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In our life, we may meet person with different personalities(性格). What is your personality type?  Read about the following and find out!   

Dreamer thinks there is a “right” way to do things. This person wants to live in the “perfect world”. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, and often lead others. Famous Dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Angelina Jolie.

A Partner wants to be in a group. For this person, rules are important. They consider tradition to be of great value. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers and police officers. Famous Partners: Queen ElizabethⅡ,Mother Teresa.

For Thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to deal with problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be active. They like to win. They have very strong opinions(主张). Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors and engineers. Famous Thinkers: Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking.

Artists want to be free. They don’t want to follow the rules all the time. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. They are creative and do well as musicians and actors. Famous Artists: Cristiano Ronaldo, Madonna.
小题1:How many personality types are mentioned in the passage.
小题2:According to the passage, when you need help,       may give you a hand.
小题3:You may choose a job as        , if you are careful and serious.
A.a playerB.an actorC.a police officerD.a scientist
小题4:If you are active and like to win, maybe you are similar to         .
A.GandhiB.Mother TeresaC.Bill GatesD.Madonna
小题5:Which could be the best title for the passage?
A.Famous PeopleB.Personality TypesC.Perfect WorldD. Job Choices



小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段Many are good listeners and like to help others.梦想家多数是好的听众并且喜欢帮助别人,故选A,梦想家。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers and police officers.可知老师、管理者和警官通常都是严谨的细心的人,故选C,警官。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第四段Thinkers can also be active. They like to win. They have very strong opinions(主张). Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors and engineers. Famous Thinkers: Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking.可知如果你有创造力而且喜欢赢,你可能就和比尔盖茨和霍金有共同点,故选C。be similar to与……相似。
试题【 In our life, we may meet person with different personalities(性格). What is your 】;主要考察你对人生百味类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Dear editor,
My English teacher is very strict with us. Several days ago, when we were in class, Tom asked me a question. But my English teacher thought we were speaking in class. She asked us to stand at the back of the classroom for a few minutes. This made me unfair. After that, I feel nervous in her class, so I don’t like her class. However, I really want to learn English well. What should I do?
Dear Mike,
I am sorry you are having difficulty with your English class. Every teacher wants his or her students to study hard. So I think you should have a talk with your English teacher and tell her what you were doing with Tom that day. If she knows your worries, maybe she will help you with your English. And she will be pleased to hear you want to learn English well. Of course, you should know that what your teacher did was good for you. When you are not trying as hard as you can, she has to stop it and try to help you. Wish you have a better life!
小题1:What’s wrong with Mike?
A.He doesn’t like learning English.
B.He meets trouble with his English teacher.
C.He doesn’t know how to get on well with his English teacher.
D.He doesn’t like English any longer.
小题2:Mike feels nervous in English classes because ____.
A.he doesn’t like his English teacher
B.he can’t speak in class
C.his English teacher punished(惩罚) him
D.his English is poor
小题3:In the editor’s opinion, the English teacher asked Mike to stand for a while because _____.
A.she didn’t like him
B.she didn’t think Mike was learning English hard at that time
C.Mike was bad at English
D.Mike was making much noise
小题4:The teacher will _____ if Mike has a talk with her.
A.be even angrier
B.ask him to stand for some time once again
C.be pleased
D.say sorry to him
小题5:Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据) the passage?
A.Mike dislikes English classes, but he wants to learn English well.
B.Mike wants the editor to tell his English teacher the truth.
C.The editor gave Mike some advice, but it didn’t work.
D.The teacher hates Mike much more than before.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mike is a young man. He has a very big dog and he has a very small car, too. He likes playing basketball. Last Saturday afternoon he played basketball for an hour at the club and then he ran out and got into a car. His dog came after him, but it did not jump into the same car. It jumped into the next car.
“Come here, foolish dog!” Mike shouted at it, but the dog stayed in the other car.
Mike put his key into the lock of the car, but the key did not turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his! He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right car! “He’s sitting and laughing at me!” Mike said angrily. But then he smiled and went to the right car.
小题1:Mike was interested in _______.
A.his dogB.driving a carC.the clubD.playing basketball
小题2:Last Saturday Mike stayed at the club for _______.
A.a whole dayB.one hourC.half an hourD.a whole afternoon
小题3:How did Mike know he was in the wrong car?
A.The dog jumped into the next car.
B.He couldn"t open the lock of the car.
C.The dog stayed in the other car.
D.The dog didn"t follow the wrong car.
小题4:Why did Mike get into the wrong car?
A.He was a young man.
B.He was tired after he played basketball.
C.He was careless.
D.He was a foolish man.
小题5:He story tells us that _______.
A.a dog doesn"t like his master
B.a dog can never help his master
C.a dog can sometimes help his master
D.a dog will never laugh at his master when he makes a mistake.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you have to carry a heavy bag to school? Does it make your back (背部) hurt? Well, students at a high school in Kansas (堪萨斯州), America, have a meeting with their city’s mayor  to complain (抱怨) about their heavy bags. They say their bags are giving them headaches(头痛), and making their necks (脖子) and backs hurt. The mayor says he is very sorry. He says students may do more of their homework on the Internet.
小题1:A heavy bag may make students        .
A.headacheB.earacheC.toothacheD.A, B and C
小题2:Kansas is in       .
小题3:The students talk about their heavy bags to        .
A.the mayorB.their parentsC.their teachersD.their friends
小题4:“Mayor”in Chinese means      .
小题5:The mayor says       .
A.he has a headache
B.he wants the students to do more homework
C.he is sorry
D.he has to work hard

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Once a small boy lived on the farm which seemed so far away from everywhere. He needed to get up        sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm. During sunrise he would       and climb up on the fence(篱笆) along the side of the farm. He could see a house with golden windows. “ If they could        golden windows, then there must be other nice things inside the house.” He         how great it would be to live there. Then he        himself, “ Some day I will go there and see this wonderful place.”
One morning his father would go to town        told him to stay at home for a rest. Knowing that this was his        , he took a sandwich and headed across the field        the house with the golden windows.
As the afternoon went on, he began to realize how        he was. The house was much farther than he had expected. As he went near the house, he saw       golden windows but instead a place in bad      of painting. A small girl very close to his         came out of the poor house and stood by the broken fence. He asked her        she had seen the house with the golden windows. The girl said,” Sure, I know,” and invited him to sit on the porch(门廊). As he sat there, he looked back from         he just came. There he saw the        turned the windows of his house to gold! Now he understood that everyone had his own house with golden windows.
A.have a bathB.take a breakC.take a breathD.take a walk

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I’m always not sure whether my parents love each other or not. Every day they are very busy making money so that they can    a good life for my sister and me. They don’t act in the usual ways that I read in books or I see on TV. Also, they never send    to each other on Feb, 14.
One day, my mother was sewing* a quilt. I quietly sat down beside her.

“Is there love      you and Dad?” asked I.
With a little surprise in her eyes, my mother stopped to raise her head and       me. She said      for long time. At last I heard my mother’s voice:
“Jane,” she said, “Look at this thread*.      sometimes it appears, most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and lasting. If life is a quilt, then        should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there, and       disappears.”
I listened carefully but I couldn’t understand her      the next spring, when my father suddenly got    seriously. My mother had to look after him in the hospital for a month. When they      home, every day in the morning and evening, my mother helped my father walk slowly. They often walked without a word. And after two months, my father still couldn’t walk by      . All of us were worried about him very much.
“Dad,    are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Jane,nothing serious. To tell you the truth, I just like      with your mom. I like this kind of life,even if I cannot walk anymore.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant good presents and sweet kisses. But now, I understand that love is just like a thread in the quilt. Love is inside, making our    nice and warm.
A.looked upB.looked atC.looked afterD.looked for
A.nothingB.somethingC.anything D.everything

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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