形容词,Chinese teacher表示中文老师。
试题【用所给词的适当形式填空 (共5题,每题1分,计5分)classtwinChinaAmericateacherHello, boys and girls, th】;主要考察你对连词成句型等知识点的理解。[详细]
loud, speech, on, beat, fail, hero, away, because, warm, hand |
In 1952, he tried to climb Mount Everest, but 67 . A few weeks later, a group in England asked him to give a 68 to its members. Hillary was given a 69 welcome when walking on stage. People there thought him as a 71 , but Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure (失败). He moved 72 from the microphone (麦克风) and walked to the side of the stage.
He lifted one 72 and pointed at a picture of the mountain. He said in a 73 voice, “Mount Everest, you 74 me the first time, but I’ll beat you the next time 75 you’ve grown all you are going to grow, but I"m still growing!”
(It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans. )
Bob: Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you have any plans?
Dave: 76 . I want to go to the beach. What are you going to do?
Bob: I’m going to do some sports.
Dave: 77 ?
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.
Dave: 78 ?
Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with my parents.
Bob: 79 ?
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: Have a good time.
Dave: 80 .
小题1:Every day in homes all over the world, people have lights on when no one is in room. 小题2:Air conditioners are usually set at too high temperatures in winter. 小题3:A lot of water is wasted by using too much. 小题4:We’ll have less and less gas to use. Because more and more people buy cars. 小题5:People especially children watch TV for too many hours. | Take a shower instead of bath, for a bath uses twice as much water. Don’t flush(冲洗) toilet unnecessarily. Plant more trees and grass around our houses. Encourage people to do more outdoor activities in their free time. Get children to learn more from reading books. Always keep the saying in mind “ Turn off lights before leaving.” We should walk to work, ride a bike to school, take a bus home more often instead of driving cars. In room where you have an air conditioner, you can save electricity by cleaning the filter. A filter uses 30 percent more energy when it is dirty. Also, set the air conditioner at 25℃. |
B: Yes, please. I’m afraid I left my handbag in a taxi this morning.
A: 2
B: About 50, 000 dollars.
A: 3
B: Yes, my ID card, I think.
A: What’s your name?
B: Betty White.
A:Just a moment. 4
B:Yes, it’s mine. Thank you so much.
A: 5 The taxi driver found it and brought it here.
B:Oh, what a kind person he is! I want to meet him and thank him.
A. Nice to see you. B. Anything else? C. You’re welcome. D. Excuse me. E. Is this your handbag? F. What’s in your handbag? G. May I help you? |
小题1:There_________ (use) to be a lot of manatees.
小题2:So far, no man____ (travel) farther than the moon.
小题3:How long ______ you ______ (be) in Ningxia?
小题4:If it________ (be)a nice day tomorrow, we can go out for a picnic.
小题5:The aggressive animals should _______ (put) in cages.
- 1在“调查公园内的生物”活动中,下列做法正确的是( )。A.甲发现了一只老鼠,既害怕又觉得恶心,就没有记录B.乙发
- 2反应:A+3B⇌2C+D,在四种不同情况下的反应速率分别为:①vA=0.15mol•L-1⋅min-1②vB=0.6mo
- 3台湾著名国学大师耕云先生说:“人活在责任和义务里”。下列对责任理解正确的是①责任是一个人应当做的事情 ②责任产生于社会关
- 4下列物质中,属于苯的同系物的是 [ ]A.B.C.D.
- 525+211+(-25)=______.
- 6下图为世界某区域示意图。读图回答下列问题。(1)读图分析A半岛的地势变化特点,并说明判断依据。_____________
- 7碳12原子的质量为1.993×10-26千克,镁原子的相对原子质量是24,是碳12相对原子质量的2倍,则镁原子的实际质量
- 8下列词语中没有错别字的一组是A.仓促渲泄脱口秀锋芒毕露集思广益B.陈述提纲光辐射罄竹难书缭人情思C.辨正勘察挖墙角乔装打
- 9在官营手工业中发生由征役制到雇募制转化的根本原因是A.生产力的发展B.商品经济的发展C.私营手工业的发展D.官营手工业内
- 10下列属于生态系统的是( )A.一块农田中的所有生物B.一杯开水C.一条河流D.环境中所有细菌和真菌
- 1材料一:二十国集团***第六次峰会3日在法国戛纳举行,***胡锦涛出席并发表重要讲话。在第五点中胡锦涛指出,坚持在发展
- 2下列物质充分反应后,滴入KSCN溶液,溶液呈红色的是 [ ]A、FeO+HCl(aq) B、过量的Fe+HNO3
- 3(15分)【化学——选修2:化学与技术】(一)硫酸厂常用煅烧黄铁矿(FeS2)来制取硫酸。 (1)煅烧黄铁矿的主要化学
- 4分子间的相互作用力由引力与斥力共同产生,并随着分子间距的变化而变化,则[ ]A.分子间引力随分子间距的增大而增大
- 5如果二次函数y=x2-x+c的图象过点(1,2),求这个二次函数的解析式,并写出该函数图象的对称轴。
- 6(本小题满分14分)已知定义在的函数同时满足以下三条:①对任意的,总有;②;③当时,总有成立.(1)函数在区间上是否同时
- 7烟草“打顶”有利于烟叶产量和品质的提高,但“打顶”后腋芽的生长会影响烟草的产量和品质,为解决这个问题,应该在“打顶”后于
- 8油价正在飞速上涨,我们不能坐以待毙.如图所示,就是网络上流行的一种马拉车,让大家体现一下悍马的概念(g取10N/kg).
- 9银河系中有一星球,密度是地球密度的四倍,半径是地球半径的二分之一,则该星球的第一宇宙速度与地球第一宇宙速度的比是:A.8
- 10“从诞生于上海到在北京执掌全国政权,中国共产党整整奋斗了28年。“日出东方、星火燎原、力挽狂澜、灯塔指引、进京赶考”这五