当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 教育文化类 > 任务型阅读。     Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of the...
任务型阅读。     Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. One of the most serious
earthquakes in world history took place in Japan in 1923. The shock and fires caused by it destroyed
much of Tokyo and Yokohama and left more than 7000 dead. Other countries do not have many. For
examples, there are few earthquakes in Brirain, France, Germany.
    There is often a great noise during an earthquake, but it is not always. The earth rocks. Houses fall
down. Railway lines are broken. Sometimes many people are killed in an earthquake. People think
earthquakes often happen near volcanoes (火山), but this is not always true. The centers of some are
under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the
rocks. The coast is rocking and great waves are caused there. These waves travel long distances and
rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings:
sometimes they break more buildings than earthquake itself.
     What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete (水泥) walls is
perhaps the best. A steel frame (框架) will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts
together and the walls do not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel (钢材)
does not burn. This kind of building is the safest. Today modern concrete and steel apartment buildings
are commonly seen in cities of Japan. 第1小题判断正误,(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误),2-4为简略回答问题,5小题为英译汉。
1.The text mainly tells us how to protect ourselves when the earthquake happens.
2.Why do we say that an earthquake is terrible?
3.What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake?
4.In which country are modern concrete and steel apartment buildings commonly seen?
5.There is often a great noise during an earthquake, but it is not always.
1. F
2. Because the earth rocks. Houses fall down. Railway lines are broken. Sometimes many people are killed
    in an earthquake. (答案不唯一)
3. A building with steel frame and concrete walls. (答案不唯一)
4. Japan (答案不唯一)
5. 地震精华藏会有很大的噪音,但不总是这样。(答案不唯一)
试题【任务型阅读。     Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of the】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读短文,选择正确答案。    Take three basins (盆). Fill the first basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear (承受) with your
hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap
    Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in the cold water.
You will find that your right hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold. After twenty seconds move both your
hands in the lukewarm (微温的) water. What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels
cold. But both hands are in the same basin of water. 1. The writer is talking about _______. [     ]
A. hot water
B. cold water
C. basins
D. an experiment 2. How many basins are needed in the experiment? [     ]
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four 3. Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because _______. [     ]
A. they are in the same basin of water
B. your right hand is stronger than your left hand
C. your left hand is stronger than your right hand
D. they were in different basins of water a short time ago 4. After putting your hand in the cold water, you put it in the hot water. You will find ______. [     ]
A. the water too hot for you to bear
B. the hot water feels lukewarm
C. the water feels cold
D. your hand turns black 5. This experiment shows that _______. [     ]
A. sometimes our senses deceive (欺骗) us
B. we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands
C. hot water and cold water do not mix
D. one of our hands is stronger than the other
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。      Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart, while there are
people who can only remember things when they have said them over and over.
     Charles Dickens, the famous English author, said that he could walk down any long street in London and
then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many great men in the world have had wonderful
     A good memory is great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering
what he hears when he is a small child. Some children-like boys and girls who live in foreign countries with
their parents-seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In schools it is not easy to learn a second
language because the pupils have so little time to practice it, and they are busy with other subjects as well. 
    The human mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photographs not only of what we see but of what we
feel, hear, smell and taste. 
    Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. (     )1. All the humans have good memories.
(     )2. Charles Dickens, the famous American writer, could remember things well.
(     )3. A good memory is of importance in your learning a language.
(     )4. Sometimes we can learn a second language without going to school.
(     )5. The human mind is a good camera.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Students often want to practice their English outside class. One of the best ways to practice your English
is to speak to a foreigner. This week"s question comes from a student who is eager to start a conversation
with the foreigners he sees every day. One student asks, "Is it Okay to try to talk to foreigners I see in the
     The answer is yes or no, but probably no! If you see a foreigner who looks lost, it is polite to ask him,
"May I help you?" But, otherwise, you should probably let them get on with their business. Situations,
however, do exist (存在) where it is quite all right to talk to foreigners. If a foreigner enters your school,
office, shop or restaurant, for instance (例如), feel free to ask him (for example): 
     — What is your name? 
     — Where do you come from? 
     — What do you think of Beijing? 
     — How long will you stay in Beijing?
     There are also situations where it"s Okay to talk to foreigners in public places. If you see a foreigner
alone in a restaurant, bar or coffee shop, it may be appropriate (合适的) to ask him or her:
     — Is this seat free? 
     — Do you mind if I talk to you in English?
     You can probably help them if they are new to China and if they are alone. You may be able to make them
feel more welcome. 
     After a few such questions, you should know whether this person wants to talk to you or not. If they ask
you similar questions, or if they give long, informative answers, you"re in luck. If not, then give them their
privacy (独处). Talking to strangers is fun if you choose the right time and place. 1. It is the best way to practice your spoken English with _____. [     ]
A. Japanese
B. Americans
C. your classmates
D. French people 2. From the second paragraph, we can get to know that _____. [     ]
A. it is polite to stop a foreigner to talk with him in the street
B. it is polite to interrupt foreigners in a conversation
C. it is impolite to interrupt a foreigner when he or she is on business
D. it is impolite to help a foreigner find his way 3. When you first meet a foreigner, you should say "_____". [     ]
A. Where are you going?
B. Have you eaten your dinner?
C. Can you help me with my English?
D. Nice to meet you. 4. The writer suggests us that we should _____. [     ]
A. follow the foreigners when we meet them in the street
B. talk with foreigners in an accepted way
C. have a meal with foreigners in a restaurant
D. move to a place where a foreigner lives 5. This passage comes from a newspaper in column _____. [     ]
A. Sports
B. Health
C. Language
D. Business
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。    The internet is becoming important in our life. How much do you know about it? What is the internet?
    The internet is a large, worldwide collection of computer networks, A network is a small group of computers
put together. The Internet is many different networks from all over the world. These networks are called the
Internet. Once you have learned to use the Internet, you can have a lot of interest on the World Wide Web.
    What is the World Wide Web?
    The World Wide Wed has been the most popular development of the internet: The Web is like a big electronic
book with millions of pages. These pages are called homepages.
    You can find information about almost anything in the world on these pages. For example, you can use the
Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework. You can also find information about your
favorite sport or film star, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages. Most pages have words,
pictures and even sound or music.
    What is e-mail?
    Electronic mail (E-mail) is a way of sending messages to other people. It"s much quicker and cheaper than
sending a letter.
    If you want to use e-mail, you must have an e-mail address. This address must have letters and dots and an
"@" (meaning "at"). This is what an address looks like: e-mail@star.net. Write a message, type in the person"s
e-mail address, then send the message across the Internet. People don"t need to use stamps, envelopes or go to
the post office since the invention of the internet. Quick, easy and interesting, that"s the Internet! 1. The Internet is ________. [     ]
A. a big computer
B. a small group of computers
C. lots of computer networks
D. the world Wide Web 2. The World Wide Web is like _______. [     ]
A. an electronic book
B. homepages
C. an electronic page
D. air interesting picture 3. What does "talk to your friends on the pages" mean? It means ________. [     ]
A. you can talk to your friends face to face
B. you can type your words in the computer and then end them to your friends across the internet.
C. you talk to our friends through the same computer.
D. you go to your friends houses to talk to them 4. People like to use e-mail to send messages to their friends and family because _______. [     ]
A. they don"t have to pay any money
B. it"s faster and cheaper
C. they don"t need to have stamps, envelopes or addresses
D. sending a mail is interesting 5. The "e" in e-mail means ________. [     ]
A. easy
B. electrical
C. electronic
D. enjoyable
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     What do people do with their old, out of date but still useful computers? Most people don"t know what
to do with them. Many old computers are put away in homes. Many more are simply thrown away as the
     Finally, some companies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old computers. Sony has
agreed to help recycle old Sony products (产品). Dell, Hewlett Packard and other companies now also take
back some old computers. 
    In some countries, laws have been passed, too. Computer companies have to pay for collecting and
recycling their used products. And 70% of computer waste must be recycled. The idea behind the laws is
that computer companies themselves should pay for the cost. That will encourage them to make computers
that are easier and cheaper to repair and upgrade (升级).
    Yet while many people are throwing away good computers, others cannot afford them at all. Hundreds
of organizations are working to solve this problem. They collect and repair old computers. Some also teach
others how to repair computers. The computers then go to schools, charities (慈善团体) and people who
need them. Giving a used computer to one of these organizations can turn one person"s rubbish into someone
else"s useful things and cut down waste, too. 1. What do many people do with old computers? [     ]
A. They repair them.
B. They sell them.
C. They send them to others.
D. They stop using them. 2. How many computer companies are mentioned in the second paragraph?[     ]
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four. 3. According to the laws in some countries, computer companies must           . [     ]
A. recycle most of their products
B. collect all their used products
C. repair and upgrade old computers
D. make more cheaper computers 4. What do the organizations do to solve the problem of old computers? [     ]
A. Help the computer companies to collect them.
B. Repair and send them to those who need them.
C. Help people to learn to use them.
D. Turn rubbish into useful things. 5. What is the main idea of this passage? [     ]
A. Repairing old computers.
B. Encouraging to make cheap computers.
C. Recycling old computers.
D. Helping those who need computers.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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