当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 教育文化类 > 阅读理解。     There are many unusual hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is...
阅读理解。     There are many unusual hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is a hotel made out of ice, open
 between December and April every year. In Turkey, there is a cave hotel with a television, furniture, and
 a bathroom in each room. And in Bolivia (玻利维亚-南美洲西部国家), there is the Salt Palace Hotel.
     Thousands of years ago, the area around the Salt Palace Hotel was a large lake. But over time, all the
  water disappeared. Today, the area has only two small lakes and two salt deserts.
     Uyuni salt desert
     The larger of the two deserts, the Uyuni, is 12,000 square kilometres. During the day, the desert is
 bright white because of the salt. There are no roads across the Uyuni desert, so local people must show
 guests the way to the hotel.
     In the early 1990s, a man named Juan Quesada built the hotel. He cut big blocks of salt from the desert
  and used the blocks to build it. Everything in the hotel is made out of salt: the walls, the roof (屋顶), the
  tables, the chairs, the beds, and the hotel"s bar.
     The sun heats (使变热) the walls and roof during the day. At night the desert is very cold, but the
 rooms stay warm. The hotel has twelve rooms. A single room costs $40 a night, and a double room costs
     A sign on the hotel"s wall tells guests, " Please don"t lick (舔) the walls."
     (注: Uyuni is a town in the south of Bolivia.)1. What is unique about the Salt Palace Hotel?     A. Its long history.
    B. The price of the rooms.
    C. The guests that stay there.
    D. What it is made of. 2. Which sentence about the area around the Salt Palace Hotel is NOT true?    A. It was a lake many years ago.
    B. It is white during the day.
    C. There are several roads to the hotel.
    D. It is more than 10,000 square kilometers.3. Where did the salt used for the hotel come from?    A. a salt factory
    B. the ground
    C. Turkey
    D. the walls of the hotel 4. What keeps the rooms warm at night?    A. heat from the walls
    B. the desert air
    C. the sun
    D. the furniture
1—4: DCAA
试题【阅读理解。     There are many unusual hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。                                            A School Report
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Name: Edward Scott (An Australian Boy)
Grade: 7
School: Kelvin Grove State High School
Term ending: 6, May
Mathematics: He is a little weak in this,but he has tried his best to catch up with others.
Science: He can work out many difficulties. Well done.
English: He is the best in the class.Keep it up.
French: His reading is very good. He can remember many words.
History: He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.
Geography: He is familiar with the names of many places in the world.
Music: He doesn"t like pop songs, though sings well.
Conduct: fair No.in class: 9 Absences:8
Remarks: Edward has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.
Class teacher: Ivy
Principal: M.L.Martin.
School reopens: 11, September
     Listening is also important just like reading.   Although it"s a bit more difficult, it helps you improve your
pronunciation and conversational skills.
     When you learn a foreign language, you should start to listen as soon as you can. This way you will get
familiar with the sounds of the language. Learning pronunciation will be much easier for you.
     It"s a good idea to listen again and again to the same content (内容). Choose something interesting and
listen to it lots of times. While listening, try to remember useful sentences,   or even some passages.   Then
practice saying them for memory, imitating (模仿) the speaker"s pronunciation. After a while, you will notice
that words and phrases   from  the recording become a part of you.   You will start using them in your own
     Try to do some listening every day. The best way would be to have an MP3 player. Then you can listen
when you go to school or go for a walk.
     Remember to choose something you can understand and you like. Make sure the voice of the speaker is
pleasant. This way you will enjoy listening and look forward to doing it.
1. You should listen to English .
A. once a week
B. once a month
C. every day
D. every week
2. What should we listen to according to the passage?
A. Something we understand
B. Something interesting
C. Something difficult
D. Both A and B
3. Listening is reading.
A. more important than
B. less important than
C. as important as
D. easier than
     It"s easy to make your own Internet page. The easiest way is to use a special program called a "web editor". You
can find these programs on the Internet.
     First think about some things to put on your Internet page by looking at other people"s pages. You need to put
your Internet page on a bigger computer called a "host" which stores the pages so that other people can see them.
These computers are owned by special Internet companies. Our program may be able to help you find a host
computer which you can use for free, but some companies will charge money for this.
     To make your Internet page,    start up the program and write some text in the window,   then use the signs you
can see on the computer to put in pictures and make the text larger or smaller, and change the way your page looks.
You can also put photos on your Internet page.  First,   you need to put the photo in your computer, then use your
mouse to move the photo to the place where you want it. Choose the correct sign for putting photos onto the page,
then find the name of your photo in your computer. When you"ve found it,   choose that one with your mouse and
put your photo on your Internet page.
     You can also put signs on your Internet page to join it to other people"s pages. Visitors to your page can follow
these signs to find out more about a subject. For example,   if    your page includes some information about Jackie
Chen, you could put on a sign that takes you to the page for his fan club.
     When you have completed your Internet page, you can put it on the Internet. After you put your page on the
Internet, anyone will be able to see it.
1. What is the first thing to do to make an Internet page according to the passage?
A. To buy it from a big company.
B. To get a program from the Internet.
C. To use another persons" page.
D. To make a program for it.
2. Why do people put signs for other Internet pages on their page?
A. To get money from the other people.
B. To get money from Internet companies.
C. To give more information about something.
D. To give people ideas about Internet pages.
3. According to the article, what things can you put on your Internet page?
A. Text, signs and photos.
B. Photos and films.
C. Text, signs and music.
D. Text and music.
4. What"s the main idea of the article?
A. How to find programs on the Internet.
B. The way of making your own Internet page.
C. How to put photos on the Internet.
D. The way of putting your page on the Internet.
     We do some strange things when we don"t like the way our life is going. Too often we blame (埋怨)
someone else.
     "I wish my parents were more understanding."
     "I have such a bad Chemistry teacher!"
     "My friends are so boring and self-centered. They make my life worse and worse."
     Blame! Blame! Blame!
     It seems natural to sing this self-pitying song, but the truth is, if you don"t like your life, you should do
something about it. No one else knows exactly how you feel or what you need. No one can read your
mind correctly. You are the only one with the power (能力) to change your life, and if you want it to be
different, you can change what you"re doing. This means asking "What do I need? What do I want to do?"
instead of trying to meet others" needs. For example, try to decide how you want to spend your evening
instead of asking somebody else for advice. We teach other people how we want to be treated. If you
don"t think of our own needs, no one else will either.
     When you"re in trouble, don"t give away your power to decide how you feel about yourself. Choose
how you want to think and act. Other people can"t make you unhappy or angry. They only act in their
own way and then it"s up to you to decide how you will respond (回应). For example, your friends go
out to lunch without you. You feel angry. How are you going to act? You may blame your friends …
"They are not kind. Who needs them anyway?" or you may tell your friends how you feel, listen to their
explanation (解释), and let them know you"d like to be invited next time.
     When you decide everything in your own way, you"re getting hold of your own life and shaping it
according to your tastes and feelings. You can choose to be happy, to make friends and to build an
interesting life. When you blame others for what is or isn"t happening in your life, you have stopped
growing or learning.
     One of the most important rules is that you can never change another person by your direct action. The
only person you have the right and power to change is yourself. Once you change, the other person then
has something different to respond to and change is possible. If you want change in your life, begin with
yourself … put love into your power to take action.
1. What should we do if we don"t like our life?
A. Sing that self-pitying song.
B. Read our minds correctly.
C. Change what we"re doing.
D. Tell others what we want.
2. If the writer"s friends have dinner together without him, he may _____.
A. forget it and be still friendly with them
B. talk to them and try to find out why
C. do the same thing to them in return
D. ask somebody else to talk to them
3. What"s the writer"s idea about how to change others?
A. He thinks it"s impossible to change others.
B. He believes our love can change everything.
C. He chooses to talk with others directly.
D. He prefers to change ourselves first instead.
4. How many points of view (观点) are mentioned in the passage?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
D. Six.
     Animals seem to have the sense to eat when they are hungry and they do not eat more than their bodies
need. It has been shown that rats will, when given a choice over a period of time, prefer water with
vitamins to water without vitamins even there is no difference in taste or smell between the two water
bottles. When a fragrant flavor (香味) was added to the vitamin-enriched water, the rats did seem to
develop a taste for it and kept drinking it, even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. In time,
however, they broke the habit and went back to where the necessary vitamins were.
     In a classic experiment, babies of 6 to 12 months old were placed in a cafeteria feeding arrangement,
with a wide selection of baby food before them. They were given whatever they pointed to or appeared
interested in. We are told that at first they showed some unusual eating patterns (方式), but over a period
of time they managed to select well-balanced diet.
     So, in selecting food, rats and babies do seem to know and act on what"s best for them. Apparently,
there is a kind of "body wisdom", which humans soon lose. Most of us do not eat as wisely as we could. Many of our food preferences are culturally determined and influenced by long established habits. Some
people eat foxes, dogs and blackbirds, while we eat cows and pigs. So what people eat and how much
they eat seems to be greatly influenced by what is going on around them.
1. As far as their eating habits are concerned, babies and rats are similar in that both _____.
A. have the natural abilities to choose a balanced diet
B. develop a taste for the same kinds of flavors
C. have the same eating patterns
D. prefer flavored food and drink
2. In the experiment on rats, a fragrant flavor was added to the water to _____.
A. prove that vitamins are tasteless
B. find out rats preference in flavor
C. encourage rats to drink vitamin-enriched water
D. test whether rats know which drink is good for them
3. According to the passage, adults eating habits differ from those of babies because _____.
A. adults have more choices of food than babies in eating patterns
B. adults usually cannot resist the temptation of various delicious food
C. adults" eating habits are closely related to the social and culture customs
D. adults know better than babies what kinds of food are good for their health