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阅读理解。     These strategies(策略) will help you  learn how to take  tests and show what you know. MULTIPLE
     Mark the best answer from a list of choices for a multiple-choice test.
     1.Read  Test  Directions(说明) Carefully.  Directions  tell  what  you  need  to do. Words like best,
always, only, all, and never will help you find the correct answer. Sentences with those words are usually
not true.
     2.Plan Your Time. Pass over hard questions. If you have time, you can go back to them later.
     3.Read Items(题干)Again. If you are not sure about an answer,  read the item again. Think about
all the answer choices. Which one seems best?
     In a short-answer test, write a word, a group of words, or a sentence to answer a question. Look for
key words like who or what that tell you what to write in the answer.
     For a passage-writing test, write one or more paragraphs to answer one question.
     1.Study the Item and Key Words. Read the question twice or more. Look for key words that tell
you exactly what to do. You might see prompts(提示)like these:
     2.Plan Your Answer. Think about the key words and the topic. Write everything you know about
the topic on a piece of your own paper. This can help you organize(组织)your writing.
     3.Write the Passage. Use the words in the prompts to write a beginning. Then use what you know
about the topic to write your passage.
     Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
     Write the important information in the body.
     Read your passage before you hand it in.
     You may try these strategies in today"s test. We hope you"ll have a great success. Good luck!1.How many kinds of tests are talked about in the passage?A.One.
D.Four.2.When you take a short-answer test, you should ________.A.write words to answer a question
B.circle the best answer from choices
C.write some paragraphs for a question
D.underline right sentences in a passage3.While you are taking any of the tests, you should think carefully about ________.A.key words  
B.each paragraph
C.every choice  
D.topic sentences4.In the passage, the writer mainly wants ________.A.to show us the differences between the tests
B.to help us to learn how to do well in tests
C.to teach us how to find the key words in the items
D.to introduce the ways to choose the best answers
1--4 CAAB
试题【阅读理解。     These strategies(策略) will help you  learn how to take  tests and show 】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     There have been many great inventions  that changed the way we live.  The first great invention was
one that is still very important today - the wheel. This invention made it easier to carry heavy things and
to travel long distances.
     In the early 1800s the world started to change.  There was little unknown land in the world. People
began to work to make life better.
     In the 19th century, many great inventions were made. Among them were the cameras and the light
bulbs. There were more great inventions  in the early  20th  century,   such as  the  helicopters in 1907,
movies with sound in 1910 and jet planes in the 1930s. This was also a time when a new material was
first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.
     By this time most people have had a very good life. Man has a desire to explore more.  The world
was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made
the first step. Since then other countries, including the United States and China,  have made their steps
into space.
     In 1969 man took his biggest step. An American first walked on the moon.  This  is certainly just a
beginning. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never dreamed of. 1. This passage mainly talks about ________. A. why cars were very important
B. when the light bulb was invented
C. which country made the first step into space
D. the process (进程) of inventions 2. Nylon came out nearly at the same time as _______. A. the helicopter    
B. the camera  
C. jet planes  
D. movies3. _______ made the first step into space. A. Russia          
B. China      
C. America    
D. Japan4. What does " a desire" mean in Paragraph 4?A. a good way  
B. a new invention  
C. a strong wish  
D. a wonderful idea5. Which of the followings is NOT true?A. The wheel was the first great invention, but it is not very important today.
B. An American first stepped on the moon.
C. In the early 1800s there was little unknown land.
D. New inventions will change our lives greatly in the future.
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     In the last 500 years, several million people have been killed by earthquakes. Among all the
earthquakes, the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake is regarded as the     1      one in the twentieth century.
     On July 28, 1976, a terrible earthquake of 7.8 magnitude (级)     2     Tangshan City, Hebei Province.
In just one second, the city with one million people was destroyed. The earthquake was __3      strong
that even Beijing and Tianjin were seriously affected (受到影响). The shock was felt in 14 provinces and
cities-one-third of the country.
     The earthquake took place     4      midnight. Most people could not take any actions. Over 240,000
people     5     and about 170,000 were seriously injured. Water supplies, communications and traffic
were completely cut off.
     The people there needed     6      immediately. But they could not wait for help     7     . They formed
groups to dig for others. They set up medical areas and tents. They searched for food and clean water.
Recovery(恢复)was not easy with so much     8     . Yet, after a lot of care was given in time, the
rebuilding of Tangshan began almost     9    . Though it took time, the whole city was rebuilt and is    10    
home for over a million people, earning (赢得)Tangshan the name "Brave City of China".
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(     )1. A. deadly
(     )2. A. happened
(     )3. A. such
(     )4. A. at
(     )5. A. killed
(     )6. A. food
(     )7. A. arrive
(     )8. A. people
(     )9. A. soon
(     )10. A. too
B. deadlier
B. hit   
B. much
B. in
B. kill
B. water
B. arrived
B. disaster
B. quickly
B. also
C. deadliest
C. happen
C. so     
C. on     
C. was killed
C. help   
C. arrives
C. death   
C. immediately
C. again
D. dead        
D. took place  
D. even        
D. with        
D. were killed
D. tents      
D. to arrive  
D. areas      
D. now        
D. still      
     Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States. It"s the center of national government. It"s a busy, working city with a large population. But what is more, Washington is also a city of history and culture.
     Washington was created in 1790, when Congress(the highest law-making body of the USA)decided
to place the nation"s new capital in the east of the country. It was built half-way between the northern and
southern states of America. And of course it was named after George Washington, the first President of
the United States.
     There are many tourist sights in Washington. Perhaps the most important tourist sight is the Capital
Building. This house is the Congress.
     Another world-famous building in Washington is the White House. This is the home and office of the
President of the United States. Most visitors are, however, surprised by how small the White House
actually is.
     Washington is also a great culture city. The Library of Congress contains one of the largest library
collections in the world. The Smithsonian Museum holds the nation"s largest collection of cultural
materials. And the John F. Kennedy Center is a famous center of art and culture. There are many great
musical and theatre performances throughout the year.
1. The writer mainly talks about ________.
A. Washington
B. the history of Washington
C. buildings and sights in Washington
D. the history and culture of Washington
2. From the passage we know Washington is situated (坐落) in ________.
A. the east of the U. S. A.
B. the center of the U. S. A.
C. the east, on the middle point from north to south, of the country
D. the east and half-way away from the north
3. The White House impresses (给……印象) the people most for ________.
A. its white color
B. its size
C. it is the home and office of the president
D. its history
4. The passage mentions ________ buildings.
A. six
B. five
C. four
D. three
5. The writer introduces Washington in the order of ________.
A. population, history and culture
B. history and culture
C. history, sights and culture
D. history, sights, buildings and culture
    What is a museum? A museum is a good place to keep     1    and beautiful things. A museum may be
a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place     2    art of humans or animals. What is inside
a museum? Some museums     3     old cars and airplanes.     4     museums have pictures and sculptures. Others have rocks and old bones.  One museum even has      5    coal mine inside! Many cities have
museums. Some very small     6    have museums,     7    . Indianapolis has a     8     museum. Children
do not have to     9    to get in. Children often go to the museum. They like to see at the dinosaur bones.
They see a white bear ten feel tall. They go inside an old log cabin(小木屋). On Saturday, Indianapolis
children can     10   talks about animals and trees.
(     )1. A. new  
(     )2. A. for  
(     )3. A. has  
(     )4. A. Bit  
(     )5. A. the  
(     )6. A. homes
(     )7. A. too  
(     )8. A. adults
(     )9. A. pay  
(     )10. A. sing
B. old      
B. in      
B. have    
B. A little
B. an      
B. towns    
B. also    
B. people’s
B. speak    
B. see      
C. good        
C. about        
C. there is    
C. Much        
C. a            
C. villages    
C. either      
C. children’s
C. run          
C. hear        
D. important  
D. on        
D. there are  
D. Many      
D. /                                 
D. countries  
D. neither    
D. boy’s  
D. cry        
D. feel      
      I think life will be very different in a hundred years" time. Some things will be better and some things
 will  be worse.
     Firstly, people won"t live on the surface of the earth. __1__ Special machines will provide oxygen and
  light but the environment won"t be the same. Trees and plants won"t grow because there won"t be any
soil. __2__  . Food will mainly be in the form of pills. If the sea isn"t too polluted, people will also eat fish. 
 What is more, I think people"s everyday life will be different. __3__ . No one will have to do housework
  either. So, people will have more free time and they will be able to enjoy the things they like sports, for
  example. Finally, I believe that everyone will be able to travel to the moon, to other planets and perhaps
 even to other galaxies (星系) for a holiday.
     In conclusion, __4__ . Whatever happens, though, I"m sure there will be an interesting place to live in the future.
 A. They won"t have to work long hours because computers and robots will help them.
 B. Our cities will be under the sea, in large domes (圆顶屋).
 C. I think that life in the future won"t be anything like it is now.
 D. As a result, people won"t be able to grow crops.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
    A. Life under the Sea 
    B. The Future Life
    C. Future Life in My Mind
    D. An Interesting Place to Live in