当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人生百味类 > 阅读理解。    It was Mother"s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order(订购...
阅读理解。    It was Mother"s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order(订购) some flowers.    
试题【阅读理解。    It was Mother"s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order(订购】;主要考察你对人生百味类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived
two hundred miles away.
    As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying. He asked her what was wrong and she answered, "I want to buy a red
rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents. A rose costs two
     The man smiled and said, "Come into the shop with me, and I"ll buy
you a rose."
                                             Three Things to Do Before You Are 18
       Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because
  after that it"s too late.
       Learn to swim
       Seriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can"t swim well, you won"t be able to do
   water sports like waterskiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make
   sure you do it.
       Try at least one kind of team sports
       Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can"t just think of yourself, but have to work
   well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that
  they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too -
  you"ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.
       Collect something
       One of the best hobbies for under - 18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of  stamps, or you
   could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have
  seen or emails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collection in
  and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won"t forget.
1. The most important reason for learning to swim is that _____.    
A. it can save your life                            
B. it can make you healthy
C. you might easily do lots of things        
2. "A good social life" in the passage means _____.
A. you"ll study in groups            
B. you"ll go to parties and make many friends  
C. you"ll take part in many matches                    
3. The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to _____. 
A. collect something                                
B. do some water sports
C. send emails to your friends       
4. What kind of collection is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage?
A. stamps      
B. cinema tickets      
C. snowballs 
5. The passage is mainly about _____ before you are 18.
A. good habits to keep      
B. skills to have      
C. things to do
     I will never forget the lesson about my window. Four years ago, I moved to a house in a large town.
One of my new neighbors’ house was only a few feet away from mine. There lived a woman. Through
one of my windows, I could see her reading by her window every afternoon.    
     Several months later, I found I couldn’t see the woman clearly. I thought her window was too dirty.
I said to myself, “Why doesn’t she clean her window? It looks terrible!”
     One afternoon, I decided to clean my house including(包括) the window. I felt tired after three hours
of hard work. So I sat down by the window for a rest. What a surprise! I could see the woman reading
there clearly again! By that time, I realized that my own window was too dirty, not hers! I really felt
ashamed for myself. I had been watching her through my dirty window in the past days!
     The experience is very important for me. So I try to clean the window of my heart before judging
(评判) others.
1. How long has the writer lived in the house according to the passage?
A. Two years.  
B. Three years.  
C. Four years.    
2. The writer couldn’t see the woman clearly because ________.
A. the writer’s window was dirty              
B. the woman’s house was too far
C. the woman didn’t open her window
3.The underlined word “ashamed” means _________.
A. 高兴的 
 B. 放松的  
C. 羞愧的
4. According to the passage, the writer has learnt how to _________.
A. clean the house  
B. judge others  
C. help neighbors
Start Today
     "What can you do when you have done nothing but mess up your whole  life  long?" These were the
words I heard when I   1      the TV the other day. They were coming  from one of  the  talk shows   2    are so popular on TV  these days.  I started  to  turn the channel but  the words  I had   3      made me stop  for a moment.  I   4       the speaker of  them. He couldn"t have been more  than 18 years old, but already he
was writing off (认为……已失败) his life as a useless waste.  
     I wanted to shout at him:" You"re not   5      yet!"  
     It is   6     sad that so many people cannot get beyond (摆脱) their pasts and live   7     the present.
There are so many people like that talk show guest. There are people still  in  their  teen years   8      that
their lives are over. There are people in their twenties who already think they have   9     the boat to success and happiness. There are people in their thirties and forties who sit around complaining that life has passed
them by.  I want  to shout  to  them all:" Wake up! You"re still 1 0  ! What have you done today?" If you
want a happy  life, you can"t dwell on (细想、纠缠于) your past   11   . If you want joy and love  in your  
life, you have  to choose  them  today. God gives us a new chance at  life every  time we wake up in the
morning. It is up to us to seize it.  
     Today 12   be  the beginning of a new  life for each of us. We can choose  joy right now. We can share
love today. We can  live  in delight starting at this moment. It doesn"t matter how hard our past has been.
Our present can be full of joy and our future can be full of   13   .  It doesn"t matter  if we are eight    14  
eighty--we can still make our  lives    15   . Life isn"t over until your last heartbeat. Start today, then, to make your heart beat with joy, love, and light.
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A. turned down
(     ) 2. A. when
(     ) 3. A. heard
(     ) 4. A. looked up
(     ) 5. A. death
(     ) 6. A. so
(     ) 7. A. at
(     ) 8. A. think
(     ) 9. A. taken
(     ) 10. A.alive
(     ) 11. A. mistake
(     ) 12. A. must
(     ) 13. A. pain
(     ) 14. A. and
(     ) 15. A. wonder

B. turned off  
B. that        
B. found        
B. looked after
B. dead        
B. so a        
B. with        
B. thinking    
B. caught      
B. living      
B. mistakes    
B. mustn"t      
B. happiness    
B. to          
B. wondering    

C. turned on  
C. one        
C. seen      
C. looked for
C. die        
C. such      
C. in        
C. thinks    
C. missed    
C. lively    
C. wrong      
C. can"t      
C. sadness    
C. or        
C. wondered  

D. turned up  
D. what      
D. listened to
D. looked at  
D. died      
D. such a    
D. to        
D. to think  
D. lost      
D. lovely    
D. ideas      
D. can        
D. challenge  
D. between    
D. wonderful  

阅读理解 。
     Years ago  I worked at a  factory  in a small county. Every day I got up very early and often did
much extra work at night.  I was so  tired and exhausted. My whole life was hopeless. Then one day I
read the following article from a magazine:
     "A woman went  to  live with her husband  in camp on the Mojave Desert (沙漠) during  the war.
She simply hated the place: the heat was almost un-bearable, 125 degrees  in  the shade,  the wind blew
incessantly, and there was sand-sand everywhere. Finally, in desperation (不顾一切地) she wrote her
parents in Ohio that she couldn"t stand it another minute and was coming home.
     Quickly came the reply by airmail from her father——just two lines:
     "Two men  looked out  from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars."
     The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intellect (思维) but also with her heart. She
decided to stick to her post.
     She made friends with the natives,  learned  to love  the country, and eventually wrote a book about
     The desert hadn"t changed, but her attitude had. Because she  listened with her heart  to  the words
her  father sent, a whole new world opened up to her."
     A change of attitude could change everything.
     After  reading  the article,  I was deep  in thought (陷入沉思)…
1.  The  underlined word  "unbearable" means ____________ in Chinese.
A. 难以想象的
B. 难以克服的
C. 难以忍受的
D. 难以适应的
2. After she  received her  father"s  reply,  the woman__________.
A. went back home              
B. was coming home
C. decided to stay there        
D. decided to go back home with her husband
3. From her father"s reply, we can infer (推断) that ____________.
A. two men looked out from prison bars
B. one man was in prison, the other was out of prison
C. two men were out of prison
D. her parents wanted her  to stay  there with her husband
4. Which of the followingis wrong according to the passage?
A. A woman went to live with her husband in a big city.
B. The woman finally made friends with the natives.
C. She wrote her parents that she was coming.
D. The woman received her parents" reply by airmail.
5. The main idea of this passage is that __________.
A. a woman went to live with her husband in camp
B. the desert hadn"t changed, but her attitude had
C. the daughter"s parents wanted her to stay with her husband
D. a change of attitude could change everything
    A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was cooking supper, and   1   
her a piece of paper that he had written something on. After his mother   2   her hands, she read what on
the paper.
    For   3   the grass  $5.00
    For cleaning up my room this week  $1.00
    For going to the supermarket for you  $1.00
    For looking after my baby brother while you went shopping  $1.00
    For taking out the rubbish   $1.00
    For getting a good report card  $5.00
    For cleaning up the garden   $2.00
    Total: $16.00
    Well, his mother looked at him for a while, and then she picked up a pen, turned   4    the paper he had written on, and this was what she wrote:
    For the nine    5    I carried you while you were growing inside me, free.
    For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you, fed you and sung songs for you , free.
    For all the tears(眼泪) that you"ve    6   through the years, free.
    When you add it up, the cost of my love is free.
    For all the nights that were filled with    7    , free.
    For the toys, food, clothes, and even cleaning your nose, free.
    And when you add it all up, the    8    cost of real love is free.
    When the little boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were tears in his eyes. He looked straight    9   at his mother and said, "Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote:  10    IN FULL.
(     )1.A. passed
(     )2.A. waved
(     )3.A. pushing
(     )4.A. back  
(     )5.A. days  
(     )6.A. enjoyed
(     )7.A. jokes  
(     )8.A. full  
(     )9.A. out  
(     )10.A. PAID  
B. posted
B. clapped
B. cutting
B. away  
B. weeks
B. caused
B. wishes
B. half  
B. around
C. offered
C. dried  
C. mopping
C. over    
C. months  
C. collected
C. smiles  
C. high    
C. down    
D. borrowed  
D. shook      
D. picking    
D. off        
D. years      
D. proved    
D. worries    
D. new        
D. up